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The BH Main Sugestion


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Name: Jedi Consular KI Lens

RP Rank: Knight Imitate 


  The Addition of Bounty Hunters had been met with Praise and Joy by a lot of Synergy. For a while, you either had to choose Jedi, Base Ops, or stay as a Trooper. Most people have a hard time telling Base Ops apart, Clone Troopers are Soldiers which have to follow Rules, while Jedi have a lot more Freedom they have a lot of Limitations.Bounty Hunters introduced an entirely different way to play on the Server, while Bounties initially left more to be desired, it was as fun to just be incharacter and enjoy the new experience. Bounty Hunters have fixed two major issues with SWRP that most if not all servers face, people standing around with nothing to do, and burning out on the Characters you’re forced to play.

While some rules might need to be Changed, or Alter to work smoother on a Venator, taking away the Ability of people for people who want to Play Bounty Hunter to do so, only serves to hinder the Progress people have made on Bounty Hunter, takes away the Value of hard work done by people who have Played Bounty Hunter, and, makes the Image of Bounty Hunters despised by more people. The Ability to do Bounties on a Venator is so restricted, we don’t need to Pay renown for a long time. For some, the only reason to Play Bounty Hunter is to do Bounties, but, for others, the Creativity required to play a Bounty Hunter Well, the Impact you can have that you can’t elsewhere and, the Reward you get for being Crafty and Capable.

Currently, only GM’s will be able to use Bounty Hunters while we’re on the Venator. Because of this, the only Bounty Hunters that will be seen, will fit every Stigma the Bounty Hunters have been actively trying to change and prove wrong, and we don’t know how long this will be the case. Letting the people who are committed to Bounty Hunter play it, is something that I strongly suggest. This does no Harm to anyone, while how we have it, hinders more than it helps.

Lore wise, we can simply say that we’ve been contracted to help with Venator Security. Venators being attacked is like breathing in and out this point, it’s going to happen. 

Implementation: Countuie to Enforce the Rules for BH, make it Publically clear not to fire on the Bounty Hunters. Have VIP Targets for Renown if GM is alright with it. 


Lore: This is actually something that would make sense within the Universe of SWRP. Venators are constantly attacked, CG/BO Would still regulate Bounty hunters. If a Unbiased Witness cannot Confirm who shot first, it might need to be Investigated further, or Nullified. 


If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: Change

Job: All BH Jobs

Slots: Honestly needs more, but not the topic for now.


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     The addition of bounty hunters has been and creates a new variable in RP. I’ve noticed the people who have been working on it have put a lot of effort into the BH clans and whatnot, as well as developing varying characters. I would hate to see the work and future potential wasted because of the map change.

     However, with the rotation schedule going to be a thing we don’t really need to have them on the ship at all times. Anytime we return to a planetside base the BHs would be available then. And it does not make much sense to have them constantly onboard the ship nor contracting them out for defense considering we are essentially a mobile base with that would have 7,400 military personnel on board (please refer to crew numbers here https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Venator-class_Star_Destroyer) Having BH contracted for defense on planet bases would apply more as civilian contractors are used to aide in defense on modern military bases in some locations.

     Alternatively, a better solution would be to have bounty hunter offices/representatives located in the main hangar bay at the far back hangers (the back right or left corner). Bounty hunters could be regulated only to the MHB or common areas unless with permission. While at their offices they can negotiate with a GAR representative their contracts for off-ship EVENTS among other things. If this route is taken numbers of bounty hunters should be very limited as having several running around onboard would be a bit much. Ideally on a clan representative and a body guard or two should be on board but not 10+ (That number is arbitrary and should be taken lightly).  For “Server Lore” our ship could be the only/limited ships assigned for negotiating with freelancers and having such officers.

     I would hate to see the effort put into the BHs wasted due to a map change. The RP so far has been great in my experience when interacting with them. I think a solution should be found and a map change/rotation should not hinder RP. RP is the goal after all :)


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  • Management


The very limited time we are on a Venator will give the Republic a breather away from Bounty Hunters. Bounty Hunters were made to create new and unique role play but it seems all y’all want to do is affiliate with the Republic and do things you can easily do on your Clone/Jedi/Base Ops/Naval.

Bounty Hunters weren’t agents of the Republic. They were just simple men and women trying to make their way in the universe. Y’all need to start focusing on doing stuff away from the republic and/or against the republic (Other than sneaking into our base because that has gotten more stale than the Cheeto under my bed)

and in terms of who hired more bounty hunters the Republic hardly dealt with them. The only known cases were the Cuy’val Dar (A group of 100 bounty hunters hired to originally train the clones before the war broke out), the two trainers in the Clone Cadet arc in the tv show, and those who picked up bounties on fugitives of the republic. (The arc where Cad Bane, Moralo Eval, and Obi-Wan in disguise escaped from prison and The arc when Ahsoka was on the run showed bounties placed on their heads to be CAPTURED) The CIS were seen to hire Bounty Hunters more often.

I feel Bounty Hunters have taken the wrong turn in terms of new and unique role play and the time we’re on a Venator could allow it’s leadership to take a step back and review it all and make changes without anything coming up via game to distract them.

tl;dr one week won’t kill you and it certainly won’t kill people who don’t play BH.

  • Agree 1


i am literally captain tukk

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-1 marvel said it well 

Edited by Dennis

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 cause I'm allowed to nerd

This week was planned for before the creation of bounty hunters to allow a cooldown period for bounty hunters. The roleplay I've seen with bounty hunters has been fantastic, but also some has been kinda yikes. This week was intended to allow changes to be made fluidly and examine the roleplay. My objective not to have this like sith because it's not but not a faction super friendly to the republic. Bounty hunters was supposed to have complex roleplay, bounty hunters were not supposed to be implicitly friendly to the republic until you get further down the job path. What I've seen with freelancers screeching about IVE GOT A CONTRACT WITH THE REPUBLIC Reeeeee its autistic. In reality the freelancers would be nobodies nor would the republic hire these nobodies.


It doesnt make sense to have bounty hunters on venator in the first place.

The resolute (the ship we are on) was commanded by wolf yularen and owned by anakin. If you know much about lore anakin does not trust bounty hunters in the slightest. His padawan ahsoka tano being captured by bounty hunter (cad bane) and his close friend palpi was hunted by them repeatedly. 

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1 hour ago, Marvel said:


The very limited time we are on a Venator will give the Republic a breather away from Bounty Hunters. Bounty Hunters were made to create new and unique role play but it seems all y’all want to do is affiliate with the Republic and do things you can easily do on your Clone/Jedi/Base Ops/Naval.

Let me give you a list of things I have done as a Bounty Hunter, none of which, were possible on as a Trooper, Jedi, or Base Ops. 
- Get into a Fist Fight with a Versock, an Actual fight. 
-- When I got to low Health, I backed off, I couldn't tell the Opponents Health, but risking my Life for this isn't worth it. 
-Test Base Security in a Cheeky Manner
--The Engineering Commander for Base Ops told me, that there was nothing I could do, or say, involving security that would surprise him. He told me I'd never  get inside the base, that, the people who tried just became Target Practice for CG. So, learned the Base like the back of my Hand, I found out how to get inside at anytime, and I didn't get caught. 
- I Bugged the Republic Comms
-- Doing this, required sneaking into the Base,  getting into BCC, and creative /Me's. I had to be creative with Placing, and, I had Troopers breathing down my Neck the entire time. At one point, I ended up getting caught, and managed to make a break for it and escape. 
-Smooth Talked my way out of an unbelievable amount of situations. 
-- Being an Old Junk Rat doesn't just mean a Talent with Engineering, being an Old Junk Rat means I know how to sell Junk, well, I'd call them Treasures. Learning how to make a Sell is vital, and, the ability to Persuade has kept me from getting Detained, caugt, etc.
-Instigated a Defense Contract with High Ranking Naval Personnel. 
-- After Numerous times of helping out when the Base had been attacked, I managed to score a deal for the Sanguine Hand that put us in their Good Books. 
- Taught a Shiny how to Gamble
-- I had been on a Bounty I sadly didn't get a chance to complete, I needed to get into the Medbay so I faked an Injury, but, due to some really poor rolls, my Right Knee is fucked. Inbetween Checkups, and getting more Medical Personnel, I taught a 104th trooper how to Gamble. 

I can keep going, but, every single one of those situations happened Naturally, stayed in character, and unlike on a Trooper or Jedi, could happen anytime, anywhere. I don't think I'l hop on my Trooper again, I love playing my Jedi, but I love playing my Bounty Hunter more. You see us, how too many people see us, as the same person. We're not clones, we have drastically different Personalities, but not a lot of Body Groupers. 

As much as I love playing on My Jedi, there's a disconnect with Troopers, there's a lot of restrictions with the kind of character you can play, and rightly so. If the Jedi didn't have Rules and Regulations, what's stopping someone from just hopping on one day, and Mass RDMing "In character"? 



2 hours ago, Marvel said:

and in terms of who hired more bounty hunters the Republic hardly dealt with them. The only known cases were the Cuy’val Dar (A group of 100 bounty hunters hired to originally train the clones before the war broke out), the two trainers in the Clone Cadet arc in the tv show, and those who picked up bounties on fugitives of the republic. (The arc where Cad Bane, Moralo Eval, and Obi-Wan in disguise escaped from prison and The arc when Ahsoka was on the run showed bounties placed on their heads to be CAPTURED) The CIS were seen to hire Bounty Hunters more often.

Dealing with Bounty Hunters is often not Public Knowledge, this is a Gmod Server,, we're not going to be completely lore accurate. If anything Bounty Hunters are Loyal to Credits, the Hunt, or another key aspect of the Hunt. We have people who could file into that Category,  but the CIS Hiring Bounty Hunters more often, doesn't mean every Hunter would. A Hutt can offer a lot of credits, but, it brings a lot more trouble. 



2 hours ago, Marvel said:

feel Bounty Hunters have taken the wrong turn in terms of new and unique role play and the time we’re on a Venator could allow it’s leadership to take a step back and review it all and make changes without anything coming up via game to distract them.

tl;dr one week won’t kill you and it certainly won’t kill people who don’t play

I feel like people who don't play Bounty Hunter, don't get to see some of the best parts and moments of being a Bounty Hunter. I've seen Oliver start a Great Hunt, treating it like a hunt for Mandlore's Mask, only for it to be Killing Bugs. I've shot Yoda's Bounty Hunter in the Legs with a Bowcaster. I've been Jumped, using a hexshield. Not every person in Bounty Hunter, represents the rest of us, the people who do stupid things, for stupid reasons, get treated like it. There's always something happening with Bounty Hunter, if not, make something happen, or get off the Job. 

Not being able to play Bounty Hunter for a Week, means not playing Synergy for a Week. What if it becomes a Situation where we end up on the Venator Longer due to unforeseen circumstances? It wouldn't do you any Harm, you don't main Bounty Hunter. Everything a Bounty Hunter does, can have an Impact on not just you, but the people associated with you. If it doesn't break a Server Rule, you're not going to get Beaned for being stupid on your Bounty Hunter, but it has Natural Consequences

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Think of this week as a time for people to come up sith bounties so then when you are back in BH you have like 50 to do.




It wouldn't make a lot of sense, cause drama and we would probably detain a lot of BHs.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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23 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

-1 cause I'm allowed to nerd

This week was planned for before the creation of bounty hunters to allow a cooldown period for bounty hunters. The roleplay I've seen with bounty hunters has been fantastic, but also some has been kinda yikes. This week was intended to allow changes to be made fluidly and examine the roleplay. My objective not to have this like sith because it's not but not a faction super friendly to the republic. Bounty hunters was supposed to have complex roleplay, bounty hunters were not supposed to be implicitly friendly to the republic until you get further down the job path. What I've seen with freelancers screeching about IVE GOT A CONTRACT WITH THE REPUBLIC Reeeeee its autistic. In reality the freelancers would be nobodies nor would the republic hire these nobodies.

Hey we're not all Autistic, just me. While I understand that a lot of things were planned to go one way, Bounty Hunter did a lot better than expected, had a lot more numbers than expected, and I'm happy to say that we've made a lot more Progress than originally thought Capable. We're Implicitly Friendly with the Republic, because not being friends with the Republic, on a Core world, beside a Republic Base. Being friendly with the Republic, is something that Sanguine Hand, worked hard to do. The people with Contracts with the Republic, are on a Freelancer Job, because the Job Limit won't fit any clan, let alone multiple. So, if you want to be with your Clan, it's first come, first serve until that gets fixed. What you've seen, is out of Context, or a Freelancer trying to run a Con. The only people with a Current Contract with the Republic, is the Sanguine Hand. Other people can work with the Republic to do that, but they have to put in the work and effort to do that. 

Most of the other Clans, have opted to simply be friends, with the people who are friends with the Republic. Not every Clan has the same Mindset and Mentality, they don't all function the same way, just like no Bounty Hunter Operates the same Exact way. I made the Suggestion, because you told me to. It would've been nice to know that this was something predecided, before I did that, and before you told me you agree. 


37 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

It doesnt make sense to have bounty hunters on venator in the first place.

The resolute (the ship we are on) was commanded by wolf yularen and owned by anakin. If you know much about lore anakin does not trust bounty hunters in the slightest. His padawan ahsoka tano being captured by bounty hunter (cad bane) and his close friend palpi was hunted by them repeatedly. 

I don't like to bring up the Topic of Lore, because I don't think it makes Valid Arguments on a Gmod server. Does it make sense in the Clone Wars to have Bounty Hunters just be there? Well, no. But, in the context of Synergy, and in the context of the Venator, yes, yes it does make sense for extra Security to be on the Venator. 

On Anaxes, you have more places to be, more area's to be attacked. On the Resolute, the only thing being attacked is the Venator, it's the entire Map. I can't be bothered to remember the amount of time I have experienced the Venator being attacked, but I can tell you right now, it's way above a reasonable amount.

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13 minutes ago, Gadget said:

Think of this week as a time for people to come up sith bounties so then when you are back in BH you have like 50 to do.




It wouldn't make a lot of sense, cause drama and we would probably detain a lot of BH

I think we do have a lot of Bounties to do, but, we can only do three a day and as weird as it sounds I don't play Bounty Hunter for the Bounties. I Don't see why it's a issue for people who want to hop on the Job, without Bounties, without being able to Dick around as much. Being Detained constantly, is frowned upon, and, will likely lead to removal of Aspects of the Guild. If someone does something stupid, and they're apart of the Sanguine Hand, they're getting the Boot. Drama is to be kept In character, and away from OOC, I've had people think that's my intent, because they're not used to this much Variety in characters. People have Pmed me, to tell me I'm being an Asshole, my Character's a bit of an Asshole. If people can't Separate IC from OOC, then that's the issue, not bounty hunters. 



53 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

This week was planned for before the creation of bounty hunters to allow a cooldown period for bounty hunters.

I like the idea of Bounty Hunters being Improved upon, and the time being taken for it. But, I don't think freezing Bounty Hunters for it, is justified, or a Good idea. I think with the Original Plan, it would've been a much better idea to, but, things didn't go as planned. With how drastically different things went as planned, going through with the Original Plan full throttle, and not modified to accommodate the new changes just doesn't seem right to me. 

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  • Management

If y’all want to do things like security why don’t you just join CG... like what? This just proves my point that Bounty Hunters have turned into another group apart of the Republic. It had so much more aspirations when it was conceived. Like a lawless group kinda feel but all it is is a group of just random “clans” of dudes that want to get in bed with the Republic. 

Lore should always be a factor and idk why people try to argue it shouldn’t. The thing with Sith was it had zero lore and was unimmersive, while a Bounty Hunter guild makes sense and can be immersive. Sith was actually fun when they were a separate entity from the rest of the server (and then they made some stupid “Attack Battalion Treaty and more which was super dumb)

It just doesn’t make sense with how it is.


i am literally captain tukk

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6 hours ago, Baron said:

Alternatively, a better solution would be to have bounty hunter offices/representatives located in the main hangar bay at the far back hangers (the back right or left corner). Bounty hunters could be regulated only to the MHB or common areas unless with permission. While at their offices they can negotiate with a GAR representative their contracts for off-ship EVENTS among other things. If this route is taken numbers of bounty hunters should be very limited as having several running around onboard would be a bit much. Ideally on a clan representative and a body guard or two should be on board but not 10+ (That number is arbitrary and should be taken lightly).  For “Server Lore” our ship could be the only/limited ships assigned for negotiating with freelancers and having such officers.

I get where you're coming from, but I'm worried about this working how Sith did, where only the Dark Council could walk around. We could easily just have Security 2 Clearance for the Venator, we're allowed where a CT is minus their Bunks, and likely third floor. I do like being able to help the Republic in Events, but, I don't think it should be a situation where, X Clan is allowed to help, but Y Clan is not. 

We've had situations in the past, where one person would do something stupid, resulting in their Removal, and us still getting the heat for it after. I think that it should likely be an Open Contract or something for Off Ship Events. I don't expect people to be flocking to play Bounty Hunters on the Venator, but, the Option should still be there. 

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3 hours ago, Marvel said:


The very limited time we are on a Venator will give the Republic a breather away from Bounty Hunters. Bounty Hunters were made to create new and unique role play but it seems all y’all want to do is affiliate with the Republic and do things you can easily do on your Clone/Jedi/Base Ops/Naval.

Bounty Hunters weren’t agents of the Republic. They were just simple men and women trying to make their way in the universe. Y’all need to start focusing on doing stuff away from the republic and/or against the republic (Other than sneaking into our base because that has gotten more stale than the Cheeto under my bed)

and in terms of who hired more bounty hunters the Republic hardly dealt with them. The only known cases were the Cuy’val Dar (A group of 100 bounty hunters hired to originally train the clones before the war broke out), the two trainers in the Clone Cadet arc in the tv show, and those who picked up bounties on fugitives of the republic. (The arc where Cad Bane, Moralo Eval, and Obi-Wan in disguise escaped from prison and The arc when Ahsoka was on the run showed bounties placed on their heads to be CAPTURED) The CIS were seen to hire Bounty Hunters more often.

I feel Bounty Hunters have taken the wrong turn in terms of new and unique role play and the time we’re on a Venator could allow it’s leadership to take a step back and review it all and make changes without anything coming up via game to distract them.

tl;dr one week won’t kill you and it certainly won’t kill people who don’t play BH.

Excuse me are you knocking me, Vladmir Leninade, friend to all clones, for affiliating with the Republic?

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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  • Management
1 minute ago, Fizzik said:

Excuse me are you knocking me, Vladmir Leninade, friend to all clones, for affiliating with the Republic?

Bro you better watch out before you get smooched you goofy goober


  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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4 minutes ago, Marvel said:

If y’all want to do things like security why don’t you just join CG... like what? This just proves my point that Bounty Hunters have turned into another group apart of the Republic. It had so much more aspirations when it was conceived. Like a lawless group kinda feel but all it is is a group of just random “clans” of dudes that want to get in bed with the Republic. 

Marvel, I enjoy the Company of CG, but CG does a lot more than Security. CG have a Strict System, they do Patrols, and, they handle Brig and Arrests. However, their Main Priority is the Chancellor, it will always be the Chancellor, so, people like Senators, and Naval, are kind of screwed in that Regard. Yeah, Naval has Troopers, Senators have their own Guards now,  but not all Senators like their Guards, not a lot of Troopers like Naval and Base Operations. 

Different Clans have Different Aspirations, if you don't know what Clans are, then you're not informed about Bounty Hunters on Synergy. I don't think you've read the entire Post I made, I should likely add a TLDR, but the Devil is in the Details. We don't all want to be in Bed with the Republic, the only people that currently are, busted their asses for it. You don't seem to realize how different we are from eachother. 


12 minutes ago, Marvel said:

Sith was actually fun when they were a separate entity from the rest of the server (and then they made some stupid “Attack Battalion

I don't know if you mean us by this, as, some people in the past tried to break into the Base with this Excuse, so let me clear this up. We are not allowed to be dumbasses, especially on the Base. The Point of this Defense Contract, in it's purest form, without the Terms, and without the Specficiations,  is just to be able to help in events. If the Base didn't get attacked constantly, if it was just the base, then, I don't think it'd be as important. We helped in Events Prior, but, before this, we had to get told to fuck off after, and it was completely under the table. 

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  • Management
2 minutes ago, Lens said:

Marvel, I enjoy the Company of CG, but CG does a lot more than Security. CG have a Strict System, they do Patrols, and, they handle Brig and Arrests. However, their Main Priority is the Chancellor, it will always be the Chancellor, so, people like Senators, and Naval, are kind of screwed in that Regard. Yeah, Naval has Troopers, Senators have their own Guards now,  but not all Senators like their Guards, not a lot of Troopers like Naval and Base Operations. 

Different Clans have Different Aspirations, if you don't know what Clans are, then you're not informed about Bounty Hunters on Synergy. I don't think you've read the entire Post I made, I should likely add a TLDR, but the Devil is in the Details. We don't all want to be in Bed with the Republic, the only people that currently are, busted their asses for it. You don't seem to realize how different we are from eachother. 


I don't know if you mean us by this, as, some people in the past tried to break into the Base with this Excuse, so let me clear this up. We are not allowed to be dumbasses, especially on the Base. The Point of this Defense Contract, in it's purest form, without the Terms, and without the Specficiations,  is just to be able to help in events. If the Base didn't get attacked constantly, if it was just the base, then, I don't think it'd be as important. We helped in Events Prior, but, before this, we had to get told to fuck off after, and it was completely under the table. 

You do realize that CG has been moved into its own regiment with BO/Naval specifically for base/Venator security... Palpatine and Senators are hardly on and have that whole Senate Commando deal going on or whatever. CG’s whole deal is security.

I know what clans are and I’ve read you post and I disagree with it.

The problem is that these random Bounty Hunters do “work their ass off” to get friendly status and then all of a sudden it’s like they own the base more than us. Strict rules had to recently be put in place barring them from third floor and from entering the base without PTE.

Let Clones defend and run their base/ship. It’s what they’re made for.


i am literally captain tukk

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20 minutes ago, Marvel said:

The problem is that these random Bounty Hunters do “work their ass off” to get friendly status and then all of a sudden it’s like they own the base more than us. Strict rules had to recently be put in place barring them from third floor and from entering the base without PTE.

We're not Random Bounty hunters, we're one Clan. This, has been the Terms the entire time. We do not think we own the base, we don't think we have any ownership on the base at all. If anyone acts like they own the Base it's SO BDE, but that's in character. 


20 minutes ago, Marvel said:

You do realize that CG has been moved into its own regiment with BO/Naval specifically for base/Venator security... Palpatine and Senators are hardly on and have that whole Senate Commando deal going on or whatever. CG’s whole deal is security.

Yes, I do, made a response to how amazing that it's happening. I feel like we're both hitting brick walls here. Opinions are Opinions, we're all entitled to them, I think we've reached our Limit. Some Points you've made, didn't make sense at all, so if you have any Questions about Bounty Hunter talk to privately. 

Edited by Lens
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I believe Marvel has voiced the objections to this suggestion very well. 

Just let the playerbase take a break for a week at a time, and take one yourself as well. Things get boring when they're constant- hence the rotations. I believe the rotations will honestly help Bounty Hunter as people will surge to get into the roleplay when we land back on the Base, and perhaps the people interested in unique non-trooper roleplay will surge to the Navy when we're on the Venator. We'll see.


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3 hours ago, Lens said:

Bugged the Republic Comms

Bruh anyone can just do a /me bugs comms tower and get away with it. This is called power gaming my friend :pepoBOOMER:


  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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1 minute ago, Dennis said:

Bruh anyone can just do a /me bugs comms tower and get away with it. This is called power gaming my friend :pepoBOOMER:


Nobody else did, and I had to Sneak into the Base to do it, but thinking about just having the Bug be nulled tbh

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-1 Marvel and Sanchez put it well.

Edited by kojak
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While I think the faction as an entity seperate from the Republic is a good idea, just like the Sith, this has been very rushed in it's execution. From my experience with the BHs so far, all they've done is either sneak onto the base, stand around outside the base asking to come in so they can do whatever contract they have, or trying to kill clones/bo/jedi (And yes, I'ma ware that BHs do much more than this). My point being that it seems that a lot of what they do is tied to the Republic, which it shouldn't be. No way would the Republic let them that close anyways. Even if a few clones thought it was a decent idea, you think Palpatine is gonna let anyone on the base without a damn good reason?


tl;dr it's 1 week, you can live without your edgy characters for a little.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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-1 I think giving a break to the Guild Members every now and then will be very beneficial to BH in total. Sorry if you wanted to main that character, I did too, but there seems be a lot of changes within BH that need to be done.  

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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-1 I’m the guild Leader and I think we should be planet side. It gives not only the guild to catch up but gives the Republic a break. If we see something during the 2 weeks on base that needs to be corrected, we have a week to figure out where we went wrong and so we can correct it for next time

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4 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

You probably should of got permission from the guild leader before you even put this up, seeing as he disagrees with it himself...

Actually I’m in favor of having it up. I learned criticism and what to fix for when we do get back to base 

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I Like the breathing room this gives us in the cabinet to work on things that still need to be done and respond to feedback to (hopefully) make this faction for fun for everybody to interact with. There is also the fact that realistically, it just doesn't really make sense for the Republic to allow essentially dozens of random unknown foreign mercenaries for hire with unclear motives and loyalties onto their space ship, for defense purposes which they already have covered by thousands of well trained, loyal clones.


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This may come as a shock, provided as I'm one of the most outspoken supporters of BH and very often voice my opinion, but I have to honestly say that we should not be on ship. I dont think the server should have even gone back to venator in the first place, but they already did that vote (albeit within 10 minutes) but we're already shit out of luck. And being on the ship will just make the shitlords who seem to hate the BH have even more reason to be mad at us. So for now, it's a -1.

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  • Retired Founder

I can understand your desire to play and continue playing on a new faction that you have a great deal of interest in, though this suggestion simply strays too far from the original implementation plan for their faction, nor are BH meant to be a "main" faction.

With the upcoming rotational map schedules, BH will remain as "Event Jobs" while we are on the Ship, and will continue their faction-based roleplay as is once we return to the base.

Don't quote me on this, but I believe Joah is going to opt for a 2-week split between Base & Ship, giving both map types equal playing time throughout the month.

Additionally, community feedback does not support this suggestion.



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