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Grief's Mechanized Regimental Application


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Steam Name: Carter

RP Name: 41st BCMD Gree

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194110049

Regiment you are applying for: Mechanized Regimental



Shock Troopers PVT - XO - BCMD

Ahh Yes Shock Troopers this is where I peaked on Icefuse and hit my all time high. When I joined Shock it was under the command of Trumpski. I made my way up to SGT and then just started casually doing tryouts like any SGT does in a battalion. I started to notice that I was gaining the ranks fast in shock. Until I realized I hit the rank of SMB aka WO on Synergy. I was like an officer, I wonder what this is like. I was SMB for like a week until we got hit with a battalion wide rank purge. Then when I was back down to SGT I got the STs battalion numbers up dramatically. Then from SGT I rose to SGM within the span of a week because of how many recruits I was getting. Then I hit 2ndLT and from there rose all the way up to XO. Then after sometime Shock split into a Security Regiment with Fox being Regimental Commander and Thorn, Thire, and Stone being equivalent to BCMD. I applied for Thorn and to my suprise won Thorn. So as my time went on in Shock I noticed that people were getting to know me and that I made a lot of new friends. So after sometime I decided to drop what I was doing on Shock and switch over to a battalion that needed help at the time.

327TH 1stLT - XO

The 327th back when Shampi was Bly and Tristan was K-Company Commander. So I joined the 327th as a 1stLT because that is what I ranked transferred in as. But i told Shampi I was there for one thing to help restructer and improve the tryouts for the 327th. At first I started spamming tryouts and no one would come, then I did a tryout advert one day and 3 people showed up and I tried them out and they passed. Then all of a sudden more and more people started showing up and the 327th numbers were improving dramatically. After Shampi noticed how much work I put into this he promoted me to XO. Then after a month I took a break from the server and when I came back I noticed that Joah got banned and that there was a new server run by Joah called Synergy. 



41st PVT - BCMD Gree

The 41st...the battalion that I loved the most and still love to this day. I started on Extensive as a 41st PVT and then worked my way up to SGT. I started doing tryouts again like any new SGT would. Then I got selected to go to ARC training and completed all of them and then got the status of ARC. I then was noticed by my ARCL Unkindled that I loved the position of ARC, so he promoted me to ARCO. Then I started to get noticed by all of the other Officers and Senior Officers of the battalion because of how amazing a job I was doing. I rose to the rank of CPT before the ARCL at the time got accepted as Recon Reg. And then I took the spot of ARCL, after a few months Jefferson aka GCL at the time, left the server and resigned from GCL and since I was basically ARCL and 2nd in command of Green Company Egg, promoted me to the rank of CMD and also gave me GCL, I was CMD and GCL for about 1 ½ months before I took a break from the server.

I came back to Synergy after that “break”. After Egg got Gree again, I told him that I would come back to the 41st and help out the battalion. I was then the HVYO of the 41st and then decided you know what I am gonna help out Beastly who was Support Lead aka Draa. I said that we need to wipe the AT-RT training and start fresh because the roster and training was all out-dated. So Noe and I wrote up a whole new AT-RT training and wiped the roster so everyone would have to get trained again. I took the AT-RT training wiped it and Improved on it after it was outdated. Now since the GCL resigned Egg has put me in place as GCL since I was an old GCL and CMD and that he has faith in me about serving as a GCL. After becoming BCMD of the 41st I know I haven’t been the most active when it comes to the role, but I am gonna work on improving that. But I feel like I have the knowledge, the leadership, the mentality, and the fortitude when it comes to the position not just of BCMD, but of being a Regimental Commander. 




\Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

Non Bias

When it comes to certain situations I am a Non Bias person and see both sides of the argument. Then after hearing both sides I make the best decision when it comes to that option, I pick the side that will more benefit the battalion. I am the type of person you can come to with certain problems and I will try to resolve them to the best of my abilities. 


I think that I can lead troops into battle and come out with the littlest amount of casualties. But beside showing my leadership on the field, I can also so my leadership, by being a role model for the troopers below me and give them the dedication and motivation to run for a bigger position in the server and show them that it is not just about being a private, there is more to the server when you find it in yourself. I feel like I can be the person that people come to when they have problems, either IRL or ingame problems that I can try to help them with. People in the 41st say that I am a good BCMD and that I am a good role model when it comes to the lower NCOs and Enlisted.



I feel like I have the experience, not just of being a BCMD, but of also being a member of the Synergy community, from even when Synergy wasn’t a thing yet and that we were all still on Icefuse, I was there when Joah made the split and made his own server called “Synergy”. I feel like I have enough experience leading troops into battle and have had enough experience to see things through and pick the right decisions when it comes to either a battalion or a regiment. From my days as being a Shock Trooper BCMD, to being a XO in the 327th, to now being a BCMD within the 41st I feel like with this I have enough experience to run and hopefully get a regimental position.



Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes I do


All week cause of the CoronaVirus

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:






Do you have a microphone?: YES

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want to see my regiment being the forefront of the server, I want people to be like “Oh look, the 41st and 104th are doing tryouts, I wanna go join one of them.” I want to see my regiment thrive when it comes to activity and overall player base. I want to see the 104th and 41st doing deployments together, I want to see the 41st and 104th doing sims and trainings together. I want to see my regiment being one of the best when it comes to PVP and overall readiness when it comes to things like deployments or BvB. I want to see the Mechanized Branch being the best overall regiment on the server. I want to see them picking up more hosting when it comes to sims and training. I want them to feel like they are a part of the server and not just a regiment used for training people on just the land vehicles on the server. I want to make the Mechanized regiment feel like a place where people can say they have a home within one of the 2 battalions. I think that as every other regimental does, we just want to see our regiments being successful and overall want people to enjoy the server as much as they can.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

The relations within the Mechanized regiment are fine as they seem. One way I think I can improve relations is to do more deployments and also sims with the 2 battalions within the Mechanized Regiment. The 104th and 41st see eye to eye on most things and that we get along pretty well. We let them do their thing and they let us do our thing. We don’t bash each other and we don’t hate on each other. So overall I think that the relationship within the Mechanized Regiment is going pretty good.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I do

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes I do




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Honestly I read this application and I see 41st, 41st, 41st. There's little mention of the 104th here and when they are mentioned there is little said as to what plans you may have to remedy the situation the 104th is currently in. They've no BCMD, they don't have the strongest Officer Core, and they've been struggling for awhile now. The 104th is half of the regiment, and I'd like to hear a little bit more about how you'd actually plan to make changes. 

-1 for now.

  • Agree 6
  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 1
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So all im reading is "i want to see this happen to that and i want to see this happen to this and I want that"
Mind explaining how you plan to achieve this exactly?

                                               So Basically ANIME


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7 minutes ago, Foxey said:

Honestly I read this application and I see 41st, 41st, 41st. There's little mention of the 104th here and when they are mentioned there is little said as to what plans you may have to remedy the situation the 104th is currently in. They've no BCMD, they don't have the strongest Officer Core, and they've been struggling for awhile now. The 104th is half of the regiment, and I'd like to hear a little bit more about how you'd actually plan to make changes. 

-1 for now.

Yes I do talk about the 41st a lot here that is because I was the BCMD, but with that being said I want to help out the 104th in any which way I can. I will be there for them 110% if I do get mechanized regimental. I want o help focus on the building up their Officer Corps and help build them up to be a great battalion, more than they already are.



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4 minutes ago, NootNoot said:

So all im reading is "i want to see this happen to that and i want to see this happen to this and I want that"
Mind explaining how you plan to achieve this exactly?

I plan on achieving these things by, helping the 104th out with the battalion structure, while they do have a strong structure already I just want to help reinforce that structure and help them out with whatever they need help with and what they need done in order to get ahead of everyone else, I want to be there for when they have problems that they can't solve.



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+1 grief I know you have it in you buddy

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Some things I have to stress though:

  • At this point in time, I would like to see a more interactive approach to the position of regimental, Quite frankly the regimentals are very sit back, overview, wait for an issue to come, and host simulations and training's for people. I want to see you start showing more roleplay related situations and boost the roleplay presence on the server, new people want to play with BCMD's+ to show off, You're another person to show off to, so be there to let them.


  • If you only plan on hosting trainings/simulations to boost relations then I would probably -1 you straight of the bat if I didn't know your past experience firsthand. 104th doesn't even have much of a battalion to build a relation with. Trainings and Simulations are all good and well on paper, but if you actually look at the amount of people who go to trainings/simulations and compare that to an event, you will probably get more people, So why not join them in an event, have them pair up? Evaluate whilst having them lead you, this way you actually gain an understanding of the issues the battalion has first hand, and start preparing ways to improve that, rather than having to host a training/simulation. Ontop of that, your presence in an event and having the battalion lead you will also make others feel more comfortable going to you for issues because they see and interact with you more often, not that they should skip COC but if they needed to go or talk to you, they already have experience with you before hand.


  • I wont lie, the generic way of being a regimental is getting old, and I am personally waiting for someone to actually do something different that changes the way people want to approach the position of regimental, too many people are stuck in the same way of thinking, every application is almost a carbon copy of the one before it, and im waiting for someone to truly stand out and do something different.


  • When you responded to Foxey, you didnt even mention any ways you actually plan on fixing things with 104th at all, you just mentioned the obvious stuff that anyone can see is wrong with the battalion. How are you actually going do anything with them? Just through trainings/simulations? They lack numbers also what is your plan to boost numbers?

    I will give you my verdict if you can answer the final dot point, depending on your answer I will update this to a -1 or +1


He answered the above question and the result was not good at all, shows a true lack of knowledge in the mech based regiments, along with no actual way to develop and assist, You do not need to be a Mech reg to assist with documentation.


Edited by Dreams-


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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1 hour ago, Dreams- said:


  • When you responded to Foxey, you didnt even mention any ways you actually plan on fixing things with 104th at all, you just mentioned the obvious stuff that anyone can see is wrong with the battalion. How are you actually going do anything with them? Just through trainings/simulations? They lack numbers also what is your plan to boost numbers?

I mean there isn’t much to fix with the 104th idk if you saw but their numbers have greatly improved. They have a strong officer corps as from what I have seen and a strong leadership going forward. I will help them whatever they need help with. If they need help with doc work, recruiting, things like that I would love to help them. And how am I gonna do anything with them, do what I think anyone would do, sit down have a meeting with them and see what problems need to be addressed and what we can do to solve them. I want to be there as a good asset for them whenever they feel the need to be helped 

  • Disagree 3
  • Friendly 1



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Nothing against you Grief but i'll explain.

I'll break it down by a few points.

- From reading your application you dont have a set strategy or plan when it comes to dealing with current issues in the Regiment. I agree with Foxey in a sense and it frightens me that you being Mech Reg might become you showing favoritism towards 41st just from the way you speak about them. There are 0 plans for 104th from what I read and there is no plans to show what you could improve in the Regiment you shows what you want to happen but I feel like its important to show how you are going to make those changes happen.

- I disagree when you say that 104th is fine. There is no high command and their officer core is lackluster to say the least. I recommend at least talking with the 104th to see what needs to improved before claiming that all is fine.

For these reasons I decided on -1

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9 hours ago, Grief said:

I mean there isn’t much to fix with the 104th idk if you saw but their numbers have greatly improved.

What about their mass promo, how do you feel about that? And numbers aren’t everything when it comes to problems, it will be a -1 from me.

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I just have a few questions to ask if you have the chance:

1) Do you feel like 41st is in a good position right now, and that it’s stable enough that it will be able to function once you leave?

2) Do you have someone you and the battalion trusts to take over the BCMD position once you leave?

3) Why do you feel like leaving so early in your Gree term to go for regimental?

Lastly) You’ve mentioned your ambition to help the 104th battalion as well as your own, but have you spoken to 104th about applying? It seems to me that even they don’t really understand what your plan is to help the 104th get out of the dirt and revive them. 

Thank you for taking your time to answer the questions as it should help me to make my decision.

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14 minutes ago, Inosuke said:

What about their mass promo, how do you feel about that? And numbers aren’t everything when it comes to problems, it will be a -1 from me.

see as one of the people behind the mass promo it was for a restabilization of an officer core,, which in all honestly had happened and the issue with it and what others had with it was discussed and corrected so this kind of invalid as a reason and yes numbers are almost everything when it comes to what people are looking at,, the 2 keys are numbers and activity which 104th has more of than before and I believe what grief is saying is to continue their success atm and  not worry about many new plans as the one that was working and still needs tweaking is the one that should be addressed. 

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40 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

1) Do you feel like 41st is in a good position right now, and that it’s stable enough that it will be able to function once you leave?

2) Do you have someone you and the battalion trusts to take over the BCMD position once you leave?

3) Why do you feel like leaving so early in your Gree term to go for regimental?

Lastly) You’ve mentioned your ambition to help the 104th battalion as well as your own, but have you spoken to 104th about applying? It seems to me that even they don’t really understand what your plan is to help the 104th get out of the dirt and revive them. 

1. I feel like the 41st are in a good position for me to move up the ranks and help out the regiment and help out the people around me.

2. I have multiple people that I think would be a great fit for the position one being Bruise and the other being Icewolf.

3. I want to see what High Command has to offer for me. Since I have always wanted to be a regimental and since once my term is up I won't be able to apply for the position because in June I am leaving to go to AIT in Fort Lee, VA for 12 weeks and my dream has always wanted to be a Regimental.

4. I have spoken to the 104th about applying I have talked to the Commanders, Plo Koon, and Some of the Senior Officers and they support me going for the position of Regimental.



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GM Leadership

Grief. Honestly I really dont have a major issue running for Mech Reg. However your activity have been questionable lately and I was wondering on that. Plus AIT will limit your activity again. I am currently seeing someone who is looking to fill in the void but not one that will be there physically. Again I could be wrong and you could be improving your activity or you are currently caught up in something. 

So my questions that will determine my +1 or -1 is first, Are you currently improving your activity? Second are you going to available for contact and or in game as Regimental if you got the position? 



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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12 minutes ago, Crimson said:

Grief. Honestly I really dont have a major issue running for Mech Reg. However your activity have been questionable lately and I was wondering on that. Plus AIT will limit your activity again. I am currently seeing someone who is looking to fill in the void but not one that will be there physically. Again I could be wrong and you could be improving your activity or you are currently caught up in something. 

So my questions that will determine my +1 or -1 is first, Are you currently improving your activity? Second are you going to available for contact and or in game as Regimental if you got the position? 

I am currently improving my activity. I know I have not been the most active but that has been because of work and school and since i don't have either of those going on right now I am improving my activity. I will be available to contact if its either through in game, TS, or discord I will always be approachable for contact if anyone needs anything major going on. 

And with the AIT thing if I were to get the position, my term would end in May. Not June so AIT is effecting nothing as of right now



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Alright, before I vote, I want to clear some things up about what is being said about 104th. Hopefully I don't get a warning point since this will INCLUDE a reason for a +1 or -1.
- First, I see a lot of comments about all of these issues within 104th. Like how there is no structure, no changes, and all that nonsense. Cloud set forth a motion that brought back the battalion from the dead after Sinclair left, with the help of 104th HC at the time. Since then, which was like 2 weeks ago, Cloud didn't even need to poke the battalion because of how fast it was recovering. The man came back from his LOA suprised as hell to see 104th thriving again.
- Secondly, I can guarantee half the people in this post mentioning "issues" in 104th, have little to no clue what is actually happening. Unless you heard from Cloud, or 104th HC. This application is about GRIEF and HIS plans. Not what 104th current state is. Save that for a BCMD Wolffe application. 
- Onto the third point, Grief, I know you are 41st BCMD and mention 41st a lot more in your application, probably because you are more familiar with them. I get it, but 104th should have an equal standing in this application because you are running for a position that oversees BOTH battalions. The responses you have given highlight 104th past/current state. Not really the future.
- Next, I waited this long to given my opinion since I wanted to see other reasoning's as for why you should get or not get this position. I also talked with Cloud since he +1ed you and asked for his opinion, seeing how he was JUST Mech Reg. Below are all the points I want to bring up:

- Your activity has been sketchy at best, and I don't think a virus is a good reason to start increasing activity. It should always be present.
- 41st activity hasn't been hot lately either, but I won't speak about them because I don't know the full story.
- I agree with Dreams's statement. Helping with documentation should definitely not be the way you help a battalion. Not to mention it is a fast way to overload yourself and get burnt out.
- When I talked to you privately, which I will admit, it was a brief conversation, but it seems like you don't really have any clue what is going on in 104th except for what Cloud maybe told you. On top of that, you are right when you say 104th and 41st don't have any issues, but we don't really have any form of relationship. No issues /=/ good relations.

I think you should've spent some time with 104th to get to know the battalion, instead of running for this position and then asking "How do you feel about it?"


  • Agree 4

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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On 3/18/2020 at 1:37 PM, Grief said:

They have a strong officer corps as from what I have seen and a strong leadership going forward

actually as you say this i had someone told me their Officer corp was in wack (correct me if im wrong ofcourse) but from responses on what Dreams said ill be -1ing this goodluck bud!

                                               So Basically ANIME


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2 hours ago, NootNoot said:

actually as you say this i had someone told me their Officer corp was in wack (correct me if im wrong ofcourse) but from responses on what Dreams said ill be -1ing this goodluck bud!

Well they were in whack but before my removal I had them set up in a stable state and are very competent and on the up and up

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On 3/18/2020 at 12:06 PM, Grief said:

1. I feel like the 41st are in a good position for me to move up the ranks and help out the regiment and help out the people around me.

2. I have multiple people that I think would be a great fit for the position one being Bruise and the other being Icewolf.

3. I want to see what High Command has to offer for me. Since I have always wanted to be a regimental and since once my term is up I won't be able to apply for the position because in June I am leaving to go to AIT in Fort Lee, VA for 12 weeks and my dream has always wanted to be a Regimental.

4. I have spoken to the 104th about applying I have talked to the Commanders, Plo Koon, and Some of the Senior Officers and they support me going for the position of Regimental.

Though your responses sufficiently answer my questions, hearing a lot of the responses from 104th, a battalion out of 2 which will be under your command, that you didn’t really communicate with them that you were planning on running is leading me to -1.

Best of luck to you 

  • Agree 2
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GM Leadership

Thanks for responding to me. I currently don't have any other issues besides the activity. So +1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Like I’ve said before if he flops he flops and if he does good then he was a good pick +1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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On 3/18/2020 at 12:06 PM, Grief said:

1. I feel like the 41st are in a good position for me to move up the ranks and help out the regiment and help out the people around me.

2. I have multiple people that I think would be a great fit for the position one being Bruise and the other being Icewolf.

3. I want to see what High Command has to offer for me. Since I have always wanted to be a regimental and since once my term is up I won't be able to apply for the position because in June I am leaving to go to AIT in Fort Lee, VA for 12 weeks and my dream has always wanted to be a Regimental.

4. I have spoken to the 104th about applying I have talked to the Commanders, Plo Koon, and Some of the Senior Officers and they support me going for the position of Regimental.

So you’re basically saying you’re applying to fulfill your dream? And then help a bit and dip once you leave for VA

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 hour ago, Piff said:

So you’re basically saying you’re applying to fulfill your dream? And then help a bit and dip once you leave for VA

Yes because I have always wanted to be a regimental, but it is not just that it is the way I always want to help people and the way that I actually care for the people under me and the people above me and around me. I want to be there 110% for both battalions. And no I am not just gonna resign and dip for VA, I am gonna serve my full term and see what I can help with in my regiment. I want to make sure that the 104th has what they need to be successful and I also want to see my regiment to strive and be the best regiment on the server 



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Ah didnt quote it 

Alright, before I vote, I want to clear some things up about what is being said about 104th. Hopefully I don't get a warning point since this will INCLUDE a reason for a +1 or -1.
- First, I see a lot of comments about all of these issues within 104th. Like how there is no structure, no changes, and all that nonsense. Cloud set forth a motion that brought back the battalion from the dead after Sinclair left, with the help of 104th HC at the time. Since then, which was like 2 weeks ago, Cloud didn't even need to poke the battalion because of how fast it was recovering. The man came back from his LOA suprised as hell to see 104th thriving again.
- Secondly, I can guarantee half the people in this post mentioning "issues" in 104th, have little to no clue what is actually happening. Unless you heard from Cloud, or 104th HC. This application is about GRIEF and HIS plans. Not what 104th current state is. Save that for a BCMD Wolffe application. 
- Onto the third point, Grief, I know you are 41st BCMD and mention 41st a lot more in your application, probably because you are more familiar with them. I get it, but 104th should have an equal standing in this application because you are running for a position that oversees BOTH battalions. The responses you have given highlight 104th past/current state. Not really the future.
- Next, I waited this long to given my opinion since I wanted to see other reasoning's as for why you should get or not get this position. I also talked with Cloud since he +1ed you and asked for his opinion, seeing how he was JUST Mech Reg. Below are all the points I want to bring up:

- Your activity has been sketchy at best, and I don't think a virus is a good reason to start increasing activity. It should always be present.
- 41st activity hasn't been hot lately either, but I won't speak about them because I don't know the full story.
- I agree with Dreams's statement. Helping with documentation should definitely not be the way you help a battalion. Not to mention it is a fast way to overload yourself and get burnt out.
- When I talked to you privately, which I will admit, it was a brief conversation, but it seems like you don't really have any clue what is going on in 104th except for what Cloud maybe told you. On top of that, you are right when you say 104th and 41st don't have any issues, but we don't really have any form of relationship. No issues /=/ good relations.

I think you should've spent some time with 104th to get to know the battalion, instead of running for this position and then asking "How do you feel about it?"



                                               So Basically ANIME


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On 3/19/2020 at 1:43 PM, Brooklyn said:

Alright, before I vote, I want to clear some things up about what is being said about 104th. Hopefully I don't get a warning point since this will INCLUDE a reason for a +1 or -1.
- First, I see a lot of comments about all of these issues within 104th. Like how there is no structure, no changes, and all that nonsense. Cloud set forth a motion that brought back the battalion from the dead after Sinclair left, with the help of 104th HC at the time. Since then, which was like 2 weeks ago, Cloud didn't even need to poke the battalion because of how fast it was recovering. The man came back from his LOA suprised as hell to see 104th thriving again.
- Secondly, I can guarantee half the people in this post mentioning "issues" in 104th, have little to no clue what is actually happening. Unless you heard from Cloud, or 104th HC. This application is about GRIEF and HIS plans. Not what 104th current state is. Save that for a BCMD Wolffe application. 
- Onto the third point, Grief, I know you are 41st BCMD and mention 41st a lot more in your application, probably because you are more familiar with them. I get it, but 104th should have an equal standing in this application because you are running for a position that oversees BOTH battalions. The responses you have given highlight 104th past/current state. Not really the future.
- Next, I waited this long to given my opinion since I wanted to see other reasoning's as for why you should get or not get this position. I also talked with Cloud since he +1ed you and asked for his opinion, seeing how he was JUST Mech Reg. Below are all the points I want to bring up:

- Your activity has been sketchy at best, and I don't think a virus is a good reason to start increasing activity. It should always be present.
- 41st activity hasn't been hot lately either, but I won't speak about them because I don't know the full story.
- I agree with Dreams's statement. Helping with documentation should definitely not be the way you help a battalion. Not to mention it is a fast way to overload yourself and get burnt out.
- When I talked to you privately, which I will admit, it was a brief conversation, but it seems like you don't really have any clue what is going on in 104th except for what Cloud maybe told you. On top of that, you are right when you say 104th and 41st don't have any issues, but we don't really have any form of relationship. No issues /=/ good relations.

I think you should've spent some time with 104th to get to know the battalion, instead of running for this position and then asking "How do you feel about it?"



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  • Retired Founder

Unfortunately you have been denied for the position of Mechanized Regimental Commander.



  • High Command does not currently feel as though you are fit for the position at this time and encourage you to try again later after fielding more experience.


You may reapply for a Commander Position in 30 days.



// Moved to Commander Applications - Denied

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