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Omalic's ATK REG Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Omalic [A]

RP Name:

Captain Rex

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for:

The position of Attack Regimental Commander


501st Legion

I've been in the 501st as long as I can remember. I joined a little more than 10 months ago and worked my way up the ladder of ranks. My first real commanding position was HWSL. I was so proud of becoming it and worked hard to make it the most active regiment in 501st to prove to my boss and former HWSL at the time (Phil) that I could take good care of the HWS that we held so dear. After a good time as HWSL, I passed ARC selections did that for a little bit then got WO and Appo. I served a full Appo term and after that, I was made a Major. I served as Major for some time and joining TC and becoming Fives during that time and moving to the rank of Colonel and the position as REGL with me being in charge of all the regiments within 501st. After a power struggle and a new Rex finally being appointed I was granted the rank of XO by the new Rex (Quill) and after that, he started grooming me for the position as Rex. After a month as XO we deemed me ready so Quill stepped down and I applied for Rex. This was six months ago. Since then a lot has happened and a lot of members have come and gone. I have remained and learned so much along the way. I've served 2 full terms and I can proudly say that I did my part in continuing the 501st legacy. And after all this time I feel ready to step down and let my well trained XO or COL take over the torch and become Rex.

Grand Admiral

On the server I used to play on before Synergy I was Grand Admiral for 6 months and apart of naval for a year. The rank I held Grand Admiral was the equivalent of Base Ops Commander but with the power of Palpatine on that server. The job put me in a position of supervising all battalions of the server and as being the highest authority on the server in RP. This job has made me used to the workings of an HC and used to the job required of a member of HC. The servers name was Vision Roleplay if anyone was wondering.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I believe that I should become the ATK REG due to my relations and understanding of the Attack Battalions. I have served as Rex for 6 months (2 terms) and in 501st for over 10 months and in that time I've spent so much time with the 501st and all the ATK Battalions. My job as Rex has been partly dealing with the other ATK Battalions and being the outside face of the legion so I'm well acquainted with the other ATK Battalions. This trust and friendship I have within attack combined with my vast experience in both leading a battalion and overseeing many battalions make me very fit for the position. The ATK Regiment needs an ATK REG that knows what we really are and what we stand for and a person that is used to HC work and In my belief, I'm that person.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes, I understand the lore of the ATK battalions.


All weekday from 9 or 10 AM EST to around 17 PM EST.

All weekends from around 5 AM EST to around 18 - 20 PM EST.

I live in Sweden which is in Europe so my times are a bit different from others.

If I'm not I then I can always be reached on discord. Just send a PM and I'll get back to you.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

My achievements are as follows:

HWSL of the 501st

WO Appo

REGL of the 501st

Fives in Torrent Company

REGL of the 501st

Executive officer of the 501st

BCMD / Captain Rex of the 501st for 6 months ( 2 full terms )

Senator Aang

Senior Administrator
Game Master

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want the individual combat skill of the ATK Regiments members to improve. We had a great run in the last BvB with ATK all passing up to Quarter-finals or higher and with our boys in yellow going all the way to the finals. I want the ATK Regiment to climb even higher for the next BvB and to do so we must focus more on PvP. We already know how to shoot clankers and yes we still need to do training like that but trying to do more PvP in-general would do well for the ATK Regiment.

As stated and as I will state I believe that a good relationship in ATK is vital for the regiment to flourish. Therefore I will be working hard for the ATK REG to continue being such a close and friendly battalion. A task within that is making sure that the BCMDs of ATK are pals which is vital for the ATK REG to function. I've had great relationships with my fellow ATK BCMDs and now it's time for the new BCMDs to get to know one another and I will be pushing hard for them to do so.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I plan on pushing the BCMDs of the ATK battalions together so they can get to know one another. During my time as Rex, I've had great relationships with the other ATK BCMDs and that has helped me understand their battalions and in turn create more relationships within their respective battalions. With my time as Rex being over and with the current Bly (Poe) resigning, the new BCMDs must get to know each other to continue to great relations we have in the ATK regiments. 

Another thing which we used to do in the ATK regiment was our ATK BvB which was a blast. I remember back in my days how I loved the ATK BvB for it had us spending time with the other ATK battalions and in turn make friends inside the other battalions. And after we made those friends we had to duke it out and fight for out battalion which made it such a blast. It's proved to bring the ATK battalion together in the past and it shall do so again. I will be starting a new season of the ATK BvB with a nice price pool as per standard.

Since my start as 501st BCMD, I've been offering the other ATK battalions to combine forces when either ours or their number are low for an event or just when we feel we could do something better together. This has always brought my men closer to the other ATK battalions and with the position of ATK REG, I would be able to do this more often with the other battalions which in turn would improve relations.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I fully understand.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

I fully understand.

 Papa Kal

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MASSIVE +1  If there is anything that I know from my time on this server, it's that Omalic is very capable as a leader. Not only has he been active and built up the 501st, but he has been nothing but a mentor to all players who talk to him. If you want someone in this position, it's Omalic 

Edited by Moscatime
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Anyway, i'm going to get straight to the point. 

Omalic, You're a good guy. No shadow of a doubt about that. Though, After you being my BCMD once, and relatively close with members of the 501st. You are not ready for this position, You're way too inactive to become Attack Regimental Commander, Also. I understand you had things going on with your first two terms as Rex, Though I rarely see you on. During your first term, It was decent. The 501st was popping, It was active and great.
On your second term, I honestly regret rooting for you. The 501st during your second term became way too inactive barely having a decent amount of members on, And It seems you did nothing to fix that. It has been considerably dire time for the 501st since your second time started, I understand that Officers left. Though, It just seemed you lacked the drive to Fix the 501st and attempt to complete what you stated you were going to improve on you re-app. 

"I plan to continue working on the officer core by adding new members to it and continuing to guide and teach the current ones. I also plan on making more comined training/missions with our fellow attack battalions as it hasn't happened that much and in turn forge stronger bonds with them. We already have combined ARC trainings being planned between the attack battalion with the 501st ARC hosting the talks" I feel as if these statements weren't met at all.
I honestly lost faith in you as a BCMD, and I don't want to see that within a High Command Position, Especially since you're applying for Attack Reg. A spot that I consider needs to be very communicative and active to watch over the Attack Battalions as they're the biggest Batt's usually.

Yet again, This is just my opinion, and I wish you luck. Though, This is a fat -1 from me.

Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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I look at 501st and I see you are actively trying to fix it, I now have more faith that you will be able to do better with attack battalions as you have fixed your one attack battalion. Good luck.

Edited by Eclipse
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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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1 hour ago, Tinovious said:

Anyway, i'm going to get straight to the point. 

Omalic, You're a good guy. No shadow of a doubt about that. Though, After you being my BCMD once, and relatively close with members of the 501st. You are not ready for this position, You're way too inactive to become Attack Regimental Commander, Also. I understand you had things going on with your first two terms as Rex, Though I rarely see you on. During your first term, It was decent. The 501st was popping, It was active and great.
On your second term, I honestly regret rooting for you. The 501st during your second term became way too inactive barely having a decent amount of members on, And It seems you did nothing to fix that. It has been considerably dire time for the 501st since your second time started, I understand that Officers left. Though, It just seemed you lacked the drive to Fix the 501st and attempt to complete what you stated you were going to improve on you re-app. 

"I plan to continue working on the officer core by adding new members to it and continuing to guide and teach the current ones. I also plan on making more comined training/missions with our fellow attack battalions as it hasn't happened that much and in turn forge stronger bonds with them. We already have combined ARC trainings being planned between the attack battalion with the 501st ARC hosting the talks" I feel as if these statements weren't met at all.
I honestly lost faith in you as a BCMD, and I don't want to see that within a High Command Position, Especially since you're applying for Attack Reg. A spot that I consider needs to be very communicative and active to watch over the Attack Battalions as they're the biggest Batt's usually.

Yet again, This is just my opinion, and I wish you luck. Though, This is a fat -1 from me.

I'd like to respond to a few of your points. The activity has indeed been a problem. 501st has not been doing as well as it used to an I've been addressing this in meetings and trying to push for activity including discussion on how we'd improve activity within 501st with my officer core/high command. I realized during the end of my 2nd term that change needs to come for the 501st. Change in leadership. They need an NA Rex that can actively push for activity on prime time. I just can't do that. In the past, this worked with me with 501st being a big part EU and therefore an EU BCMD suited just fine. With this realization, I focus my work at the end of my term to prepare my XO. The solution to the problems. This focus of having him grab the lead and make the decisions has made my presence smaller at the end which I've been fine with due to it being necessary. This combined with school wrapping up and my PC problems this week has decreased my presence ingame and my main work atm has been more in TS and in discord talks with fellow BCMDs members of 501st ext with me either not being able to get on or needing to focus on something ingame related but outside the game. 

And with the focus on new training and such, we focused more on TC with changes happening there and with Cronis moving over to focus on that as well as a revamp of the Pilots that our former hawk spearheaded without support. Atm, we're even looking over changed out tryouts to make it more professional. And with our officer core, we had a lack of leaders but I refuse to promote people who are not ready. Now when we know a lot of potential officers are ready we have gotten new officers and I've had Cronis be in charge so he would be able to make decisions without me once I'm gone. For example, we now have 8 officers. You even know yourself that I've been trying to get officers in the 501st with you being one officer we've tried to get back.

I respect that you stand by your point but this is my reasoning behind it all.

 Papa Kal

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1 minute ago, Omalic said:

I'd like to respond to a few of your points. The activity has indeed been a problem. 501st has not been doing as well as it used to an I've been addressing this in meetings and trying to push for activity including discussion on how we'd improve activity within 501st with my officer core/high command. I realized during the end of my 2nd term that change needs to come for the 501st. Change in leadership. They need an NA Rex that can actively push for activity on prime time. I just can't do that. In the past, this worked with me with 501st being a big part EU and therefore an EU BCMD suited just fine. With this realization, I focus my work at the end of my term to prepare my XO. The solution to the problems. This focus of having him grab the lead and make the decisions has made my presence smaller at the end which I've been fine with due to it being necessary. This combined with school wrapping up and my PC problems this week has decreased my presence ingame and my main work atm has been more in TS and in discord talks with fellow BCMDs members of 501st ext with me either not being able to get on or needing to focus on something ingame related but outside the game. 

And with the focus on new training and such, we focused more on TC with changes happening there and with Cronis moving over to focus on that as well as a revamp of the Pilots that our former hawk spearheaded without support. Atm, we're even looking over changed out tryouts to make it more professional. And with our officer core, we had a lack of leaders but I refuse to promote people who are not ready. Now when we know a lot of potential officers are ready we have gotten new officers and I've had Cronis be in charge so he would be able to make decisions without me once I'm gone. For example, we now have 8 officers. You even know yourself that I've been trying to get officers in the 501st with you being one officer we've tried to get back.

I respect that you stand by your point but this is my reasoning behind it all.

I appreciate your reply and again, I wish you luck in the application process, my friend.

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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1 hour ago, Eclipse said:

Omalic you are a very nice man, but im gonna have to -1.

During your term, 501st numbers have been pretty low. I know its hard to fix it after Officers left, but you didn't fix it until recently. Its pretty not good.
You have also taken 6-7 LOAs during your term. This is a lot. A super lot. I could go on for more stuff, but I don't have proof for that other stuff. Oden said what I was gonna say.

Most is touched upon in my other reply and with my loa's I had 6 during my first term due to my great grandma dying and my grandpa getting cancer which my battalion know about and now you. The 501st worked fine even though these LOAs. In my 2nd term, I've gone on 2 LOAs which are over the weekend LOAs. One for me going camping and one for me studying for a big test. I remind you that this is over a 6 month period with both my term and my second term being about 6 days out of 3 months.

Hopefully, this explains my LOAs and my reasons for y'all.

 Papa Kal

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Just now, Omalic said:

Most is touched upon in my other reply and with my loa's I had 6 during my first term due to my great grandma dying and my grandpa getting cancer which my battalion know about and now you. The 501st worked fine even though these LOAs. In my 2nd term, I've gone on 2 LOAs which are over the weekend LOAs. One for me going camping and one for me studying for a big test. I remind you that this is over a 6 month period with both my term and my second term being about 6 days out of 3 months.

Hopefully, this explains my LOAs and my reasons for y'all.

This does explain the LOA's, and I am so sorry for your loss, but I still stand by the inactivity of 501st. The numbers are pretty low for a star battalion.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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Fellow reg boi

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+1 nice gamer and gets stuff done

also about those joint ARC trainings I’d like to see if I can contact whoever’s hosting them because so far I really haven’t heard or said anything (since graduation is coming up) 

Current: Rancor Medic Previous: 327th Commander ARCL Useful, DU ARC Commander Jerome, CT PVT 1348 Useless

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6 hours ago, Usefulgamer said:

+1 nice gamer and gets stuff done

also about those joint ARC trainings I’d like to see if I can contact whoever’s hosting them because so far I really haven’t heard or said anything (since graduation is coming up) 

I'll hit you up in discord or TS asap :)

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 Papa Kal

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+1 Saying he is too inactive is pretty stupid.. tbh. He is EU and has been on LOA. He revived 501st & got it a active officer corp. Pretty much rebuild 501st from the minge fest he was left to the state it is in now. Probably best option for ATK Reg currently. 

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-1 for a couple of reasons: 1.) Inactivity. I almost never see you or have seen you. 
2.) Not to be rude or anything but the 501st is probably in one of the worst shapes I've seen it in in a while. Good guys but the battalion as a whole really isn't that great the way it is now. I got nothing wrong with you personally but as far as I can tell I don't think you're fit for Reg.

Edited by Richard
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Ok, sad to hear you feel that way. I agree I've never seen you either and that makes sense with me being on EU time and you US times. 501st has been in a bit of a slump but I'd say we're back up. For reference, we had 18 501st on today actively working in an event and beforehand. I understand you -1 but I just wanna show the real state of the 501st atm. Hopefully, this info clears that up a bit.

I messed up the Quote but this Is referencing Richards comment.

Edited by Omalic
Added the Quote part.
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 Papa Kal

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Sorry Omalic but, no.
Just no.
501st has a discord where you can talk to every person in your battalion but you refuse to use it just to talk to people by saying "I like to talk to people through TS"
You have a total of 195 messages in the general chat of your discord. You just don't talk to your battalion. I fear what it would be like if you were to be attack reg. In our shitposting channel "Sithposting" where we have fun and fuck around you have 31 messages. You don't bond with people through Discord and you're on early in the morning for people in EST which is where a majority of the people who play on the server are. If you refuse to use discord for communication instead of just the "Important" or "announcement" channels you won't ever talk to a whole battalion at once like you can with discord. Sorry  but the only reason your first term was good was because Phil was basically BCMD for 2 months as XO. once he left the battalion went to shit.


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Sorry omalic, -1 I don't have issues with you at all its just i think you have pretty bad activity when it comes to late, I only see you ever once in a blue moon on the server. An as well you say that 501st has been active but everytime i look on the server and in the teamspeak there is about 3 people in the channel and on the server, So If its just my mistake its my fault but I never really see 501st on at all.

Also moscatime stop dumbing peoples post that are -1ing you dumby, looks bad on your end.

Edited by Tyzen
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€1 = +1 for EU guys and best of luck 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 Amazing guy deserves the position

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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I’m going to add this to my -1, but you and Cronis both started to become active once your term for Rex was starting to finish so you would most likely prob look active for a bit but return back to your questionable activity, I’ve seen it a lot when people try to go for certain positions, and I can say I don’t see either of you on cause I’m on during EU times a lot because I dip out of school early, and I’m on pretty late all the time so I would be able to see when both of you are and aren’t on, and I saw that noticeable change, and I have nothing against both you guys but I enjoyed my time in the 501st but once Phil resigned from XO it started to go downhill, I joined again on my Jedi and I saw it in a terrible place, after a lot of the officers left it was in pieces. I’m mostly afraid of the same thing happening that you will barely be on and just be on when people start to notice and when you need to look active. Cronis seemed to pick it up so he could get Rex and you for ATK Reg but I seen more work from Bluejay for him to get Rex so yeah. My full reason stated and if I saw you more active ahead of time not like a week before than I would of +1, but I didn’t sadly.

Edited by Papa Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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On 6/2/2019 at 7:02 AM, Tyzen said:

Sorry omalic, -1 I don't have issues with you at all its just i think you have pretty bad activity when it comes to late, I only see you ever once in a blue moon on the server. An as well you say that 501st has been active but everytime i look on the server and in the teamspeak there is about 3 people in the channel and on the server, So If its just my mistake its my fault but I never really see 501st on at all.

Also moscatime stop dumbing peoples post that are -1ing you dumby, looks bad on your end.

Probably 95% of 501st is EU including Omalic so thats probably why.

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10 hours ago, Josh Schneider said:

Probably 95% of 501st is EU including Omalic so thats probably why.

Im a EST boy and around 80% was EST. Like the majority of boys were either EST or CST. Like cronis, killjoy, bluejay, cloudly, most people were EST/CST. The others who weren't were usually low ranks other than Phil (who was also on at EST times cause he's a legend) O'den, Black,  and Omalic himself.

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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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14 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

Im a EST boy and around 80% was EST. Like the majority of boys were either EST or CST. Like cronis, killjoy, bluejay, cloudly, most people were EST/CST. The others who weren't were usually low ranks other than Phil (who was also on at EST times cause he's a legend) O'den, Black,  and Omalic himself.

You are naming 4 Officers, However your not looking at the plenty of enlisted who are on at around 3 - 5 PM GMT +1 (CEST) so your point is invalid.

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1 hour ago, Eclipse said:

Im a EST boy and around 80% was EST. Like the majority of boys were either EST or CST. Like cronis, killjoy, bluejay, cloudly, most people were EST/CST. The others who weren't were usually low ranks other than Phil (who was also on at EST times cause he's a legend) O'den, Black,  and Omalic himself.

I was most active tho before leaving

I could had put an app up for Rex but i didn't want it

But i'm going to name of some EU members Cutlaw, Warmac, Black, a bunch of NCOs and bellow so i mean i even said we are a EU battalion because it is true


Edited by [SR]KillJoy[SA]

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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13 hours ago, Josh Schneider said:

Probably 95% of 501st is EU including Omalic so thats probably why.

Not to be a ass but I see a issue in this statement , I don't think 501st should be 95% EU cause that's literally one of the main battalions of the server, EU players are great i love them but if a battalion is 95% EU i see a issue for multiple reasons. Less events making no one want to play during prime time, As well no one from NA will see anyone and assume they are just inactive, an Causes issue with people that want to join 501st and they can't because all the NCOS are EU so if the next rex can some how balance that it would be fine, But i will still keep my vote because i do not feel like hes fit for the position still.

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1 hour ago, Tyzen said:

Not to be a ass but I see a issue in this statement , I don't think 501st should be 95% EU cause that's literally one of the main battalions of the server, EU players are great i love them but if a battalion is 95% EU i see a issue for multiple reasons. Less events making no one want to play during prime time, As well no one from NA will see anyone and assume they are just inactive, an Causes issue with people that want to join 501st and they can't because all the NCOS are EU so if the next rex can some how balance that it would be fine, But i will still keep my vote because i do not feel like hes fit for the position still.

I get what your saying but it’s not like they can just ban EU players from joining the battalion.

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26 minutes ago, IKE said:

I get what your saying but it’s not like they can just ban EU players from joining the battalion.

That's not really what i was saying lmao I was saying i think it needs to be more balanced of like 50 50 ya know instead of it being all EU mostly, Like try to get more NA people in it.

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I've seen you pretty active lately, and I hope it isn't JUST for the position, which is a valid concern. However, when I see you on you are always doing SOMETHING with the 501st and other ATK battalions, whether that's just claiming a box in courtyard , or sims in CQC. I've interacted with you a couple times in Sims and events, you seem like a good guy.  Just because you're EU doesn't mean you should be judged one way or the other on that.

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19 hours ago, Tyzen said:

That's not really what i was saying lmao I was saying i think it needs to be more balanced of like 50 50 ya know instead of it being all EU mostly, Like try to get more NA people in it.

That’s not something Omalic can do a bunch about tho. Sure he could encourage American people to join but that’s not much.

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Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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