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A few changes for palpatine.


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Name: Korm

RP Rank: Supreme Chancellor

Suggestion: Another Palpatine Skin and giving him a trial lightsaber.

Implementation: ^

Lore: This one is just CGI skin and the trial lightsaber so he can do dark lord stuff on occasion and not have to bug a staff member.

Workshop content if applicable:

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change:

Job: /sheev_palpatine

Slots:  1 

Description: Same as current

Model: Will get when I get off server

Weapons:  weapon_trialsaber

Other: I'm okay if the Lightsaber doesn't get approved. I'll just bug staff for it and the next palp will have too as well. I just thought it'd be cool since he is a dark lord of the sith.

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1, I kind of like that skin since it fits with the CGI clone models we have on the server

plus get rid of fuckin hunchback palpatine, fuckin goblin smeagol lookin ass

Edited by Jagger
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The model was added, then removed due to issues known such as him having no legs/feet, the arms being broken, no finger bones, proportions of the arms and spinal area being too bendy, and the lighting getting messed up in multiple scenarios.

But if you want it beyond those reasons then that's chill.

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+1 I feel that little old sheet fell on his back so this model looks good. But again he’s always surrounded by people and I don’t see at any point Palpy just taking out a lightsaber that’s red basically letting the secret out. But if you have ideas for that lightsaber then I’m all for it.

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16 hours ago, Hero said:

Why do you want all three when this one is just another version of the other one you have? 

The current one is a HD model with a blue robe Bodygrouper an the second skin is "Emperor Palpatine"

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  • Retired Founder

@ Korm good luck!! I tried this when I was Palpatine about 6 months ago and I was told it wouldn’t happen due to the model being broken and buggy and breaking with adminmode all the time.

However I see no reason for this to not be added!

As for the lightsaber, we should add a Palpatine Lightsaber and try to make it so it doesn’t show on the hip of the player model ;)

  • Agree 1
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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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That model is kinda bad, it has no legs and the legs freak out a little bit when he sits down.

-1 personal preference but the model we have now is much more preferable. Because when you use the black robes you're gonna go from CGI to HQ again and its gonna be scuffed as shit. Also just get an admin to bug you for a lightsaber, we all know admins would pounce the moment they see palpatine ask for a lightsaber. Because if he just has one in his job it will appear on his hip, and it will probably be a little awkward when he walks around. 

Edited by Scribbles
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3 hours ago, Forseen said:

we should add a Palpatine Lightsaber and try to make it so it doesn’t show on the hip of the player model

1, we have a palpy saber in the Q menu. 2. Lightsabers have to show on the hip unless you edit the add-on specifically


3 hours ago, Forseen said:

model being broken and buggy and breaking with adminmode all the time.

Also this is quite true

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+1 I like this model

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+1, Personally like the model though it's limited on options and again would clash with the HQ models. Though they HQ Models clash with the CGI Models already so point is moot. When it does come to the Sabers, I can say that it is actually rather easy to make the hilt not appear on the belt. Just a simple option in the code. I've messed with them a bit in my free time (picked up the system a while back) and although I haven't done it in a while, would be fairly simple to make one if the one we have doesn't work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retired Founder

//We had this model in the past, it was removed due to exactly what @Jayarr was stating. Please keep in mind that we are tired of seeing the same suggestions come up after something has already been added and removed once before. Please make sure to check the archives/accepted/denied just incase. I understand sometimes you may miss these things or weren't here in the past to see the content we did, but it can get exhausting denying the same thing over and over again. Thank you.

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