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The Ponds of Sorgan (But different!)


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Name: Mavelle

Who helped (If applicable): Maddoxx, Turtle, Whata, Guac, Clumsy


Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The High Command structure and the senate of the Galactic Republic was forced to search for fuel/communications on the planet Sorgan! I hope y'all liked the atmosphere!

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



Edited by Mavelle

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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event jobs were very nice, specifically the quantity. felt like an actual village. 2/3rds of the way through I was still meeting EJs i hadnt met before. Some were a bit memey but overall bueno. 

best event ive been on as high command, just in general. 

The RP at the beginning specifically was really fun. Having the same amount of EJs as players was so nice. I got a mix of not just feeling like a cog in the machine cause we were surrounded by regular senate commandos, while also rollin with a squad in stockings jayarr and deku. 

While it was fun the beginning vibe was honestly better than it ended up. Was looking forward to some really nice RP bout lying to these guys who we were or something, trying to get off planet, and then aang walks up and goes "I AM A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE REPUBLIC". But hey, that's RP. You can't do much about that. 

#1 improvement I'd recommend is have something unexpected to spice it up, keep us guessing. As fun as everything was (and it really was) we kinda knew what was going to happen from the minute they told us that there were bandits. If anything we were expecting something wild to happen and then... nothin did. 

Edited by Jovanovic

Goodbye, everyone. 

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Definitely one of the most immersive events I've experienced on this server. The combination of the RP effort between all who attended was something I wish I could see more often coming out of the server. People tried their best to maintain character at all times and everyone ensured everyone understood everything.

Edited by Jayarr
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Mavelle, this was a great event.  I really don't have an qualms, I just wish it could've gone on longer and I would've stayed.  I get off the server at 8PM but I knew staying for this one was worth it.  

The dupe, amazing, the atmosphere thrown in with the music, amazing.  I felt immersed so much.  Everyone in this event was great and all the helpers should be commended for helping out.  I really enjoyed this so much.  Thank you Mavelle.

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So like i won't lie this was about to be the best RP event i've ever participated in, I was doing my palpatine thing, getting inside the minds of the young and weak and corrupting them to my own personal goals, and then I couldn't fullfill my goals because you cut it so short. I could have kept going so long and just slowly eating away at the heart and mind of gianni and lucas, corrupting them to my goal of assassinating aang, but it never saw the ending and I'm just feel so lacking now. It felt like my RP line was cut short and the work I put in just kinda plopped, was sad time.

I don't really need to talk about the dupe enough people will praise you on that. Flatgrass to one of the best maps i've ever seen, yeah what the fuck are you.

I mean, the use of the media player not just for background noise but of actual noise for things like trees falling, I CAM SO HARD. Like thats pushing your standard of music to the next level, I love it.

I mean really truly, just too short. I could have done this for hours it felt truly completely immersive with a great ratio of players to event jobs and setup to the area. Also would have loved to see the map change and that part of the story line.

This is kind of a message to all GM's as far roleplay things I don't really get to see palpatine do, or get to do as him, and thats slowly corrupt people to my side. But i've now had two great interactions with doing it, and its my new drug, i need more of it, i need more twisting and torturing and corrupting. Being the mind games master that palpatine is. Its great.

Edited by Conrad


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9.5/10, yes im partly doing this because everyone else I've seen is 9/10 and I want to be better then them.

BUT, all jokes aside, this was one of the greatest deployments I've been apart of in a long time. Shoutout to all of the EJs helping out, and of course Mavelle. I really hope for a Part 2, I have no negatives to say tbh. The RP was amazing and I loved it

EDIT: My only problem with this deployment: I wish it was longer! Really great job Mavelle, your hard work has paid off

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10/10 I only ONLY wish it was longer. I understand you got homework to do lol. Everything else perfect. The dupe, event jobs, premise, and the opportunities for roleplay given. This was very wonderful and again, I wish it was longer. If it lasted for 5 hours, I would fuck with that


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Atmosphere was great, story was great, map was absolutely the best ever. I think the only thing I didn't love was that I wasn't always sure what the main goal was. Lots of story (which was good) but it felt a little disconnected at times.

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