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Changing the Community Unbanning


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Name:  Zen

RP Rank:  LTC


Please note:  I asked Gears about who to speak to about this or what needs to be done where I got told to make a forum suggestion.    This suggestion is dealing with changing up the rules with the unbanning in the future.

For context who those who missed the last community meeting that was in december:   Basically Forseen added a thing where bans are lifted (ception of several few) every six months.   There was some stuff that I was not happy with at all and this week pretty much made me want to put this up.

Let's get right on what I'm suggestion and why:

  • Repeat Offenders cannot be unbanned via this way and require an actual Unban Request to be put in on the forums.   
    Why:  As a staff member, I'm already seeing people who were banned due to not following server rules and purposely causing problems that were unbanned are causing problems again.   A good example of this is a person who is at this moment constantly ban evading with his alts that were previous banned on the server while constantly getting arrested with his friend.    Frankly,  If these people cannot follow the rules and continue to pull the same crap before,   They should not have a right to the Community Unbanning.
    Why: see point one.  

I have no way of knowing if HA+ keep a record of all Permas,  but It would be great for now on that they actually do so when six months are up that they are aware of WHO not to unban. 

Change the Community Unban Rules to include the points above

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Edited by Zensras
Changed the wording so people don't get confused.
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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I am going to keep this short. If someone is banned indefinitely, they should remain banned. Doing this makes no sense because this ban would just become a 6 month ban. The people who are banned indefinitely are generally very toxic and detrimental members to the community. The people who are punished in this way have to appeal these bans to the community that they hurt, and I believe that it should stay that way. Automatic unbanning, without needing to appeal of these specific people is a slap in the face to the community that they were removed from. -1

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I’m kinda confused but I believe the main point was to not allowed people with multiple offenses to not be allowed appeal bans or have there ban removed after 6 months , I don’t really see how this would fix problems because I doubt that anyone would  come back after 6 months just to minge. I feel like this wouldn’t really do anything but it does no harm +1 

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So seeing as people are obviously getting confused I'm going to restate what this is about because I wrote this in a hurry due to work.

When the new founders came,  They brought in a program for bans to be wiped aside from a very specific few who did shit like caused major problems or did illegal stuff every six months.  Now staff is dealing with a problem where a select few people who flew under the radar who do not nothing but break rules and constantly get arrested for minging that were previously banned with large amount of past offenses. 

@Dinaric is bringing up with what he and I have been personally been dealing with.   This guy was unbanned along with his alts and all he ever does is comes on with his friend and gets arrested to the point that staff has to ban him for a couple of days.

If the founders plan to keep this system,   There need some changes to it and this suggestion is asking for those rules.    

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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I am confused. 

isnt it like this:
Bans do get wiped after 6 months, but this does not include every ban at this moment, people who caused some real severe issues wouldn't get unbanned without an appeal. And if they are banned, and they come back 6 months later, and cause issues, they get banned for another 6 months (which is a really long time).

-1 IF what I said is whats happening

If theres someone ban evading, let higher ups know, they can take actions to stop them.

5 hours ago, Egg said:

I am going to keep this short. If someone is banned indefinitely, they should remain banned. Doing this makes no sense because this ban would just become a 6 month ban. The people who are banned indefinitely are generally very toxic and detrimental members to the community. 

You do know this is already in effect right? All bans get wiped after 6 months (To my knowledge)

Edited by Logicless
  • Winner 2

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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@Sock Monkey Lol you called it

Edited by Daytona211

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Guys, you're all misunderstanding what he's saying. He doesn't like the current process of unbanning everyone after 6 months. The fact that, aside from a few special cases, every minge under the sun gets unbanned after 6 months, is what he wants to have changed. People who are repeat offenders, have no intention to play on the server legitly, etc. shouldn't get auto unbanned. 

Edited by Finn
i cant fucking spell

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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17 minutes ago, Finn said:

Guys, you're all misunderstanding what he's saying. He doesn't like the current process of unbanning everyone after 6 months. The fact that, aside from a few special cases, every minge under the sun gets unbanned after 6 months, is what he wants to have changed. People who are repeat offenders, have no intention to play on the server legitly, etc. shouldn't get anto unbanned. 

No a lot of people get that and are -1ing.

Cause we can just as quickly re-ban people who come back and break rules.

Cause you know...we have a staff team that signed up to help the community and part of that job is banning people who break rules.


5 hours ago, Dinaric said:

The mentality and mindset I implement when I do staff shit, is seeing what minges join the server. Are they likely to change their behavior? Probably and more than likely not. Will they ever change after their permanent ban which ended up getting wiped anyways? Oh certainly not. All the players coming back from the ban wipe are all the same and haven’t changed one bit. This shit is a headache.


Me and Zen have been encountering a guy with tons of alts joining the server as he already mentioned. No matter how many times we make a ban request he’s able to continuously avoid the bans by making tons and tons of alts (and I also in fact explained this on the Staff discord) and he’s just joining over and over and over with a bunch of PO’s. And then after that you have other 20+ minges joining and it’s a killer.

If youre really worried about member count eventually going down, I understand it. But the permanent bans we have put in place were for people who have solely fucked up so bad that they DID in fact deserve to stay banned permanently. There is always gonna be new members with or without a ban wipe

Also Dinaric, this mindset is completely the wrong one to have when it comes to people being unbanned. I get it dealing with minges is annoying, but you guys are letting 1 person get to you this much that you make a server suggestion to change rules regarding our unbanning process?

If for every person like that, we get someone who comes back and contributes to the community then it’s a worthwhile trade off. If you can’t handle dealing with any minges that come back either decline to deal with it or leave the staff team.

also, if he had that many alt accounts. It doesn’t matter if he got unbanned or not he’d just make more.

On one final note, this was never about player pop. This idea was one that Jad’s had for forever. He expressed this to me when I was HA and director and I happen to agree with it. -1

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6 hours ago, Dinaric said:

The mentality and mindset I implement when I do staff shit, is seeing what minges join the server. Are they likely to change their behavior? Probably and more than likely not. Will they ever change after their permanent ban which ended up getting wiped anyways? Oh certainly not. All the players coming back from the ban wipe are all the same and haven’t changed one bit. This shit is a headache.

People don't change when they get unbanned? I didn't change? This is not what i would say 100% true as i have seen many permabanned individuals change especially myself, and freck even who i believe was also permabanned. If you have that mindset of people don't change then i cant see how people ever move forward in life. You are entitled to your opinion but i felt the need to put this here in response too...such a statement. People do change if they put forth the effort.

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