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Jayarrs 327th BCMD Application


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Steam Name:

RP Name:
Marshal Commander Jayarr

Steam ID:

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
327th Battalion Commander Bly

These will all be from my previous apps, as nothing changed so I see no reason to type anything up.


Wolffe was my very first BCMD position. I was new to being a real commanding officer at that time, but I didn’t stop trying to push for the better of the battalion. Mary and caboose left the battalion in a shithole when I was applying for the position. Everything was a mess, there were too many sub branches, recruitment was little to none, and the officers were slacking. I did what I had to once I got BCMD, and wiped all the officers once or twice, and removed inactives. Some people believe that the path to an active battalion does not involve this, but was I aiming for activity? No. People fail to understand what I did. I fixed the battalions shitty insides up to the best of my ability, and left it for someone else to further improve what I had done. Something better. (Sadly caboose applied though so I got fucked)h BCMD Wolffe


Doom. Probably my most favorite position I’ve held. Starting this all off, when DU came to the server I was a 104th CSM and I wasn’t really feeling the server at the time, as I didn’t want to redo everything I had done after getting powerplayed in SC by someone. DU was my last straw, so I joined as private like everyone else. Dargon, ginyu, and others had laid down a foundation to work upon after they had both left and had promoted me and fours. We had a whole situation with zander and stuff on my getting waived for doom because they thought people outside the battalion should be able to apply before someone who’s in it as an officer and knows how it works should. Eventually I got waived, applied, and got it. It was rough at the start, not gonna lie. I was told if I fail as doom, then they would remove the battalion. So man did I work, getting as many enlisted up to NCOs as I could to get us a boost. I had fours as my right hand commander almost immediately after getting doom. Me and him over time, accomplished so much with DU. We kept a constant 20-25 people on almost every day and had a peak point of 38 people on at once. I won’t go into detail on what I did to revive DU with fours, but man was it a journey. I miss being doom to this day, as I had so much fun. I would definitely go back if I was really

Red Guard Captain (battalion commander)

Red guard. I can’t explain enough how many times I wish this was added back. I loved it to death, and everything involved with it was just a better time on the server. When I got captain, there were currently only 4 people in red guard. At the end of my term, I had a full roster of red guard who were really active all things considered. We did more RP then this server has seen in a month in just a week with the senators and high command on board, and no one can deny that. Yeah, red guard RDM’d. Under RP orders. So what? Chancellor says, we do. Simple as that. And I don’t think the people who always bashed on red guard realized how many rules were in place behind the scenes to hold them back from doing anything else that anyone would complain about. I did think about the people when the rules were made, and I still think about the people even now. I know red guard wouldn’t have a place on this server anymore, but at any opportunity I see it fitting in, I would love for it to come back.

SOBDE Regimental Commander

Now this one was interesting. Upon applying after I felt doom was done and fine (granted they moved DU into SOBDE for some reason), I got a lot of mixed reasons for +1s and only a few -1s. People thought I wouldn’t be fit for the position as I had no RC experience. But, when I got to interview and eventually got the position, I tried my best to prove that I can work with SOBDE just as well as any previous RC could. SOBDE didn’t really know me well at the time, but over the time of a month or so, we all became good friends and I did just what they needed at the time, barely anything. I dealt with complaints, participated in events with them, and just hung out. People don’t or didn’t need to be shoving their fist in SOBDEs face at that time.

SPEC-SOBDE Senior Commander

Can’t deny that I miss senior commander, but god was it useless. It was a “I advise these two advisors” but with more power. If a REG messed up anyways, people never went to me or whoever the other senior was. They always skipped over us for the marshal commander. Made me fucking mad sometimes. CoC may be something people hate, but god damn is it underestimated. Situations can go way over the top if you immediately go to the highest person you can. Anyways, I mostly did what I did as reg. Chilled with my boys, did events with em, had a good time. The advisor of the advisors wasn’t really a position to do much with when you had good REGs.

Shadow Company Commander

This is mostly an example of what I can do sometimes. I was put into this battalion as a 2ndLT by max as a window and an option for me to come back to the server and show I can work on the battalion and revive it. And I’d say I did just that. As soon as me and a few others were put in the battalion, we worked and worked and worked on documents and tryouts and all that we could. And it brought the battalion back up to its feet and that’s what I wanted to see and what I loved to see.

Rancor Commander Havoc

I gotta thank dragon for this. I returned to the server after my ban, and I felt lost and didn’t know if people would accept me back from the...things...they had been told about me. Dragon offered me SGT in rancor and I took it as I knew dragon as my WO officer in DU and had seen him long ago in the past but never really bothered talking to him. Eventually, I put all the work I could in as SGT and got the position of WO, which like some battalions is a position equal to commander. I kept NCOs in line and started to work on quite a few documents while in the position. A month or so passes by, I get commander. Here I sat for a few weeks, doing document work still and doing trainings for ARC now and then. I didn’t sit here for long though as I moved on.

Recon Regimental Commander

I’ve been working a lot as REG to insure my battalions can get back up and running in a good state. Recently, all the BCMDs have moved on and now new ones are in their place. I trust in all 3 of them 100%, and hope they will do their best if I move on. Zeik handles all the situations I’ve seen thrown at him very well and is doing very very good with 41st, quebec is doing is best to get 91st active again, and miller is doing his best to keep rancors standards and implement new ideas. They all are quality, open BCMDs. Hopefully they all take what I’ve done with them well, and maybe one of them can follow up with recon REG if I do get marshal.

Marshal Commander

This is where I am now, and I have enjoyed my time as marshal. I helped as much as I could whenever someone asked for it, which mind you was rare. Like I say further down in the app, I’m getting bored of high command as there isn’t much to do with it but RP and deal with the rare complaint that should really only be dealt with by the regimental commander. I had my fun, I did RP around and have fun with people, but it doesn’t feel right to hold the position any longer when I am thinking of running for a BCMD position over staying as marshal.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
So, this is where I explain why I am stepping down from marshal to try bly.

I’ve always seen 327th on the server from the whole time I’ve been on synergy and the whole time I was on icefuse, and it seems like it can be a wonderful battalion. It was once upon a time. But from what I’ve seen from it now, it just looks like it’s in ruins from an outsider's perspective.

I don’t mean to bash or hate on the battalion, but it’s counted on the list of minge battalion, and that’s truly unfortunate for how badass they are in lore. Tripoli and poe did their best to fix the battalion, and I appreciate their effort as it can extend to any further BCMD in fixing it.

With the fact that I would be applying to FIX the battalion and make it an enjoyable space, that would require more than likely wiping docs, and maybe even people. This is the hardest part and the part everyone will -1 me for and what not, because no one likes wipes or big changes. But how can I fix a battalion without taking that step further for it? To fix a mess, you gotta clean it. I want to start with a new plate to make the battalion fresh and now again. I did this for dooms unit when I was doom as it is just how I fair as a BCMD, and look what that got me. The battalion functioned and strived in the end, so long as I pushed it with my officers. Building a new structure of people, documents, and so on can create a great atmosphere in some scenarios and help further the battalion.

Now that I am past the explanation of my actions, which will probably get me the beef of my feedback, I shall explain why I wish to be BCMD.

Now, in the past I've been BCMD three times, and to be honest those were the most enjoyable times I had on the server. High command is definitely a retirement home that people hate you for if you do anything with it. So I want to step down from marshal and spring up some more life into the server for me, and anyone who joins the battalion along the way. Being a BCMD brings the fact that you have to work your ass off to achieve anything for your battalion, but working with the people in it and having fun with them along the way is the ultimate experience.

The second reason I wish to be BCMD is because 327th is an awesome battalion in lore, and could be so much on the server that it isn’t already, or it already was. I want to bring life to the battalion and spark a new era hopefully, that won’t involve being held back by anyone or anything. Working on 327th will be a pleasure as I love helping battalions by any means, and I love seeing the outcome in the end to help further how I function as a BCMD and what not on the server. It will be a big trial of how people feel about me, and how people think the battalion can run, but I feel confident that I can do something different to help fix it up from now until the end.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
I do.

12 hours a day every day.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
Ever since the start

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I pretty much described this in the “Why do you wish to become a BCMD” section, however I will state it differently.

I want the battalion to be as badass as it was in lore, and I want it to stand out with both numbers and functionality. These are things all battalion commanders want, but they are things that are not easy to achieve, and are easier said than done. If I do get BCMD and ultimately make it through my term, I want to see that I have fit, functioning replacements that can handle the battalion in the ways I might, and can continue on a strong and healthy legacy for the battalion as a whole. I already stated that I wish for the battalion to be fresh and new from it’s previous BCMDs, and I want it to maintain seriousness and respectability at all times.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Edited by Jayarr
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Head Admin

+1, we need someone.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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+1 This guy has actually been a respectable Marshal Commander who generally worked with the majority of the battalions, regardless of their activity or prowess. The fact that he's stepping down from that position to lead 327th, a battalion that needs help, says something great. 

Goodluck Jayarr, you'll smash it.

Edited by Ket
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Jayarr's, in my opinion, exactly what the 327th needs at the moment. Take shots at me for my resignation which was early, but I still care for the 327th and wanna see it succeed. Under Jayarr, I think it'll flourish and prosper if he's given the room to do what he deems necessary to do. Which is all I can hope will be the case, and hope that people don't try to interject into his transition from current 327th to his own. 

Best wishes go with you, Jayarr, hope you do great things for the Star Corps. :)

  • Winner 1

𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓡𝓲𝓶 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓻 𝟝𝟘𝟝𝟚 🢩

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I love the 327th it has always been my home and it hurts to see it in the state that its in. Please do what Poe,Regional and I did before and bring it back to its glory +1

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 it takes a big man to take a step down into a position he is forced into. It takes a great man to make sure that job is done right. I personally feel you will be amazing in this position and as sad as I am to see you stop being my marshal commander you definitely will be able to make a bigger impact leading the battalion with the experience you possess 

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I want to bring up something, feel free to dumb me all you want. From the time I’ve been under Jayarr, during his time as Recon Reg and MCMD, I’ve only seen him interact with the battalions (like trainings, meetings, etc.) when it was mandatory. Never really reaching out to people he doesn’t have ties with. There was a lot going on with 41st and 91st during his Recon Reg. term, and from my perspective, wasn’t doing much of anything to change things. But way of putting it, not engaging himself with the battalions he was heading. This could be entirely different if he is in a BCMD position, but my main concern is Jayarr sitting in a closed channel with the same 4-5 people, and not actively engaging with the 327th.

So I have 2 questions for you Jayarr if you can answer them. Since your goal is to change 327th from a minge battalion and spark new life in it.


How will you engage 327th with other battalions? (Since Outsider image plays a huge part)

How do you plan to stay active within 327th itself? (Yes you are in TS everyday but sometimes that ain’t enough)

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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45 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

I want to bring up something, feel free to dumb me all you want. From the time I’ve been under Jayarr, during his time as Recon Reg and MCMD, I’ve only seen him interact with the battalions (like trainings, meetings, etc.) when it was mandatory. Never really reaching out to people he doesn’t have ties with. There was a lot going on with 41st and 91st during his Recon Reg. term, and from my perspective, wasn’t doing much of anything to change things. But way of putting it, not engaging himself with the battalions he was heading. This could be entirely different if he is in a BCMD position, but my main concern is Jayarr sitting in a closed channel with the same 4-5 people, and not actively engaging with the 327th.

You don't need to be dumbed, you're speaking your voice. I gotchya in terms of answers.
When I was recon reg, and while I'm still MCMD, I have stated in both the past and the present that I will be doing my job via observing and stepping up when things get out of hand. That is what high command should be. You can refer to @Beik when he was gree, I assisted with him many many times as recon REG whenever he asked for it. Same with @Quebec, near the start of my term I helped out with 91st multiple times, hopped on WAC-47, so on and so on. It was never my primary focus to hang out with battalions as they never asked for it and whenever I did, people acted awkward. The same can be said for my time as marshal. I observe and act upon any issues I see. I have stepped into multiple scenarios, but they may not be obvious as I handle little things behind the scenes that can make a large difference to battalions.
A good example being that I just assisted @keeganf706 in a little battalion boosting for 187th as there were complaints of them having 1-2 people on a day. Once he got kicking and back in action, I stopped assisting as he seems to be handling it just fine now. I know I come across as anti-social or not doing my job, but there's a difference between a high command that does too much and a high command that does just enough. I try to do my best to observe and take actions, but no one talks to me or brings things up to me, so am I really at fault for any issues if they won't seek help/don't even need it in the first place

45 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

How will you engage 327th with other battalions? (Since Outsider image plays a huge part)

How do you plan to stay active within 327th itself? (Yes you are in TS everyday but sometimes that ain’t enough)

Engaging with other battalions is always a question that can't really be answered in any other way. The usual roles in events, simulations, etc. It's always been a focus of mine as a BCMD to talk with other BCMDs and see if they would like to do events with my battalion or if they need anything with it, and I did that as Doom and sometimes as Wolffe. It's just a matter of stepping out of your comfort zone to connect with other BCMDs and battalions to see if you can continuously work with their battalions to make a stronger connection between you and the server as a whole. It's something I like to play around with and sort of improvise along the way with any scenario. 

As for staying active with 327th, I take this as you may not see me in game as often as you might like, which I kinda take as a hit as I'm normally extremely active so this kinda feels weird. I've been off the server ever since applying for bly for the sole fact that I need a small break, and I didn't see an LOA fit. If I get accepted, I can easily go back to pulling 12 hours a day in and out of game and teamspeak. Before marshal I was extremely active, but as you may have read in my app, it's really boring when no one wants to do anything with you/want you to do anything.
Now if I were to get bly, my activity would come back up again, I'd constantly be helping the battalion both in game and out of game (TS, discord, etc) as well as trying to provide them with the most I can in terms of deployments, simulations, and other RP activities to just get the battalion up and running again. The server is slow at most if an event isn't going on, so there would have to be a lot of filler as you may know since you're a BCMD.

Hopefully that answers all your questions and concerns. ❤️ 
The just of this is that in each BCMD term I've served, improvising and focusing on my battalion and my boys primarily has always led to much more success then usual. I feel like I can use those old skills once more, as I shine more as a BCMD then I do as high command.

(cause it's so much less boring then that shit)

Edited by Jayarr
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Alright bro. Good luck. Thanks for taking the time +1

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Honestly when you were recon reg I did not enjoy it. You promoted 2 officers in the 91dt to Commander without talking to me first. That's something that bothered me for a while. I know you had your reasoning but it bothered me alot. When I was BCMD I did not interact with you very much. You tended to just sit in your channel as usual and never really wanted your help. If you ask me how he did as recon reg I would say he did not do very well. And as for WAC-47 it's a legacy rank. You should not have really been on it but I was fine with it. I don't know if this will affect the app but I needed things like this known.

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29 minutes ago, Quebec said:

Honestly when you were recon reg I did not enjoy it. You promoted 2 officers in the 91dt to Commander without talking to me first. That's something that bothered me for a while. I know you had your reasoning but it bothered me alot. When I was BCMD I did not interact with you very much. You tended to just sit in your channel as usual and never really wanted your help. If you ask me how he did as recon reg I would say he did not do very well. And as for WAC-47 it's a legacy rank. You should not have really been on it but I was fine with it. I don't know if this will affect the app but I needed things like this known.

Now, I like you quebec, and I would take this as criticism, but I can't as it's not logical. I don't mean this to be a flame post, but I need to call you out on this as you seem to be trying to sway opinions.

1. The officer promotions, I asked around in 91st and people said they deserved it, and quite frankly you needed it. Your time as neyo was rough and I was never going to come out and say it, so I decided to give you people that can support the weight.
2. If it was an issue I sat in my channel, then you could have spoken your voice when I held meetings and brought up concerns.
3. Every time I was on WAC you would laugh around and have fun. You. Never. Spoke. Not for a single issue did you voice yourself.

Your communication issues are seemingly trying to make me out as bad and lazy, but multiple times as Recon REG and marshal have I stated that if there is an issue you need to SPEAK to me. I will not magically read and mind and say "Oh, sorry!". You should see why this criticism, if it's that, annoys me. None of it makes sense. Maybe the commander promotions but that's it. 
If people want things to happen on the server, then just talk, for the love of god. You never mentioned ANY of this to me and sat around until this moment to take it out.
Is that not unfair in terms of what people can take it as? If you communicated, who knows how this would be right now.
But my main concern. My singular complaint. Is how will my activities as a HIGH COMMAND affect me as a BCMD when both act majorly differently. That in itself as a comparison is wild.

I will not reply after this, and I recommend you talk to me on TS if you have any other responses. This is not the place nor the time.

Edited by Jayarr
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5 hours ago, Jayarr said:

Now, I like you quebec, and I would take this as criticism, but I can't as it's not logical. I don't mean this to be a flame post, but I need to call you out on this as you seem to be trying to sway opinions.

1. The officer promotions, I asked around in 91st and people said they deserved it, and quite frankly you needed it. Your time as neyo was rough and I was never going to come out and say it, so I decided to give you people that can support the weight.
2. If it was an issue I sat in my channel, then you could have spoken your voice when I held meetings and brought up concerns.
3. Every time I was on WAC you would laugh around and have fun. You. Never. Spoke. Not for a single issue did you voice yourself.

Your communication issues are seemingly trying to make me out as bad and lazy, but multiple times as Recon REG and marshal have I stated that if there is an issue you need to SPEAK to me. I will not magically read and mind and say "Oh, sorry!". You should see why this criticism, if it's that, annoys me. None of it makes sense. Maybe the commander promotions but that's it. 
If people want things to happen on the server, then just talk, for the love of god. You never mentioned ANY of this to me and sat around until this moment to take it out.
Is that not unfair in terms of what people can take it as? If you communicated, who knows how this would be right now.
But my main concern. My singular complaint. Is how will my activities as a HIGH COMMAND affect me as a BCMD when both act majorly differently. That in itself as a comparison is wild.

I know you won't reply but I guess my wording was bad. I just feel as if you went behind my back for the promotions as I was not even notified by anyone. The only other officers during the time of the promotions was technodad (and the two promoted people) I had no issues with you always being in your channel. The thing about WAC was not a problem but I brought it up because of the previous mention by you. I had no problems with what you did, just how you went about them. Communication with the officers below you is vital so simply my criticism is of your lack of communication mainly with me as BCMD. It did improve a little during your term but was all in all fine. I do know you will do a good job if you get Bly just it's something you would need to work on. I had no intention of sounding the way it was written. I have never been good at phrasing things like that I guess.

I can not contact you in TS as I can't use my computer currently. In conclusion I hope you do well if you gain this role 

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  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 9/14/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Commander Bly!

Your term will end on 12/12/2019

//moved to accepted


i am literally captain tukk

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