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Name: McFisher

RP Rank: COL

Suggestion: in the new map jimbo is currently building, we could add  the use of keycards/keycard scanners. we could put these on important places such as base control centre, generator room and ATC, Brig etc. this would create more of a realistic feel as only certain people could enter the high level areas. (E.G. Officer classes, Commanders, Naval, Knight Classes ETC. It would also stop minging as some CT's could walk into the generator room if no shock are guarding it and turn it off. jimbo also said that he would be happy to implement these into his new map. And the best key card system is onw you have to pay $5 For but t here are some scp ones as well.

Implementation: add these to all troopers but certain jobs have a higher clearance level.


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I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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It’d be cool but it would also be annoying to get in a gunfight or a situation where you need your weapon then fuck around with a key card then get insta clapped by some metal boys 


+1 just because I like chaos

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Are these going to have to be spawned in every time?

I don't really see the point of this. People are going to have to run to those areas in events and adding keycards is just going slow all that shit down and be a headache to manage. 

How would higher jobs be differentiated with the keycards, in most occasions officers are on a normal job such as Heavy or medic.

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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We tried to do this before, ya' boy Duck tried to implement a key card system and it was denied.

But to actually discuss it, it would have to be added to each persons job, however, say you are a Commander who uses a trooper job, do you have to have clearance spawned to you? If you account for the jobs people of rank use, then you would have to spawn a NEW CARD EVERY TIME someone respawns. Not only is this complicated and would create a lot of issues, but just downright unnecessary.

Then, we have to decide who gets what? How do we update it based off promotions? For example, a 2ndLT gets promoted to Captain, would he have to get a new card? It would have to be spawned for him based off his job.

Finally, it just seems like unnecessary additions to the server. Take the opportunity cost of adding this and compare it to anything else on the workshop. There is far more important things we could add, than have to deal with a complex key-card system.

To sum this up, you would need to SPAWN A CARD FOR EVERY PERSON IN THE SERVER EVERY TIME THEY RESPAWN. Tell me how that is a good idea.

It's not.


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24 minutes ago, Poe said:


Are these going to have to be spawned in every time?

I don't really see the point of this. People are going to have to run to those areas in events and adding keycards is just going slow all that shit down and be a headache to manage. 

How would higher jobs be differentiated with the keycards, in most occasions officers are on a normal job such as Heavy or medic.

Make certain people have the diffrent keycards. So for example a BCMD can grant his troopers a card they spawn with. Like whitelist.

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1 minute ago, Firat/Abi said:

Not if it's like a whitelist thing 

So now we need to find a way to create an ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM based off the clearance, how would this work? To use the scanners, you need to have the card PHYSICALLY ON YOUR PERSON to activate the scanner. Already, this just makes things significantly harder as now you have to find a way to CREATE a new system for key-cards. So now you need a Dev if you were to follow this.

Difficult, and I would argue actually hurts the suggestion, as now you would need someone to develop a fix for it.

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Actually I used them before in DarkRP, you could allow BCMD,CMD and Officer jobs to be able to grant certain members in their battalion to enter the places that have these keycards, as well high ranking jobs for Base Ops and other shit, if you allow them to add new people like officers or anyone who is high enough to be allowed in, it shouldn’t be a problem, because you can give every job a keycard with the keycard scanner from the GMod store and that’s the one you can do this with.

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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I'm not sure my guy... This always seems like a really cool idea and then it gets added and people use the system for a week then people go back to their old ways because its easier and the RP flows better between players when you pop the ID bind. I like it but I just think it would be another addon to the server that is taking up space and won't be that used.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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Head Admin

I do like the idea of it however, like many others officers are on branch jobs. For myself I am on the Medic job and so are PFCs. I don't know how that would work well in these situations where I would have to switch to my officer job just to go through a door. 

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Its a good idea, and I've seen them implemented into servers before but they have many more jobs per battalion which made them possible. These being Medical officer, Engineer Officer, Junior Officer jobs ect. With the current way our jobs are setup it would be too difficult. Now you could say "well just add some more jobs per thing" the LUA for adding jobs isnt that difficult, really just adjusting some lines such as model HP armor loadout ect. However why go through that trouble when our system works fine. Now we could try implementing keycards to only officers/commanders//bo/shock for right now, and thus only allowing the keycards to be used for higher clearance locations. Though like I said before, why fix what aint broken?

so a gamer gotta go with a -1 for now.

sorry gamer :(

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  • Retired Founder
18 hours ago, Blaki said:

I mean those are SCP cards. I like the Idea and i know how those works but i am going to stay Neutral on this one chief. 

There are Clone clearance level cards on the steam workshop, would just need to switch the model and repack

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Just now, Forseen said:

There are Clone clearance level cards on the steam workshop, would just need to switch the model and repack

If we get working clone cards then sure i am in. 

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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I personally think adding clearance levels which is [Rank+] is [Clearance level] for certain areas would be better, not to mention joah did want high command to work on this in the past.

It would be a good solution in terms of adding more shit, because you don't need a new addon to add clearance levels. Just text screens and a mind. That's just how I'd prefer to see it over keycards, albeit they are an interesting concept.


Edited by Jayarr
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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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