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Rose-event server map


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Name: Rose

RP Rank: 2ndLT/Senator/K

Suggestion: add the old Endor map to the event server list 

Implementation: Adding it back to the content pack/list on TS

Lore: it’s a actual place

Workshop content if applicable: I think the one we used was RP_Endor_V4 (I think) just use the one we used for the main server without all the text screens and perma props
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Other: I know myself and some other GMs still have events we planned before we made the switch to Anaxes and I think it will make a great addition to the list. Being that it is an actual base and a relatively big map allows GM’s to be creative and use the specific battalions key components in the event. 

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-2 Endor was destroyed in server lore by joah or someone like that plus it’s been said that no one likes the map anyways kinda ass 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

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+1 lol why not more events

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i am literally captain tukk

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-1 remember when this first dropped people crashed looking outside too time to load in also its a HUGE MAP why not use extensive as event server map go to another planet with hyperspace function and then have a dupe set up for the next map and drop that down after switching maps

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3 hours ago, Dennis said:

-2 Endor was destroyed in server lore by joah or someone like that plus it’s been said that no one likes the map anyways kinda ass 


3 hours ago, traditional said:

-1 hot garbage map


25 minutes ago, Boutineer said:

-1 remember when this first dropped people crashed looking outside too time to load in also its a HUGE MAP why not use extensive as event server map go to another planet with hyperspace function and then have a dupe set up for the next map and drop that down after switching maps

You all know this would be on Event Server for deployments right? We have a total of 1 base map for deployments. The map has been optimized, hell we were on it for over half a year.

Also Server lore pepelaugh


i am literally captain tukk

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2 minutes ago, Scribbles said:

@Rose You know endor is still a map on the event server, people just have to DL it

its endor v3 however. Since it has the Jedi temple that's int he corner of the map. Sith temple, and senate chamber TP.

Hell, crystals even spawn on there still with all perma props. LOL

But if it isn’t in the content Pack people won’t have it hence the suggestion 

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1 hour ago, Boutineer said:

-1 remember when this first dropped people crashed looking outside too time to load in also its a HUGE MAP why not use extensive as event server map go to another planet with hyperspace function and then have a dupe set up for the next map and drop that down after switching maps

“When it first dropped” like marvel said it’s better. Also the HUGE MAP is exactly the reason why I want it the size allows for more creativity and options

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+1 no reason that GMs can't have an extra map that has been used for a long time. It may be garbage to some, but it brings back memories for me.


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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+1 I've wanted to be able to deploy back onto Endor for awhile, regardless of the quality of the map we were there for awhile and the occasional deployment would hit lots of people in the feels (most people I know have only known Endor, Jania, and Anaxes)

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15 hours ago, Scribbles said:

@Rose You know endor is still a map on the event server, people just have to DL it

its endor v3 however. Since it has the Jedi temple that's int he corner of the map. Sith temple, and senate chamber TP.

Hell, crystals even spawn on there still with all perma props. LOL

If it's not in the list dont use it simple

Because it's not on the quick dl



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20 hours ago, Dennis said:

-2 Endor was destroyed in server lore by joah or someone like that plus it’s been said that no one likes the map anyways kinda ass 

I mean Dennis you did say how events were lacking in one of the ask staff discussions.. more maps can give new ideas to events. I've seen first hand that bad maps can do good events... I've turned some bad maps into good one with obviously good event ideas. With that being said more maps mean more ideas meaning less people complaining about there being no events or no good events. +1

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Agent spitting facts! 


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1 hour ago, Agent said:

I mean Dennis you did say how events were lacking in one of the ask staff discussions.. more maps can give new ideas to events. I've seen first hand that bad maps can do good events... I've turned some bad maps into good one with obviously good event ideas. With that being said more maps mean more ideas meaning less people complaining about there being no events or no good events. +1




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On 11/5/2019 at 2:31 PM, Sixta said:

Agent spitting facts! 


A rare occurrence.  -1, I think more maps can be added instead of this to fill the feeling of being on Endor.  Never was a fan of this map.

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While I do think that having more maps would be cool, I think the old endor is kind of lame for improving creativity. I mean,  it would basically just be like an old main server event with less people and some more effort, which doesn't seem all to appealing to me given the size. I think that we should use other maps and add different ones we haven't seen before, rather than recycling our old ones that we don't use anymore. Now, that janarr base or whatever we used at during the switch from Endor to Anaxes was really nice, but I know it's an unpopular opinion.

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I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I've hated the map since day one. And from the sounds of it, its development did not go very smoothly (though how much I've heard were rumors or truth is not certain). And while there were mass crashing issues early on, they were diminished but not fully fixed. I myself had issues with the map up until the day we finally left it for the last time. I've honestly crashed more because of that one map than everything else I've ever crashed because of in GMod. At least a hundred crashes due to the map.

I've tested for issues with the map it was originally based off of, and had none of the same problems. So it was something done during the creation of the edited map that did it. I've got almost no other issues with it other than the crashing issue that continued to plague it to the end. The only thing being is that it was a MAJOR issue that could never seem to be fixed.

To me, the Endor Facility was wiped from the face of the galaxy, and I can't say I'm sorry to have seen it go. There are many maps that can better be added and used than this one, I can assure you of that without a doubt.

- 104th PLTO Major Keldeo | Jedi Mythos Master Kellyn Deo | Jedi General Plo Koon

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