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Claw`s Rancor BCMD APP


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Steam Name: [TLB] Cpt Claw


RP Name: Rancor Commander Blitz


RP Rank: Commander / Jedi Branch Overseer 


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:118334761


Regiment you are applying for: Rancor BCMD



91st Mobile Reconnaissance Battalion

ATK Overseer Commander ClawTK

212th Attack Battalion

LTC Foxtrot Squad

327th Star Corps

Commander Deviss K-Company Lead

501st Legion

TCC Commander Hill 

332nd Commander Vaughn

Executive Officer Appo

Coruscant Guard

TKO Captain ClawTK

21st Nova Corps

Executive Officer Keller

BCMD Bacara

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion

Wolfpack LTC Mortar

Rancor Battalion

Rancor Commander Blitz

Rancor Jedi Lead Master ClawTK

Jedi Order

Jedi Master

High Jedi General

A'Sharad Hett

Quinlin Vos

Cin Drallig

Chief Peacekeeper (Guardian Lead)

Battle Master & Chief of Security

Bounty Hunter

Guild Marshal

Republic Navy



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


I have proven my leadership, and that I can function properly. I am very passionate, clear minded, focused, and capable. I'm not a minge, and have never intentionally broken a rule I knew about, been banned, or kicked on any server I've played on. I have 1000+ hours on Garry's Mod. Most of them being on Star Wars and other Military style RP servers. So All of my experience is backed up. I can also be very active, I try to be on for 6-10 hours a day. 

teach people how to lead and command if they need help instead of just demoting them instantly,  I will also try to help in any way I can with OOC things If need be. 


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes




I am a European so my time it's not the same as anybody else 


Monday to Friday  – 11am est - 6pm EST


Saturday – 6am EST - 11pm EST


Sunday – 6am EST - 8pm EST


Do you have a microphone?:Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: 


I want Rancor to be functional and professional. I want them To be well trained and listen to orders and dont disrespect other battalions within the server and be loyal. I want Rancor to be active, doing training, and recruiting often. I want a serious image for the server. I have a good system for managing and keeping my People in line. I want to make sure the next BCMD after me, can keep this image, and that they have an easy time doing it. and be fun.


Revaluate the Officer Team: I want to give my Officer team a 2 to 3 weeks Evaluation on the Work and effort for the Battalion

I do want to note that this can lead to promotions and demotions based on what I see from all members of the officer core.


Rework ARC Training's: still have the 3 Training's but rework how to host and Grade:
As I have seen the ARC Training`s have been hosted , I want to change standards and Grading Process. On how to change the Grading I want to make it a bit more Challenging to Get ARC, instead of allowing the bare minimum to be acceptable.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes


I want to add some extra stuff: I've never been the best at making applications so That's why my application is a bit short. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on ts or discord Cpt. Claw#4578

  • Winner 2

Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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So with all of this talk about your plans for Rancor.

I just have 1 Question regarding your plans.

What are your plans for Alpha ARC?

Edited by Bleach
Rephrased my Question

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Great guy and I worked with him before knowing he can get the job done. 

"ALL DAY" +1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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19 minutes ago, Claw said:

Rework ARC Training's: still have the 3 Training's but rework how to host and Grade:
As I have seen the ARC Training`s have been hosted , I want to change standards and Grading Process. On how to change the Grading I want to make it a bit more Challenging to Get ARC, instead of allowing the bare minimum to be acceptable.

This is an eye raiser here. In my experience from when I was Havoc, and from what I've seen throughout the years on the server, ARC trainings are meant to be accessible and obtainable by the public in a relatively simple yet efficient fashion. Making them harder doesn't achieve anything for the battalion itself, rather it targets the playerbase of the server and hinders the ability to progress the main pull about your battalion.
I get that trainings should be held to a certain standard, but from what I've seen from the current ARC trainings (having helped in a few), I believe this is completely unnecessary and can be taken as an otherwise pointless change just for change. This, I cannot support.


19 minutes ago, Claw said:

Revaluate the Officer Team: I want to give my Officer team a 2 to 3 weeks Evaluation on the Work and effort for the Battalion

Another topic concerning for most, if not all of the server looking in at your battalion. Revaluation is solid plan, but case to case is completely unneeded for a select few people. All I've seen and heard from a select few officers maintaining their positions in Rancor is that they never play, hold their old, dried out opinions to their chests, and otherwise clog up the battalion with a position they hardly even utilize. From my perspective, I can support this only if changes will be made to those select few people, in which I am most certain you know of.

Past those two points, I don't have much else to add. I've known you for awhile on my time back to the server, but that doesn't mean I know how you act as an officer, let alone a BCMD. I heard your previous BCMD term was rocky, but I can only take the drifting words and rumors that often spread like wildfire around the server.
Awaiting your response to these points I brought up, I will simply opt to withdraw any vote for now until you can shed some light on these points. Best of luck anyways my friend.

Edited by Jayarr
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+1 over the past couple months me and Claw have gotten close and I know he has great intentions. If given I am fully confident he will rework RANCOR for the better as they really need it. Good luck and do us proud!

This one is for you claw: +1 ALL DAY

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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34 minutes ago, Claw said:

Rework ARC Training's: still have the 3 Training's but rework how to host and Grade:
As I have seen the ARC Training`s have been hosted , I want to change standards and Grading Process. On how to change the Grading I want to make it a bit more Challenging to Get ARC, instead of allowing the bare minimum to be acceptable.

Like Jayarr stated ARC is already pretty challenging to get into, with selections being as they are (I like that), and just the times they are hosted, making ARC harder to get into will just completely kill the ARC branch in all Battalions.

Fine app but that right there is just too much of a point to overlook in a plan due to the needs of the people at the moment so



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Rework ARC Training's: still have the 3 Training's but rework how to host and Grade:
As I have seen the ARC Training`s have been hosted , I want to change standards and Grading Process. On how to change the Grading I want to make it a bit more Challenging to Get ARC, instead of allowing the bare minimum to be acceptable.

This is an eye raiser here. In my experience from when I was Havoc, and from what I've seen throughout the years on the server, ARC trainings are meant to be accessible and obtainable by the public in a relatively simple yet efficient fashion. Making them harder doesn't achieve anything for the battalion itself, rather it targets the playerbase of the server and hinders the ability to progress the main pull about your battalion.
I get that trainings should be held to a certain standard, but from what I've seen from the current ARC trainings (having helped in a few), I believe this is completely unnecessary and can be taken as an otherwise pointless change just for change. This, I cannot support.

I will probably end up Change it to that Rancor are the only ones that can do the Grading (but i am To the rest of the offices today

Revaluate the Officer Team: I want to give my Officer team a 2 to 3 weeks Evaluation on the Work and effort for the Battalion

Another topic concerning for most, if not all of the server looking in at your battalion. Revaluation is solid plan, but case to case is completely unneeded for a select few people. All I've seen and heard from a select few officers maintaining their positions in Rancor is that they never play, hold their old, dried out opinions to their chests, and otherwise clog up the battalion with a position they hardly even utilize. From my perspective, I can support this only if changes will be made to those select few people, in which I am most certain you know of.

Past those two points, I don't have much else to add. I've known you for awhile on my time back to the server, but that doesn't mean I know how you act as an officer, let alone a BCMD. I heard your previous BCMD term was rocky, but I can only take the drifting words and rumors that often spread like wildfire around the server.
Awaiting your response to these points I brought up, I will simply opt to withdraw any vote for now until you can shed some light on these points. Best of luck anyways my friend.

So basically make Junior Officers 2ndLT and make Senior officers+ CPT and give them a 1 to 3 week time to see If they want to be a Rancor Officer 

Edited by Claw

Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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Possibly wipe the Alpha Team but just a maybe for now

but if the wipe is going to happened is for to Give a chance for new people to possibly to join the Alpha Team



Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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I think you should work more with actual ARC troopers instead of inhibiting those getting the training. Be contrstructive with ARC instead of inhibiting those from getting the training even further. 

1 hour ago, Claw said:

Rework ARC Training's: still have the 3 Training's but rework how to host and Grade:
As I have seen the ARC Training`s have been hosted , I want to change standards and Grading Process. On how to change the Grading I want to make it a bit more Challenging to Get ARC, instead of allowing the bare minimum to be acceptable.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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this is that I'm probably going to Change it to that Rancor ARC are the only ones that can do the Grading (but i am To the rest of the offices today)

Edited by Claw

Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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2 minutes ago, Claw said:



this is that I'm probably going to Change it to that Rancor ARC are the only ones that can do the Grading (but i am To the rest of the offices today)

No I mean work with current ARC troopers as in, within your battalion and outwith, to uphold standards rather than making the entry fee way higher. I think this would be a way better route to bringing up ARC standards and also keeping a solid communication with Battalion ARCs. 


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I think that Claw  is a person that you can depend on to do 3 month's good as BCMD. I've seen it many times how Claw can balance scales of being a friend and a superior, I'd say he exceeds at that, I also think that he is a very reflected person with a background of being in position of ' responsible power'. I appreciate that you are going for this position, there's time to stay silent when you got nothing good to say/do, but I think that you're in the right here to take this step and do the steps necceserary to direct your batallion to better days. 

On side note, I personally have seen that some of the most genuine and good player's have come from Rancor, I think that you have a  good group to rebuild with, I hope that y'all can find a solution. Wether I think that those thing's can affect people, like that reevaluation of officer team or changing your training's, the most important thing is that those changes don't destroy the sense of community within your batallion, I guess the biggest goal in my opinion in a batallion is to make a community that thrives on each other's company. 


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Focus more on working with the current ARC troopers that already exist and continuously providing opportunities for them to improve. Increasing the threshold to become an ARC doesn't mean you will have better ARC troopers. If the current standard of ARC troopers isnt good enough (which i totally agree with). You should be focusing on improving the current standing quality of ARC troopers. ARC are supposed to be well trained and work as field tactics advisers from lore. I think it would be cool to see more segmenting from the ARC program itself that explores such a concept. I personally see many ARC troopers that dont really exuberate what an "ARC Trooper" really is. Changing your process to become ARC isn't enough to just make everyone who is already ARC qualified better. 

Although I said all that above. I still support your application as I think Rancor needs a BCMD to revive it from its dead state and you have more than enough qualifications to take up the position. 

  • Friendly 1
  • Confused 1


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4 hours ago, Claw said:


Possibly wipe the Alpha Team but just a maybe for now

but if the wipe is going to happened is for to Give a chance for new people to possibly to join the Alpha Team



Honestly. That is a terrible move, Wipe some of the most active people of your battalion is a very good way for people to dislike someone.

And after reading into the Commander Report against you back when you were in 21st. Your previous time as BCMD Bacara had led to lots of controversy within the 21st. You dumped all of the work that a BCMD probably should be doing to someone else, Inactivity, And from what I am reading, everything that you put on your BCMD Bacara application you basically just tossed in the garbage and went off and did your own thing. I might just be talking out of my ass but this is was I gathered from reading the report against you from a year ago.

Now with that said I have another question:

How can we trust that you will uphold everything that you have stated in your application?


  • Agree 1

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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  • Management

From what I remember and what I still hear Rancor is in a terrible state. Going off your application and responses to some people's concerns I am not confident that you are the best candidate. You don't talk about any of the problems the battalion is having currently and instead your only real goal is to make the grading system for ARC trainings harder? From recent memory I remember hearing that it was already a really annoying system to begin with and making it harder will most likely continue to trash Rancor's relations on the server.

Other than that your only other plan is reevaluating the officer corps which is a given and is something everyone expects. However you didn't go into any detail whatsoever on how you would reevaluate these people. What do you expect from them in their positions and how would you evaluate if they're upholding the standards of the positions they hold? Your answer to someone else's question completely worries me. 

5 hours ago, Claw said:

So basically make Junior Officers 2ndLT and make Senior officers+ CPT and give them a 1 to 3 week time to see If they want to be a Rancor Officer 

This just doesn't make sense. It isn't a reevaluation it's just mass demotion. I don't personally know any of the current officers but I guarantee not every single one of them are terrible and definitely don't deserve to be demoted for almost no reason. Evaluate these people with what ranks they already hold. Then go from there. Demoting them all changes nothing. Don't punish them all for the actions, or the lack thereof, of a few. All this will do is create an unhealthy environment for everyone.

5 hours ago, Claw said:

Possibly wipe the Alpha Team but just a maybe for now

but if the wipe is going to happened is for to Give a chance for new people to possibly to join the Alpha Team

Yikes. From what I hear some members of Alpha are the more active players in Rancor. This is a horrible decision with a horrible reason. I imagine there are a few people in the unit that aren't upholding the standards of Alpha and definitely should be removed which would hopefully lead to new people joining Alpha. Removing them all however will not solve anything and once again will create an unhealthy environment. It scares me that this is even a maybe and you didn't even include it in your application. What other plans or ideas could you have that you just didn't add to the app that could be just as harmful to Rancor?

Finally my last point is more of a personal one. Sometime during my Rex term you had transferred in and quickly went for ARC in the 501st. You disliked how they ran the regiment and you were completely disrespectful to my guys. This was a while back and I believe there were other things but all I can really associate your name with is you calling my guys incompetent over the smallest of things. Your behavior and attitude towards others leads me to believe that you won't be good for this position and that your views and beliefs for how ARC should be on the server will only be harmful for the already declining image of Rancor.

For now I will have to go with a -1. So far your plans and past interactions don't sit well with me personally. Good luck nonetheless because if you do get the position you will definitely need it.

  • Agree 1


i am literally captain tukk

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-1, Rancor is pretty dead but I don't know if I want to see it get any deader. And those ARC trainings are rough already, why make it worse?

I don't understand how you applicants seem to not really understand the issues at hand, and even when you do the solution is some mass demotion or wipe?
There are other ways to do things and these simplistic and easy "solutions" got Rancor in this hole and have failed to get it out about 3 times. 

I really just dunno what you're offering but more issues from the only battalion entrusted with the most valued training in the server.

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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You talk a lot about wiping things and changing the ARC trainings when the Rancor battalion itself is what is in need of change the most. This app is very short and half of it is a list of your former titles and I don't really see any plans stated for Rancor. All you say is where you want it at the end of your term, not how you're going to get it there. Priorities don't seem to be in the right place so I am going to -1


Jedi Youngling

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46 minutes ago, Comics said:

-1, Rancor is pretty dead but I don't know if I want to see it get any deader. And those ARC trainings are rough already, why make it worse?

Rancor is not dead what and for ARC Trainings i just want to Change who can do the grading

  • Funny 1

Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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On 12/21/2021 at 11:56 AM, Claw said:


Possibly wipe the Alpha Team but just a maybe for now

but if the wipe is going to happened is for to Give a chance for new people to possibly to join the Alpha Team



So uh... List ain't full, why wipe the more active members? (Not included in this list cause I'm still busy w/ military) Fill up the empty slots first, then go from there. As for difficulty... Well, idc tbh, as long as it keeps in the real spirit of Alpha, go for it.


Also yeah, maybe want to lengthen up the plans you have. No one ever complains about too much detail, even if you're writing a book on it.

  • Agree 1

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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@Merrill I would love to have a longer application but As I am dyslexic It's a very hard thing for me to do so

For Alpha is a Big maybe

Edited by Claw

Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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I'm Sorry Claw but I'm going to have to -1 this, A Wipe of Alpha ARC would bring the battalion in a downward spiral, along with this:

On 12/21/2021 at 11:53 AM, Claw said:

I want to change standards and Grading Process. On how to change the Grading I want to make it a bit more Challenging to Get ARC, instead of allowing the bare minimum to be acceptable.

You saying this on your app then saying this:

1 hour ago, Claw said:

ARC Trainings i just want to Change who can do the grading

Really makes it hard for me to understand why you need to change it in the first place. To me this "change" is just saying that you can look back on your time as BCMD as say that you did something with the postion. So that along with your possible wiping of Alpha makes it very tough for me to support you on this app.

Another thing is that you never answered my question of How can you ensure us that you will carry out your plans that are outlined on your application.

This is why I cannot support what this application.


  • Dumb 1

I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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I like you Claw, but reading through a lot of these proposed changes... it looks pretty bad. Addressing each one in order to prevent miscommunication or misrepresentation:

On 12/21/2021 at 11:44 AM, Claw said:

Revaluate the Officer Team: I want to give my Officer team a 2 to 3 weeks Evaluation on the Work and effort for the Battalion


I understand what you're saying and trying to do with this, but this isn't it chief. If you notice people slacking their position then feel free to move them as you need, but a broad stroke over your entire officer core only lumps them all together and will piss off the ones that legitimately worked hard to get to their position. 

On 12/21/2021 at 12:22 PM, Claw said:

this is that I'm probably going to Change it to that Rancor ARC are the only ones that can do the Grading (but i am To the rest of the offices today)

Holy shit literally no. The whole point of the current system is that people who are ARC trained can assist in times of inactivity on Rancor's part. I can't count on both of my hands the amount of times I was called in from 21st to help out because the bat didn't have enough people on at the time to run their own training.

On 12/21/2021 at 11:56 AM, Claw said:

Possibly wipe the Alpha Team but just a maybe for now

Why? Why even suggest this when your more active members (that I've personally known for some time too) are the Alpha. The only appeal I could possibly see to this is to get outside ARCs to join your bat by freeing these spaces, but holy shit will this alienate your own bat members.

On 12/22/2021 at 1:19 PM, Claw said:

Rancor is not dead what and for ARC Trainings i just want to Change who can do the grading

I don't think it is lying in the grave, but part of your duty as a BCMD is to objectively look at your battalion and be prepared to accept the reality of it. When I left, Rancor was struggling to uphold numbers. I glance over things in the Rancor discord still now and then and talk to some members in it to see how things are going. Not only do I think these changes shouldn't be your immediate priority, they feel redundant and put down for the sake of having changes to implement. I really hope this is just you being bad at explaining your vision, but your application is so barebones that it is genuinely hard to tell. Please don't make the same mistakes I did during my term. Focus your attention on the central part and work out from there.


Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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-1 with your current plans and replies to comments and previous experiences with you I can’t support this application 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 one of my oldest friends on the server even tho I will always give you headache. I still think your a good person but than again people act like a video game position is like the presidential election. 

Edited by KillJoy
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Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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