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Sheathed Sabers

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Question: Back in the far away year of 2019, when lightsabers were not in your hands, they were visible on your person as like an "invisible belt" and showed at your side until you equipped them. What happened to that? Is this something that can be worked on again? I know it looked very weird for female models but is there a way to put some dev time into making it work?

Comments/Concerns: I personally miss this, as the saber flex was real back then. I would really love to see this kind of thing again. Thanks for taking the time.

Staff Member you're asking: @Jad@Square

Additional info: spacer.png This the only picture i could get

Edited by Brooklyn

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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If I remember correctly, this feature was originally removed with the 2nd WiltOS update when doing a performance check. Having weapons/sabers appear on your character added more moving parts to each player and could increase temporary entities lag. With the correct know-how and implementation it might be possible to bring it back with less of a performance hit. We'd also have to look into ensuring they wouldn't appear when /cloak or the cloaking device is used, which I'm not sure is possible but it might be.


Edit: We're looking into potentially doing a pretty big WiltOS overhaul. When this happens we'll look into how possible it is to do this again if time allows it :pepe5head:

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2 minutes ago, Jad said:

If I remember correctly, this feature was originally removed with the 2nd WiltOS update when doing a performance check. Having weapons/sabers appear on your character added more moving parts to each player and could increase temporary entities lag. With the correct know-how and implementation it might be possible to bring it back with less of a performance hit. We'd also have to look into ensuring they wouldn't appear when /cloak or the cloaking device is used, which I'm not sure is possible but it might be.

If this is something that can be done then wow please xD. Obviously server suggestion, but jeez that would be amazing

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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10 minutes ago, Jad said:

If I remember correctly, this feature was originally removed with the 2nd WiltOS update when doing a performance check. Having weapons/sabers appear on your character added more moving parts to each player and could increase temporary entities lag. With the correct know-how and implementation it might be possible to bring it back with less of a performance hit. We'd also have to look into ensuring they wouldn't appear when /cloak or the cloaking device is used, which I'm not sure is possible but it might be.


Edit: We're looking into potentially doing a pretty big WiltOS overhaul. When this happens we'll look into how possible it is to do this again if time allows it :pepe5head:

That would be insanely cool. All kinds of little touches like that just add LOADS to personal immersion. And at the end of the day, immersion is what we're here for!

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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2019 feels so long ago.

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