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Forseen's Captain Rex Application [WAIVED]


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  • Retired Founder

Steam Name:

[SR] Forseen [SA].

RP Name:

TCO ARC 2ndLT Fives.

Steam ID:


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

501st Captain Rex.


As some of you may know, before this community was created, the original 70-100 members were from Icefuse Networks prior to an issue that was held there. As majority of the CWRP player base moved across as did the work that all of these members had achieved. I will be listing what my achievments on Icefuse were, but will not be speaking about them as these are almost over 2 years old now.

  • Icefuse:
    • BCMD Bacara.
    • Division Leader (Solo Director equivalent).
    • Executive Liaison (In charge of intel team).
    • BCMD Rex
    • Ion Team Leader Climber.
    • Foxtrot Squad Leader Gregor.
    • Mutliple Jedi Master positions, including mostly Anakin Skywalker.

I will be discussing my experience in the community in my roles and will color the different roles in green, in case you would like the "tldr" version.

Upon the server launching I transferred across from Icefuse and was given the position of Head Administrator within the community. As a Head Admin, I made sure to enforce the rules that were written by the Directors as closely as I could to what was written and provided on the forums. I also helped behind the scenes by creating documents and working on coding of things such as the High staff roster to work on automation.

One night chilling in a channel with Joah and some of the other original Founders, I joked of the idea of a Trouble in Terrorist Town server, little did I know that Joah and the Founders took this as no joke and the next day asked me if I would like to Direct the server and help develop it. Little over a week later I held the position of TTT Director however I still held a position as a honorary Head Admin on CWRP. Obviously as this was a new concept and idea for Synergy Roleplay we started with quite a small team,  however as the Director I created all the documentation needed to set up the server. Unfortunately the popularity of the TTT server was mostly within the Founders and people trying to get Joah to notice them, lol, and the server ultimately failed.

During my time as TTT Director I also had the amazing privilege of becoming the First Admiral Yularen on Synergy, in which I enlisted the help of some respected and highly regarded members of the community to create a strong structure to the Naval system that was improved from what we came from in Icefuse. Unfortunately there were issues with the person that preceded me in the position and I became the "Third" Admiral Yularen and had to fix all the issues that were created.

Upon my return to CWRP, I was granted the rank of being a third CWRP Director along with Billiam and Zander. We all worked hard in this position to move the community and the staff team into a new era, by recreating documents such as the server rules and creating standards in which were required to be followed to make processes within the staff team smoother. As Billiam moved on from his Director position, it fell to me and Zander to continue working and training up the next set of Head Administrators to be as strong as he and I were to continue to improve the staff team. Upon receiving new employment and lowering his available hours, Zander stepped down from Director to allow Jackson to move into the position. Jackson and I stayed partners together for almost 6 months as we work really well together and move the staff team into a really strong era. Until finally I got caught up with University tightening up on me and had to move on for the time being.

Upon my return, I made a joke to Joah about reopening TTT in which we had agreed to try the server again with me once again gaining the position of TTT Director, long story short the population once again wasn't there and ultimately failed and upon returning to CWRP for a while reaching the rank of Jedi Master again and working on other positions such as reaching officer ranks in 501st, I eventually had to move away once more as life started crashing down on me again.

Finally, I returned again, into a new era with new players within the community and found my fun on the server again, I joined the RANCOR battalion and was grinding as trooper under Dragon when he was Blitz, and saw some issues coming up in the Specialized Regiment in which due to my previous experiences I felt I had the ability to help solve. So I went out on a limb and got waived and applied for the Specialized Regimental Commander position and actually got it. Within this role have worked extensively with the battalions under me and assisted in multiple situations ranging from, but not limited to, the Dooms Unit activity issue (which at the time was very poor) to the GM and SO merger into the 21st Nova Corps that we know today. As the Specialized Regimental Commander, my main focus was roleplay and activity as main priorities throughout the regiment and kept up to date with all battalion affairs, whilst allow the Battalion Commanders to run their own battalions as much as possible.

From here, I felt as though I could pass on the work that I did within the Specialized Regiment to all battalions and the entire community in general and applied for the highest position in the community and roughly a week later received the position of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. As Palpatine I focused more on fixing the Senators and creating systems that are still in place today, such as the Public Senate Discord server. I enlisted some great Role-players through extensively hard tryouts and put strict regulations and procedures in play to ensure the smooth running of the Senate. Then I spoke with Qal who was the Marshall Commander at the time and spoke with him about how we can increase standards of all battalions.

Whilst in the position of Chancellor I also worked throughout the Temple Guard branch of the Jedi Order and once more acquired the Rank of Jedi Master, and became Kit Fisto and attached myself to Doom's Unit to continue to assist the battalion as much as possible. Soon after my Palpatine term finished, I found myself in the position of Anakin Skywalker once more and was working thoroughly with the 501st's Jedi program in which still has my systems in play today, almost a 8 months later.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe I have the experience as demonstrated above to be able to lead the 501st back to where it once was as one of the strongest battalions on the server. I have in many cases been able to help strengthen a battalion when it is struggling and I believe I can do it once more. I can see a few issues in the 501st currently, in which myself and other members of 501st have been working on together with Kelso as our Executive Officer, however I feel as though with my vast knowledge of what will and will not work in these dire situations is can be more beneficial right now.

In case someone is going to comment asking what the current issues are and how I plan to fix them, I'll save you the trouble;

  • Low amount of Officers.
    • Currently in the 501st, not including Jedi, we have 6 officers. 1 XO, 1 CPT, 2 1stLTs & 2 2ndLTs.
      • I believe the situation to this is pushing officers to work harder within their positions to assist in the issues I will be listing below, and allowing them to prove themselves but not just handing out ranks because we need officers.
  • Battalion documents are not uniform.
    • I have looked over documents within 501st and they do not share the same standard of how a document should be formatted.
      • To solve this, I would create a master format document and have all documents recreated to follow this format.
  • Battalion standards could be better.
    • I believe we are at good standards for troopers, however I feel as though we should be training our troops regularly to ensure we are all at a higher standard and on the same standard.
    • Roleplay standards are similar, decent roleplay can be found easily but I would like to see people being more creative and creating amazing roleplay scenarios.
      • My solution would be to increase the amount of training that is ran and oversee training to ensure that they meet certain criteria and have a purpose to increase standards.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes, there is a vast lore base of the 501st Legion, and I believe I understand most if not all of it to a good extent.


Although I am Australian, our time-zones are different but similar, roughly 14 hour difference. In the coming future I have nothing on for the next 2 months.
In Feb I begin university in which I will be able to play during the morning (early afternoon EST) then be available on Discord until roughly 8-9pm EST before returning home to get back online.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I have been playing Synergy Roleplay since the launch of the community, I have had a few periods of time where I have been absent due to outside issues & commitments, however I have been around for majority of time of the server. For roughly to first 6-8 months of the community, there was no time tracking system.

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I have a microphone, it is however wireless and sometimes needs charging! :(

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

My goal for the 501st after my term is as follows;

  1. Have an active 15-20+ members online throughout each week day, with weekends reaching 20-30+ throughout the day.
  2. Have the regiments within 501st consistently filled with members that I can confidently leave in charge to run their regiment with little intervention.
    • (We already have decent people in these positions, however I would like to see consistency.)
  3. Train and promote good leadership within the battalion to create a strong officer core and thus create a strong hierarchy within the battalion.
  4. Increase relations with all battalions, especially other Attack battalions.
    • (We currently have good relations, however we still don't interact much outside of our battalion.)
  5. Create procedures to be followed to ensure the longevity of battalion operations post my term as BCMD.
    • (Example. Recreate all documents that I feel are lacking and make a uniform, easy to follow system to make battalion workings smooth.)
  6. Increase Roleplay and Military standards throughout the battalion.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I definitely understand and while I hope that someone will discuss my activity with prior to removal, I understand if I am removed for low activity should my activity die off.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes, I have worked with term limits before and am well aware of the procedures.



I welcome all feedback, especially negative feedback, however if you are giving me a -1 on this application I would really appreciate it if you give me a reason as to why. Also, if you would like to ask me some questions to help you make your decision, feel free to @ me so I can reply as fast as possible to answer your question.

Edited by Forseen
Highlighted a piece of important information.
  • Friendly 1
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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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Head Admin

+1, I wonder what changed that made you apply tho as you said you wouldn't at first 


  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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  • Retired Founder
14 minutes ago, Rohan said:

+1, I wonder what changed that made you apply tho as you said you wouldn't at first

Honestly I wanted to apply and was unsure, and upon speaking to some people I decided to apply as healthy competition can be beneficial as the best candidate should be chosen to lead the battalion and improve on issues as all of us are making an effort towards the same goals.

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-1 reasons stated above 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Retired Founder
8 minutes ago, Regional said:

you don't need BCMD to fix any of those issues you could've worked with the XO to fulfill them.

I actually stated in the application that we have been already working with the XO for these issues. I have quoted and highlighted below for you. Appreciate the support. :)

On 12/19/2019 at 10:13 PM, Forseen said:

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe I have the experience as demonstrated above to be able to lead the 501st back to where it once was as one of the strongest battalions on the server. I have in many cases been able to help strengthen a battalion when it is struggling and I believe I can do it once more. I can see a few issues in the 501st currently, in which myself and other members of 501st have been working on together with Kelso as our Executive Officer, however I feel as though with my vast knowledge of what will and will not work in these dire situations is can be more beneficial right now.

In case someone is going to comment asking what the current issues are and how I plan to fix them, I'll save you the trouble;


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Ive now known Forseen for quite some time, I've seen the work he can put into a battalion and the turn around for the better. Interms of what others stated above with Kelso having worked harder, I can't agree with that unfortunately. Quite frankly, He is now in pending, His application has been up for a while and theres not been any major changes, or improvements from my eyes on the battalion, As an XO I would have thought he would be working hard around the clock to make his battalion as good as possible while there is no Captain Rex to take the reigns.

I know you WILL give me results, and I know I dont have to hope with you Forseen, Its a matter of you getting this and doing it compared to hoping someone can.

Best of Luck my fellow Australian, I have High hopes for you.


Edited by Dreams-


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+1 boi

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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