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Piff’s/Felix’s Goodbye AGAIN

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Ahh shit here we go again, well it’s been a few months since I made one of these because we changed maps for a good month or two than went back to endor, I got burnt out fast and it was fun while it lasted , I got farther than I expected I would before so thanks to everyone who supported me.


@BlackiSblackI’ll return and replace your Intel director and be supreme Intel director and make you my Intel slave, but actually thanks to you and Patricia for helping me to where I got in rancor 

@Patrick ^image0.png

you goob spend too much time on Jedi

@Mist Miller taught me how to PVP good

@Miller thanks for teaching me to PVP and making me the cutest Alpha ARC, sorry for messing up that command meeting too I got nervous boi it was my first time 

@Cryptic99 let me med branch die and I’ll break you

@Trofi-Muzzle you were my competition in Rancor, but you beat me fair and square

@Pythin you still never contacted me for wat u needed u goob, I would of got the AlphaARC if I didn’t have to drink water

@SmallJeffwith you gone I will take back the guardian branch and become master, my sister is free

@traditional thank you for teaching me how dumb all the shit I do is, actually @Marvel@Baxter You guys too, 

@Jayarr what can I say else than tell me your channel password

@silvers expect a call every Saturday at 7

@Usefulgamerfind poder and make him come back and you’ll be a truly useful gamer

@Shade come back it lonely now

@Kalrain you could of been a great med lead but not you took RT

@PhilPP buddies will return in the next episode of dragon ball z

@A-a-ron Best echo and fives ye ye

@Tinovious you cutie come back to 501st and ill kiss ya

@[ZN] Cubby call me piff’s again and I’ll fucking choke you and stick my lightsabers up ahsokas ass, you’ll pass SOBDE tryouts one day

@Omalic come back or I’ll get pewdiepie to kill you

@BlueJay Get Rex or I’ll kiss ya

@Selena stop being so fucking loud or I’ll never help you again 

@Stormzyyy known you for a short time but u kool

@Striker I hope your throat is ok

@Eclipse where are you the 501st needs you

@Bleach come back, the 501st needs you too

@Pranzer you Mexican ginger 

@techno101100 technoson

@Merrill I’ll hop on for those late night eARC trainings when I see them in Discord

@Jackson I wish to take the name Jackson back 

i ain’t gonna @joah cause he prob get an @ every time someone leaves but I am not shit at PVP ok cause that hurt when you told me that

@Dragon I think another term as blitz would be good

@Quill Khan another Rex term would be great too

@ All Of Rancor, 212th and the 501st it’s been fun hanging around with y’all and some of y’all 327th as well you guys kool kids too

If y’all wanna play Rust, Payday2, CSGO, Rocket League or any other game I have add me on steam 


or message me on discord via LilBeanER#0107

and to get a Epic Victory royale FaZe R3ta7d( I wanna die)

or some Roblox PapSupreme 

also minecraft but for that message me on discord, I forgot also DarkRP ill be down to make omega big fat unraidable bases

ps. I wrote this all while at the gym so if I missed some of y’all forgive me

Edited by Felix
  • Funny 3
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Redacted password

See ya later alligator

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Honestly, I gotta admit, I never really properly thank you for helping me when I was a padawan.
Even though you can be alittle..... crazy at times.
You were one of the hardest working people I know during my time in the server, always noticed your work in the shadows.
Anyways Thank you for your time and service towards Rancor and the Server.
Feel free to visit :(

  • Friendly 1
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3 minutes ago, Patrick said:

Honestly, I gotta admit, I never really properly thank you for helping me when I was a padawan.
Even though you can be alittle..... crazy at times.
You were one of the hardest working people I know during my time in the server, always noticed your work in the shadows.
Anyways Thank you for your time and service towards Rancor and the Server.
Feel free to visit :(

I’ll hop on ma Jedi once in a while, @Cabrera also why I didn’t accept your offer for manager, sorry bud,maybe in the future

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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1 minute ago, Bbstine said:

ultra mega minecraft hardcore lets play part 2 electric boogaloo

You still suck at payday2

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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3 minutes ago, Phil said:

If you invite me to one of those voice chats one more fucking time....



Don’t pull an O’den and have your camera on and join so we can see your face

  • Funny 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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3 hours ago, Mist said:

Even uncrediting me when i taught you half of the shit you know before you leave, you little fuck.

Cya and we'll be glad to have you back anytime. Cuck

You guys did half and half 

  • Winner 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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i am literally captain tukk

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