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[Accepted] Aaron's Community Ban Appeal


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RP Name/Steam Name: Aaron

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112507004

Date of Ban: 12/20/19

Length of Ban: Community Perma

Offense: "Learn to grow up, show positivity. The shitty behavior you bring will only hinder you moving forward." And Toxicity

Banned By: Zim

Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I made a General Discussion post where I discussed the state of the server. I did this in the most blunt way possible, a "tough love" kinda thing. And most of the people who viewed it actually agreed with me. 
I do agree my petty arguement with Sanchez was stupid and it shouldn't have happened. I am at fault for that even happening, Sanchez was upset with what I said and argued with me.

This ban shouldn't have been a perma ban I would've understood maybe a 1 month ban for starting drama but not a perma.
Evidence to support your claims: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AzVZ4Snot9TXij_tjGb7YAD12aPLYH5xV0F8YNfavEA/edit?usp=sharing



Disclaimer: I am just the messenger lol

Edited by Phil
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Aaron was just trying to speak his mind, but you’ve got to look at it from Zim’s perspective. The man left the server, caused drama previously, and then dropped a topic he knew would cause drama. It didn’t warrant a perma ban but it warranted something.


Zimbo, change the ban cutie.



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Going off a few things here

1. Wasn't even banned a week ago

2. It seems like most (if not all) of high staff and Ex-High staff agree with the ban, based on forum reactions/responses

3. From what I saw, what Aaron did warranted a ban. Arguing with directors never end well, and Aaron definitely went out of hand on this one. 


People keep on saying that the director went out of hand on this one as well, and I disagree. Directors are in their place for a reason and are suppose to have a certain level of respect given to them. If someone decides to make the mistake of fighting with them then that's on them, not the director.



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-1 lmao he made good points against me on his post at the start and i made good points against him we left it at that and it was respectful. 


However his reaction to things and responses later in the post were childish and wrong. There is a way to do things and handle things and that wasn't it. Hearing about his previous history that wasn't that long ago about being a toxic individual brings me to my vote. My advice is to give it time before an appeal goes up and grow and learn from mistakes. We all make mistakes we are all humans.


Btw that includes Zim, Joah, Jackson. I know it's fucking crazy to think about but they are humans too and make mistakes.

Edited by Trixx
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I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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10 minutes ago, Regional said:

Can you explain his Toxic History for me and others to see?

If you have at any point been following this and I know you have, then you know what it is lol I am not going to explain anything because it isn't even my place to explain it.

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I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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31 minutes ago, Alexz said:

Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Synergy started because Joah got in trouble and banned for posting his opinion on the forums of IFN. If that is correct then is not then hypocritical for us to do the same thing to Aaron?

Let's not skim this by my friends.

I've just been lurking, I don't give much care to what the fuck goes on here. But this is a good point.
Albeit aaron was a little...out there, in terms of expressing himself, this should serve as a solid kick in the face to knock it off, as has been shown by a lot of previous perma bans that were appealed. I want you to kept that last bit in mind.

Edited by Jayarr
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Overall while i haven't had the best interactions with Aaron he has done quite a lot to hurt himself and dig himself into a hole. 

1. I'm pretty sure it's been less than a week just give it some time to chill and come back my guy it's a game

2. The poll was a bit much and could have overall been handled it a much better way. The whole thread was miss handled and needed to be formatted in a better way to help his points come across as trying to bring up a topic of discussion and not throwing shade at the staff team or anyone else who is trying to help the server. 

3. While i think in some ways the ban was justified i also think that it should have been a few months or just gave him up to a total of 10 points on his account. He did try to start a flame war and a childish argument with a director who by the way isn't paid to do what he is doing and it putting extra free time he has to help the server. 

overall im just gonna -1 give it some more time however i don't think it should be a perm give him a few months and some points and call it a day.

Inb4 SOBDe comes in and mass dumbs me for trying to put some points out there but hey that's just me and wHaT cAn I sAy Im ToXiC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

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+1 I'm so confused and scared how a mans got banned for that thread, aaron do be saying stuff I disagree with most of the time but come on the ban, the cheeky wee message and the poll edit was kinda gay, that's more toxic than what he done. But what evs Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Edit: DrAmA

Edited by BigZach
  • Winner 2


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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8 minutes ago, Dennis said:

Inb4 SOBDe comes in and mass dumbs me for trying to put some points out there but hey that's just me and wHaT cAn I sAy Im ToXiC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've never read something so true in my life 

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Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Just to clear a few things up - Zim did not edit the poll. He banned the user and posted his response to the OP

At 3am in the morning during forum updates, the thread was linked to me again and I jokingly changed the poll name. I went to sleep after working on the forums all night, forgot to remove it, and it was removed in the morning when I woke up. The poll was removed as I saw no merit to the simple “yes/no” server dying question as it leads a very negative picture to anyone simply looking at a glance without proper background discussion.

The discussion within the thread remains, and it was not trashed as there was some constructive discussion taking place.

as for A-A-ron, my understanding is he made an official leaving thread, but followed that by spamming @ tags in a mass tag thread. This was dumb and warranted a warning. Double warned was most likely due to forum lag and a double click. Shortly after he returned, he created a thread aggressively bashing all of his “concerns” or dislike of the community. They were not constructive,  nor did he offer any solutions or alternatives to improve the experience. It’s a tell-tale attitude of toxicity when you simply bash or degrade people/teams/ideas while offering zero productive solutions. I don’t personally believe the thread was made genuinely in reference to the wording and actions that was displayed previously. The banter and finger-pointing within the threads showed continued toxicity.


Now. was the poll title change professional or warranted? No, but it was late night joke that was only meant to be in place for a few seconds and giggles. I will personally apologize for this and @Zim should not be blamed or his discretion questioned. He reviewed the thread, executed the ban, and locked it. It was temporarily modified later for memes. 

When you open a discussion simply focused on negative aspects while not offering alternatives, it’s usually met with harsh criticism 

“Is America Dying”  - Yes/No

Present trump  is retarded and being impeached

We’re being invaded  by illegal immigrants

Cops are just  shooting anyone on sight

American cars suck and never worth buying

just out of curiosity, if I were to post the above on a political forum, what kind of response do you think I would receive? 


Beyond the above, I have zero knowledge of his history, background, or staff member interactions and thus I’m remaining neutral.

A decision on the appeal will most likely be discussed and posted by a Founder after the holidays.

stay frost 

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+1 yikes this is why people have an issue with dRaMa bAnS. you cant just ban people because at the moment they think the server is in a bad place. Making a discussion about things with wrong with the server and calling it is the server dying may not be the best approach but it isint fucking toxic and doesent deserve any ban definitely not a fucking perma like actually this is a joke  aaron imo made that post with the intent of helping it atleast in his own way of how he thought right and you banned him and for what? he said some things that upset you? in your own words "grow up"

TLDR and I dont care if I get clapped a third time for this: This ban and ban reason are both hypocritical af

Edited by Mike
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  • Retired Founder

I think Ron summed this up perfectly honestly. But to add a little more sauce I will apply the following, a quote from another forum saying A-A-ron was a hero and doing the right thing.


Y’all miss the larger point of this is not his first offence, he has been causing drama and toxic problems for months. Through these months he has not been playing or attempting to fix anything. So this isn’t really true at all, sorry mate. He did have his chance to be the change, but similar to other perm banned players, chose to ride the toxic train to the end. 

Ive been in this community for years, never banned anyone without thinking it through or gathering evidence of multiple players situations. That hasn’t changed for this child. If you view him as a hero, I am sorry to say, you really need a wake up call to the real world and how people like himself are handled.

You are entitled to your own opinions. Right or wrong. But you are not entitled to harassing, bullying, or belittling other players with every chance you get like an immature child. 

To respond directly to posts made here:

@Mike If you think this was a ban based on his opinion of the server being in a bad place, I really, really worry for you. I have clearly stated the reasons he was banned, and his opinion on the server being in a bad spot was not one of them. Many users voice their concerns weekly, monthly, whatever about the server, and they have the right to do so, because it shows they care. They are attempting to provide solutions, but as @Ron has stated, that is not what A-A-ron does. He makes constant complaints without even playing and provides no solutions, he intentionally attempts to stir problems and bully or belittle others. If you've followed him, you can see this within his posts. Also, since we are throwing jabs and opinions out and about. imo you should of stayed banned after the first one, but Nightmare and Joah saved you. I see no change in your attitude based on that post. :^)

@Regional We almost never provide such info, as it can be labelled as slandering. We only provide it in situations it is needed. In this situation, it's not needed.

As to this appeal, this ban was never placed strictly on behalf of the single post, and I feel many users are forgetting that. I feel A-A-ron is trying to play a victim card, or he really cannot grasp that it's not based on a single post but his consistent toxic attitude. I personally think this community would be better off without him and that this appeal has been posted WAY to soon after original ban, which makes me think he has learned nothing. However, to defend him, I never said it was a no appeal, and I have no problems with a time limit being put on him moving forward. IE a month, week, whatever ban. I also /HOPE/ that since he is attempting to appeal, he does infact care, and simply has a shitty way of showing it. If he is unbanned, I would strongly hope this is a big wakeup call to him on how to handle situations. Because unlike a majority of this community, I do actually have a proper good job, and work fulltime, I do have responsibilites and years of experience with situations just like this. And I DO know that this attitude will not help you in the real world but likely land you in a shitty job that you cannot stand. Respect and kindness for all is some of the best things you can carry into the real world. (not jabbing people not working or in school, but many users are at the age of 16 or below, including A-A-ron and I can promise you don't have shit figured out by that point.)

tl;dr read it, cause alot of you base opinions on the easy to read 5 word posts eks dee.
I am leaving this up to the Directors choice for appeal, but request he is left ban atleast a week starting from original ban date, if the ban is changed. 

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Zims Depressed, But he aint that depressed to ban someone over an opinion, Zim hardly bans anyone so im sure this is in good nature. 

But I mean from what I saw during his most recent post about the server dying, There was quite some toxicity towards sanchez and rather than making it a productive discussion to improve the server, the 4 head was toxic in his responses. 

Im a forum memer and shit poster, But you gotta learn to do it properly, you cant be toxic with no benefit to the server, play your cards right, be toxic but provide a way to improve the thing in which your toxic about, not just blatant toxicity, Drama aint needed, memers are.

Although I do not think Perma is the best idea, but I do think he needs some time away from the community, I would like to see the ban changed to a shorter time rather than completely removed.

Edited by Dreams-
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+1 Sanchez should’ve been banned too seeing he was arguing as well as a DIRECTOR, you would expect a director to handle the situation in a different way, but I guess not, seems like high staff have immunity from everything so they can basically do whatever they want without being punished for it but us tiny people will be shut down and prob permed, both were in the wrong, but of course only one got punished being Aaron prob cause he’s not high staff

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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3 hours ago, Ron said:

The poll was removed as I saw no merit to the simple “yes/no” server dying question as it leads a very negative picture to anyone simply looking at a glance

Well if those types are topic are popular within the community why would you want to it hide from people?

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Huge +1 should not have been banned!

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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I'm generally not a fan of perma-bans. Maybe not today, but in the near future I believe that the ban should be reduced at the very least. There's been a multitude of people who make good on another chance, and hopefully in the future Aaron can be one of those individuals.

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Based on Ron’s and Zim response I must +1 this ban appeal. 


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Before I give my Vote , i'd like to point out that, the Context of what happened, is something that I don't have much besides what Ron, and Aron have stated. While they've done a great Job at giving context to the situation, to those that don't have it. So, take this +1 with a Grain of Salt, but that's pretty much all that needs it about this Post. 

From my Understanding, Aron made a Farewell Post, while tearing the Server a new one in the process, Never seen that before. Personally, I did the same thing, but, my Post wasn't to cause any Drama, or MASS HYSTERIA on the Server. My Post was intended to spread awareness, and share Opinions that I made sure wasn't just my own. The Server has it's Issues, I don't know a Server that doesn't, however the way to getting Beaned is paved with Good intentions. My Post didn't have a big Back and forth, his, had a lot. Now, my experience with Sanchez has been limited, but, from my Perspective, he's a Good guy that types like he's Pissed off, like a lot of people. 

When you have a Back and Forth on a Thread, it's easy to get heated, this goes for Both parties.  Now, if he had been Banned by Sanchez, then It'd be a lot different, but he wasn't. Looking through, I don't see a lot of people who seem to be opposed to him being Banned, rather, being Perma Banned, something that a lot of people feel are too Severe. Perma Bans typically happen to Minges, people who give the Server nothing but Hell, something that Aron doesn't really come off as. While it  can be easy to have an Eye for an Eye mentality, both parties aren't going to get Banned, and as per usual, there's likely a lot of context behind the Big Red Curtain.  

The Staff are just trying to do their Job, it's a Stressful one, and they likely already get enough Hell for doing what they need to do. If the Person had been Toxic for months, upon months, and he's been causing all this Drama within the Community, then so be it. However, whether you do, or don't accept his Appeal, take the feelings of the Community you're trying to Protect, into Consideration. As hard as it can be, you've got to be Biased to the Server, and the Rules in a lot of regards for this kind of stuff, and the Staff seems to do pretty good in that Regard. But, to say that you guys didn't have to make hard Choices, would be a Insult to the Job itself.

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Lmao didn’t he leave like twice anyways 

why does it matter xD

Seems like he was trying to have a last stand with high staff more than anything, and he used a common dramatic topic to bring attention to himself and his post, doubt he actually cared if a change happened seeing as he just left.


Ill agree to the shortening of the ban becuz 31.0062766803% of the people here are toxic and aren’t perma’d yet but it’s a -1 for a complete removal of the ban he needs a slap on the butt and a phat break

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  • Retired Founder
2 hours ago, Usefulgamer said:

Should be high staffs place not someone who codes shit

Ok calm down gamer... 

I hope you realize Zim is a founder, and was at one point in time the community owner. He’s been the backbone of all gameserver development for atleast the better part of 2 years.

Joah renamed the founder rank into rank-specific roles to help people better understand their duties. 

“High Staff” consist of the Head Admins, Directors, Head of Admin/Intel/Departments, and all Founder ranks (Square/Zim/Jackson/Joah) 

As a director was involved in the thread discussion directly, it would have been bias for Sanchez to punish the user, and Head Admins obviously cannot overstep a Director, so a higher position stepped in and resolved the thread to the best of his ability due to the escalating nature of the toxicity. 

Also, @Felix I don’t personally agree with your statement, nor am I going to take sides, but if a Director or Head Admin need to be spoken to in regards to their rank or behavior, it is always done in private just as 90% of internal staff issues are handled. High Staff are not immune to punishment, I’ve seen a handful of Head Admins removed, and let’s not even go back to remembering the days of BILLIAM (Ex-Director who was removed), so just be assured if people fuck up they are held responsible; that includes me, any member, any staff member, and high staff.

I’m currently on LOA for the Holidays, else I would offer additional input towards previous forum warnings and behavior. Personally, I think he just needs to take a break like his original outro thread stated.

The “bye im leaving” threads, but subsequently followed by posting on the forums in efforts to rustle jimmies is far too common, it’s like an ex-girlfriend who won’t leave you tf alone, n then I’m usually just like BEGONE THOT

Zim has left the ban appeal up to the Directors, though with the above in mind I’ll tag in my bud @traditional to review this thoroughly from an unbiased perspective and make an appropriate decision.

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I will +1 to shortening it to like a month or so but if any problems arise in the future from Aaron then I can 100% understand a perma ban. 

Though on a side note:

This "Server is Dying" vibe that has been going off for quite a while now is only a mindset that is throwing yourself and other players off of the server and further away from having fun. It isn't solely up to High Staff to make the server fun, it's up to everyone. I was High Staff for so long and it can really drain a person because everyone that reaches those positions try their hardest to keep the server going and all we ever got was negativity and hate. It really sucked and it's what almost made me resign several times as an HA and what eventually led to my resignation from Director.

All I ask is that y'all don't blame High Staff or Staff in general for this mindset and if you are either of these and agree that the "Server is Dying" then you should reconsider your position. In the end we all got to work together to create and promote RP on the server and keep the server fun. The people on the server was what always made Synergy so fun, not the events or trainings.



i am literally captain tukk

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35 minutes ago, Marvel said:

This "Server is Dying" vibe that has been going off for quite a while now is only a mindset that is throwing yourself and other players off of the server and further away from having fun.

Honestly, the amount of times I've had some Dickhead come into one of my SWRP Gmod Server Discords, just say that, or that Gmod itself is dying, is funny in itself. I feel like people should have something better to do, than try to shit on other people's fun. I've been on Servers that couldn't dream of a Pop Synergy has, my first Server being one of them. LN wouldn't have kicked the Bucket  so quickly, if the Owner wasn't such a POS about Criticism. But when LN died, a lot of us made the Journey to Synergy. 

Synergy, isn't dying, the Staff cares, the Players Care, and when the time comes, when Synergy reaches the end of it's Era, a New Server will likely be made, or an Old one will be given new Life. While SWRP servers can't last forever, it doesn't mean anyone has to pretend to be the Doomsayer from Lumbridge. 


5 hours ago, UhohStinky said:

If what ron is saying is true that he dislikes the community then why u even trying to come back bro-1

  Because at this rate, it's less about Aron, and more about the Bigger Picture. People are likely worried that it was more of a Matter of Censorship than Toxicity. I haven't met the guy, but if he's a Prick, he's a Prick. However,  sometimes that's just the way people are. A Buddy of mine, a Fellow CO on another Server, can be a complete prick if you push the wrong buttons on the Wrong day, the difference being that he knows that there's a time and a place.  Given the Rep the person who Perma'd him has, it was likely intended to be as Non biased as possible. With how many +1's this has, it might get accepted,  but I think Marvel is in the right with this one 


35 minutes ago, Marvel said:

I will +1 to shortening it to like a month or so but if any problems arise in the future from Aaron then I can 100% understand a perma ban. 

Appeals come off to me, as  a Second chance, rather than a Second, third, fourth, and fifth chance. The guy seems to have a Track record for being this way.

Edit: Thanks for the Winner Marvel. also holy shit this edit reeks of Reddit

Edited by Dubz
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Gonna be completely honest I think we should unban a-a-ron and ban phil, just for the meme value. 

Real talk I've been struggling with insomnia for a couple years now, ive been really struggling to sleep. I've tried every method and surprisingly due to how boring this whole situation is now,  this thread has successfully helped my mind wind down, and I'm now ready to sleep, so thanks everyone lmao. 


Doesn't even bother me what happens tbh, this is all just funny to me. 

Edited by Freck
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2 hours ago, Ron said:

Ok calm down gamer... 

I hope you realize Zim is a founder, and was at one point in time the community owner. He’s been the backbone of all gameserver development for atleast the better part of 2 years.

Joah renamed the founder rank into rank-specific roles to help people better understand their duties. 

“High Staff” consist of the Head Admins, Directors, Head of Admin/Intel/Departments, and all Founder ranks (Square/Zim/Jackson/Joah) 

As a director was involved in the thread discussion directly, it would have been bias for Sanchez to punish the user, and Head Admins obviously cannot overstep a Director, so a higher position stepped in and resolved the thread to the best of his ability due to the escalating nature of the toxicity. 

Also, @Felix I don’t personally agree with your statement, nor am I going to take sides, but if a Director or Head Admin need to be spoken to in regards to their rank or behavior, it is always done in private just as 90% of internal staff issues are handled. High Staff are not immune to punishment, I’ve seen a handful of Head Admins removed, and let’s not even go back to remembering the days of BILLIAM (Ex-Director who was removed), so just be assured if people fuck up they are held responsible; that includes me, any member, any staff member, and high staff.

I’m currently on LOA for the Holidays, else I would offer additional input towards previous forum warnings and behavior. Personally, I think he just needs to take a break like his original outro thread stated.

The “bye im leaving” threads, but subsequently followed by posting on the forums in efforts to rustle jimmies is far too common, it’s like an ex-girlfriend who won’t leave you tf alone, n then I’m usually just like BEGONE THOT

Zim has left the ban appeal up to the Directors, though with the above in mind I’ll tag in my bud @traditional to review this thoroughly from an unbiased perspective and make an appropriate decision.

Didn’t mean it as a insult, I just meant it like isn’t it his choice (Don’t wanna day job since idk if he bein paid) to code stuff and not have to worry about staff stuff?

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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  • Retired Founder
7 minutes ago, Usefulgamer said:

Didn’t mean it as a insult, I just meant it like isn’t it his choice (Don’t wanna day job since idk if he bein paid) to code stuff and not have to worry about staff stuff?

Paid.. haha.. man. I haven’t been paid in over a year for work here. (Not complaining.) I’ve also on countless occasions refused payment, as I did this because I wanted to give people a place to get away too. Never been about the money. 

Sorry to trail off. I personally loved @Dubz response a ton. I’ve been distant with this community as a full time job takes up most my time. My view can be limited, but I really enjoyed what Dubz mentioned about the outlook. I try to do what’s best for the community, clearly A-A-Ron needed a ban, but it seems that everyone, including myself can agree it should not be permanent. For this reason. +1 

I recommend this changed to a few weeks or a month. Also, thank you Dubz, I normally hard stand by my opinions, as I think them out quite a lot before stating them, but you made a well structured well written point. I have a ton of respect for that. 

ps. Ty @Ron for standing up for me. Ily bb and merry Christmas gamers

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From the looks of this ban appeal it looks like majority agree that a perma ban is unneeded, and I also agree that it was not needed but a reduced ban would be fine. In the future when posting controversial threads like the one you posted Aaron, try to bring constructive criticism and not just call out the issues with out ideas of fixing those issues. I really hope this is a wake up call for you.

I will accept this ban appeal, however keep in mind that you are on a very thin line so tread lightly. Think what you do twice before doing it so you don't get in this situation again.

Your ban will be reduced from a Permanent to a two month ban starting from today (12/25/19) til (2/25/20).
//Moved to Ban Appeals - Accepted.

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