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Loopy's Commander Bly App

Loopy Newby

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Steam Name: Loopy Newby


RP Name: Loopy/Deviss


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:435441667


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 327th 


327th PVT-XO: I first joined the 327th around January when I first joined the server I was recruited by a 327th named MrSquatch who told me the 327th had a really good medical branch as I was Interested in being a support role and I asked him what was “a good medic battalion” and he said the 327th which was partly true but I’m still glad I joined as I loved the kind and goofy nature of the 327th in TS while also being serious in game. I soon started to train to become a medic and started to learn under Cannon and soon got promoted to SPC officially branding me a medic. Here i started to get known as a detailed and renowned medic that was usually partners with 501st O’den [Current Kal Skirata] and filled a nurse type role for one of [In my opinion] one of the best medical roleplayers Blue [Blueberry Juice] who at the time was in Rancor as a MEDL but soon became Prudii Skirata where he resigned from the server after IRL stuff popped up. Working with both of them made my skills better and I became good friends with the both of them, Especially O’den.

[SGT - CSM]: When i was promoted i went for a MEDO position within the 327th I was running against Rickle for it and became a prominent recruiter for the 327th, At the time and possibly still [the doc got updated so it’s hard to say] I was the 3rd highest recruiter behind Poe and GuardianRobot and had logged over 25+ Surgeries within the 327th before the document that held the surgeries was removed from the medical program in which I performed many more surgeries that remained unlogged so I have an unknown amount of surgeries under my belt but I can confirm with documents that it is 25+. I soon got my first Commanding position within the 327th as a MEDO that I will get into later.

[2LT-CMD] I was shocked by an officer position to be perfectly honest but the position made me feel what it was like to be in a big position of power which i used to strengthen the medical branch further and assist lower ranking members of the battalion who are now amazing officers that i am proud of which included the former bly and my good friend Tripoli. Soon around 1LT or so Cannon had resigned from his position as MEDL to focus on being an XO of the 327th, I immediately went for MEDL running against GuardianRobot and Willy who i have tremendous respect for but after a handful of weeks REGL Biggs and Wolfro gave me the position after I gave them a new medical training document that was used often in my MEDL run and after it until the last MEDL and my former MEDXO [Omama] changed the document to see if it could be better but it was still in the testing phases before he resigned. I started to climb the ranks as a dependable guy who was usually active within the 327th but at this officer position i slacked off on my some duties that I tried to fix which included recruiting which I used to hold dear but to make up for it, I started to focus on making creative and fun simulations within the 327th that many people enjoyed and have asked me to host multiple times before. After a couple more promotions i had resigned MEDL after i was losing steam from getting mind numbingly bored from reading the AMED/BMED Document everyday [trust me you would too] which made me neglect some of my medical duties. After that I sat comfortably and joined the ARC branch to relax and help what was once one of our most weakest branches which is now one of the strongest due to the likes of Jerome and Sniff [Before Anaxus] when they were running it. But otherwise it was a sleepy period I will sadly admit as i was just going through the motions but still remained heavily active within the 327th. I soon went for REGL with Jerome [i think] running against me and I then got the position after a long wait., Here i started to collect complaints and suggestions from the branches and brought it up with high command but otherwise I trained people when the branch lead wasn’t around which gave our dead jet branch some life but it sadly didn’t last for long. When Poe went for Attack Reg I was prepping for Cannons term as Bly and started to collect suggestions and getting ready to help K-Company since there deviss would now become there bly, But too the 327th’s shock and despair he was denied which put the 327th in a mini crisis mode as we tried to make a game plan to see what we should do, We thought we should wait the weeks so he can reapply but due to miscommunicated that i won’t go over Tripoli went for bly since i said i didn’t want to run for it due to my belief i was not ready I then prepped for his run and he got Bly which caused celebration I soon started to take suggestions and make changes but Tripoli was struck with personal issues which caused activity to staggered as well as me since I was adjusting to being a head admin and taking and making new documents for the 327th/K-Company, I started to make suggestions and discuss it with the 327th which some passed and some failed, I also tried to bring back meetings since we struggled to hold them often even in Poe’s term, But soon due to the personal issues tripoli resigned which caused quite an exodus of new members and old members which has affected 327th morale and my morale personally.

Tripoli last order was to make me XO before he left to have someone trustworthy in charge. Morale started to look like a used toothpaste tube at this point but I started to try my best to help the hemorrhaging battalion recover numbers and make a comeback with the help of old members like legacy and other BCMD’s, Due to me implementing some of the advice they gave we reach and acted with some life like a corpse showing a flick of life with stuff like recruitment challenges and more sims and getting some impressive new members that I was super happy about like Eagle for example. But even with this kick of life our battalion still looks and feels like it’s on a respirator but at least we started to have reliable activity even though the numbers were low, we popped around at about 3 to 4 members a day which wasn’t horrible at least for us. Soon I debated going for Bly but was still unconfident in my skills so I allowed fellow 327th member rocksteady to go for it which didn’t go so well since the 327th and the community weren’t behind him really. Soon words started to reach us that the Marshal Commander wanted to become Bly which caused a little bit of intrigue and fear since he was an experienced commander but an outsider that might change the 327th’s identity but after a long talk i started to trust jayarr and his intentions. He soon became bly and i helped him get settled in and soon resigned from the executive officer so he could pick his one by choice and not one by default.

[CMD x2 Jayarr’s Term]:
Unfortunately I cannot say much here since I was getting very sick during his term, a sickness I am still suffering from currently but slowly recovering from. But when I did appear I hosted a handful of training for the sub unit of K-Company to try and get it off the ground before becoming bedridden again. I’d like to say sorry to jayarr since I was sick throughout his term.

[K-Company COL]

I became the Second member to join K-Company behind Bananaberry and started to assist the current deviss (Cannon) with trainings that involved 3 long documents called siege 1,2 and 3 and helped with many of tryouts that I also assisted in. I believe I became the biggest trainer within K-Company before cannon had resigned from deviss.

[Commander Deviss]

I ran unopposed when I went for Deviss and this position has taught me a lot in terms of leadership and how to lead people in game and out of it and appreciated the opportunity that Tripoli gave me. This position gave me confidence to lead and change the K-Company fundamentally by adding less trainings and allowing the tryout to become less favortised when it used to be that Deviss would pick who would tryout when I made mine similar to SOBDE tryouts. I did many trainings but due to low numbers of the 327th I struggled to get people to attend the trainings and was still trying to refine a new formula since I’ve never run a sub unit before and wanted to optimize it for the better, currently I’m trying to ask advice from other sub-units and SOBDR on what makes a good sub unit and how to run a small squad of members. This finally gave me the confidence that I was ready to lead a lot of people and try and bring the 327th out of the dark.

[327th MEDO]

When I began as a MEDO I barely knew how to lead or implement ideas but thanks to my mentor cannon I learned how to make docs and become an experienced medic when it comes to rp, I assisted cannon with one of his main medical documents and learned my first taste of logging stuff on a little google sheet that he made to log surgeries that the medical branch did, I soon became one of his most prolific medics with 25+ Major Surgeries logged as well as 30+ Check Ups. As well as a major trainer for the server as a whole since I opened AMED and BMED Training to everyone in the server to the point where I had (At Least according to my feedback document) had trained 87 People in BMED and 57 in AMED. I was a nice and friendly face within the medical branch and was always the first to train the new medical recruits for cannon to make the branch stronger.

[327th MEDL]

My first ever leadership position was MEDL in which I soon reinvented the 327th Medical Training document to improve on the old one and in my testing runs it seemed to have improved the medical branch quite a bit At least to my knowledge since numbers started to dramatically grow making it the most popular sub unit of the 327th when I was leading it. It gave me knowledge on how to appoint people to jobs and to lead a small group of people who helped me quite a bit to make the branch something to be proud of and those people were my past MEDO and MEDXO’s, I couldn’t have done it without them (if you’re reading this, thank you MEDO/MEDXO/MEDL Omama, MEDO/MEDXO Hayley, MEDO Sniff and MEDXO Willy) who all have assisted with my growth as a leader when they were in my regiment.

[327th Regimental Lead]

After I had left the MEDL position I wanted to help all the branches and allow them a wide range of freedom and deal with some known complaints within the 327th with my fellow REGL Willy, together we put new regimental leaders through Tripoli’s and Jayarr’s Bly’s term and held occasional meetings to take complaints and implement new ideas that everyone had to offer but the position acted more like a managing position than a commanding position so we weren’t swamped with work when everything is working out and when we don’t get many complaints which no one has filed a complaint or suggestions in awhile.

[Past/Current Positions that don’t fit into clone leadership]

Base Ops Medical Manager (Through 3 Terms)

Sith Lord Louisiana

Gamemaster Officer

Head Administrator



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

I have been seen as a hard worker by many people within and outside of the 327th, but one of the biggest things I’m proud of and what I think is a mark of an amazing leader is to take on the ideas of others and not thinking of yourself as the smartest man alive and that you can do everything by yourself as it is always great to have help and listen to your subordinates with their opinions and suggestions while still contemplating the ramifications of implementing such an idea. I also believe that no one is perfect and I have been trying to meet a lot of battalions outside of the 327th for advice and tips for leading a battalion which I hope will assist me in the future as Bly or as a normal 327th Commander to help and improve my commanding skills for the future, I have received advice from: Sanchez (Director), Regional (Former 327th Commander), Carvis (Former Admiral Yularrn), Brooklyn (Current Commander Gree), Rohan (Current DU Commander) and a lot of normal 41st troopers as well as Sesu (DU Major) whose opinions I have taken too heart and will be trying to listen to their try and help the battalion 10 Fold. I am also writing brand new documents to implement that I’m currently working on that I would gladly show to anyone if they wish to view it.

(if anyone wishes to offer suggestions or advice feel free to tell me I’d appreciate it!)


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I have studied the lore extensively as a Gamemaster and as Commander Deviss so yes I do know the lore very well.


Availability: I don’t lie often so I won’t do it now, I suffer from insomnia and some mental troubles so my hours can jump off the walls from only able to be in at night or just being on mid-day but thankfully due to some medication I can fix these problems so I usually wake up around 7:00 AM to 10-11:00 PM CST (1 hour behind EST) and yes I’m not a busy man since I’m unusually sick but that At Least makes my activity real nice.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:



Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I’m not gonna lie, even though I wanna see the 327th in a utopia esk setting it won’t be like that even if you had the best leader on the planet running it, so my goals are grounded and I am coming with stuff to deal with these problems as we speak.

1: My first Goal is to make a centralized command structure so commanders and officers feel needed which they don’t seem to feel like often, ever since Poe’s term we have struggled with following a chain of command, like for example many NCO’s (which I’m guilty of too) going directly to poe (who was Bly) or cannon (who was XO), while doing this I wanna make it similarly to how TR works I’m a way making fun competitions as well as making NCO’s grow close to there Officers and vise versa instead of us seeming like spoopy decision makers.

2: To reward hard work and loyal members of the 327th in terms of Recruitment and Sims to help entertain 327th members and give them something to strive for like a rank.

3: Help to finally bring our sun unit online with brand new docs since my tests seem to be struggling to bring enjoyment within K-Company.


But In summary I want the 327th to have a solid command structure and good activity as well as recruitment and an active sub branch.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Sir!


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes Sir!


If you have any worries or questions just ask me In the app and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities. And feel free to give me suggestions on stuff you wanna see changed within the 327th as I will be trying to work closely with other battalions!

Good luck to my fellow runners Rocksteady and Willy!
Ending off with a meme.

Directors when they see 3 Commander Bly App's up

Image result for hide the pain harold


  • Funny 5
  • Winner 1
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+1 then he will take over the SCP server


  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Imma be real with you Loopy. I want to plus one you so fucking bad, Because you've done nothing but put your blood, sweat and time into the 327th. Your dedication to them is actually so breathtaking.  You've achieved nothing but greatness on the server and it makes me proud to be your friend. Although, I do worry with your IRL issues and stuff along those lines that it may get the best of you. I know you, and I'm worried that it may burn you out, or you won't be able to cope considering your position. It hurts doing this bro, and I'm sorry. Though, -1. I wish you the best of luck though. My opinion may change in the future though.

Everyone deserves a shot bro. I was being a worried dummy, But i know that you've got what it takes. Imma change to a +1. Good Luck Loopy, Make me proud.

Edited by Tinovious
changed to a +1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Head Admin

+1, best poopyhead here

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Loopy I love you dude, but you can’t let this get the best of you. I’m +1 you because I know you’ll give 327th the new thing it deserves, but If irl stuff gets the best then you can’t force yourself to come on. You need to know if this is really want you want. 

  • Friendly 1

Former: Liaison


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12 hours ago, Tinovious said:

Imma be real with you Loopy. I want to plus one you so fucking bad, Because you've done nothing but put your blood, sweat and time into the 327th. Your dedication to them is actually so breathtaking.  You've achieved nothing but greatness on the server and it makes me proud to be your friend. Although, I do worry with your IRL issues and stuff along those lines that it may get the best of you. I know you, and I'm worried that it may burn you out, or you won't be able to cope considering your position. It hurts doing this bro, and I'm sorry. Though, -1. I wish you the best of luck though. My opinion may change in the future though.

Everyone deserves a shot bro. I was being a worried dummy, But i know that you've got what it takes. Imma change to a +1. Good Luck Loopy, Make me proud.

I appreciate the worry and understand completely. I will be working closely with people and i too fear worry from my IRL issue's but i plan to work myself to the bone if i get bly or even if i don't, Willy can lead amazingly and me and him are buds till the end either way this goes i hope it will be great for the 327th.

Plus i've been working closely with my IRL doctors and i think i found a good mix of medication that will assist me to lead. Love you boo. 

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12 minutes ago, Loopy Newby said:

I appreciate the worry and understand completely. I will be working closely with people and i too fear worry from my IRL issue's but i plan to work myself to the bone if i get bly or even if i don't, Willy can lead amazingly and me and him are buds till the end either way this goes i hope it will be great for the 327th.

Plus i've been working closely with my IRL doctors and i think i found a good mix of medication that will assist me to lead. Love you boo. 

I trust Loopy's judgement no matter the case.

  • Friendly 1


Master of the Order Mace Windu (Current) | DU VET Sergeant (Current) | Mas Amedda (Former) | 327th Battalion Commander Bly (Former)

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-1 this brother uses lightmode.








  • Friendly 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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I have taught you everything I know and I am proud of where are you now. +1

  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 good luck bro. Know you will do great

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 I think you and Willy are good candidates. I wish for your good fortunate and rejuvenating vigor in life (since I heard you got some IRL stuff going on). 

  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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+1 May the best man win

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/19/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Commander Bly!

Your term will end on 1/21/2020

//moved to accepted


i am literally captain tukk

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