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Freck's Shadow Company BCMD Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Freck [VA]

Steam Name: [SR] Freck [VA]

RP Name: TR SC Major Freck

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:190610964

Battalion or squad you are applying for: Shadow Company 


Well then, where do I start? Oh wait I know.

Shadow Company (CMD/XO)

Shadow Company, was my first, and only love, I started in Shadow Company when it was under as Spec Ops and I worked my way Up under Zomb and SixSeven's command, going up the ranks, I noticed 1 thing Shadow Company is the only battalion that I feel confident enough to show true leadership in, I have held a Commander Position for just over 1 and a half months and Have been an officer for over 5 months now. I am so dedicated to Shadow Company that I was the individual (on my own for EST) barely keeping Shadow Company alive when Aust went on an LOA / Inactive. I am the reason this battalion has PT, I am the reason this Battalion has rules and regulations as the disciplinary CMD. The success of Shadow Company has been a group effort, in which I have been a key aspect of.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I should become the Battalion Commander for Shadow Company because this is the only battalion I have properly been in. My dedication to the server and Shadow Company itself is huge, my main concern for the battalion is its growth, always has been, always will be. Another reason in why I am the BEST candidate for this position is that I am active, Shadow Company needs an active, dedicated Commander, a commander who will always help their battalion grow in anyway possible, a commander who can honestly say at the end of their term, that they have made the battalion improve and will still be there to help out. As a Major of Shadow Company I feel that I have the correct leadership skills to run this battalion (as lets face it, I was leading this battalion more than the current BCMD at the time before I even applied for this position). To finalize  why I should become Battalion Commander of Shadow Company,  I do not mass promote, I rate my individuals on their dedication to the battalion, not on if they are my friend or not, and overall, I am an active, dedicated Trooper.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



Monday- Friday - 4PM GMT - 9PM GMT

Weekends - 9amGMT - 10pmGMT (Varies depending on if I choose to socialise)

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Played on the server in the first week it opened! 300+ Hours!

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

My aim is to have Shadow Company noticed, noticed for being the coolest battalion going, I am looking for quality, but also quantity, I want to see this battalion grow. My aim is for the attitudes and skills of those who join Shadow Company is to be the very best, Yes we can Joke, but when we get down to business, we must be 100% focused on our objectives. I want to implement a leader rule, those who are a rank from SGT3 - CSM will be given the opportunity to lead the battalion in an event in order to see what goes well whilst they are in leadership and what could be improved, this allows the members of this battalion to feel welcomed, and most importantly wanted. By becoming the BCMD of Shadow Company, I feel that together as a community we can make Shadow Company Great Again!

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



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+1 We shall rain an evil empire of cloaked shadow people

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+1, as the only Shadow Company Commander to complete a full term, I hope that you are the one to suceed me in this goal. 



As a side note, if you do recieve the position and you would like someone to give you advice for any decision, feel free to contact me.

Edited by Zomb
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B I G F A T + 1 dispite freck having to deal with some shit ass dick heads IRL hes consistantly on the server hes good at rp does great in navel AND is a great game maker he would make a AMAZING BCMD!

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I believe Freck is fit for this position, having internal knowledge of all of our POVs in the battalion, and helping us tremendously, even when Aust was still a BCMD for Shadow Company, knowing all of us-mostly, inside and out, Freck was always there for us, when something... terrible went wrong-he did leave SC-but for a reason, he thought that it was going to stay strong, he quickly realized his mistake-too late, but still, too soon. Nevertheless in the middle. 

It seems short, but it is my side of the story. I mean, go head and contact me if you want- well.. "more detail into this story"..



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Congratulations! Your application for the Shadow Company Battalion Commander position
has been accepted for interview.
You will be contacted within a week to have your
interview conducted. Make sure you're prepared and know the lore of your
battalion. Best of luck, hope to see you as a new Battalion Commander.


//Moved to Commander Applications - Pending

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