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Rules for Knife


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Name: Josh

Suggestion: Make rules for using the knife for example: No Knifing event jobs since its a insta kill & no running in front of people in Combat making them accidentally kill you.

Implementation: Make rules for using the knife for example: No Knifing event jobs since its a insta kill & no running in front of people in Combat making them accidentally kill you.

Lore: You dont see Clones in the Star Wars the Clone Wars running around knifing droids

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1 minute ago, OneNiner6719 said:


I agree that it's big stronk, but trying to solve the problem by just saying "don't use it" isn't exactly a solution. If I have a weapon, I'm going to use it.

I didnt say you cant use it, I said to make rules not to run in front of people whilst kniving this has been a rule in the past and people have been AOS'd for it for FailRP.

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+1 to the event job ting but it has to be more defined. Maybe if a GM can ban it for a specific event or some ting.
-1 to the running infront of fire as it isn't exclusive to the knife. 

PS I feel that this suggestion could be developed more as it feels like a spur of the moment ting due to frustration.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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11 minutes ago, BigZach said:

+1 to the event job ting but it has to be more defined. Maybe if a GM can ban it for a specific event or some ting.
-1 to the running infront of fire as it isn't exclusive to the knife. 

PS I feel that this suggestion could be developed more as it feels like a spur of the moment ting due to frustration.

There is nothing much to discuss i mean it makes sense not running in front of someone whilst they are shooting

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6 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

There is nothing much to discuss i mean it makes sense not running in front of someone whilst they are shooting

the damage from the shots is probably enough. and its not treated as RDM in most cases and is classed as a simple mistake. A rule is not needed.



"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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1 minute ago, BigZach said:

the damage from the shots is probably enough. and its not treated as RDM in most cases and is classed as a simple mistake. A rule is not needed.


Its still reraded when people run in front of someone trying to gun down a enemy just to miss and die.

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1 minute ago, Josh Schneider said:

Its still reraded when people run in front of someone trying to gun down a enemy just to miss and die.

But there isn't a rule needed. It just happens. There is no point for a rule which will be terribly hard and stupid to enforce.

  • Agree 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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What about, if you have a gun with ammo, then you use it, if you don’t have ammo in your gun your allowed to use your knife. Because that’s the only time someone would use a knife on a EJ in role play. I mean you could technically tell them to stop for fail RP currently cause I’m what instance would a clone knife a droid when they have a fully functional gun.

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6 minutes ago, BigZach said:

But there isn't a rule needed. It just happens. There is no point for a rule which will be terribly hard and stupid to enforce.

not rly its pretty simple just tell people to use common sense and not run in front of people shooting lol?

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An individual of high stance within the community stated during a conversation in my channel that there are no current plans to increase event job healths or change the current system due to the knife buff. Per their explanation, it is difficult already to hit someone with the knife while both are moving and on top of that possible being shot at.

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Just now, Josh Schneider said:

not rly its pretty simple just tell people to use common sense and not run in front of people shooting lol?

Key word ENFORCE. Rules are there for when people break them they are disciplined. There is no point of having a rule that only results in a telling off. When someone runs infront of combat the probably get told off by their peers anyway.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Yeah lemme only use this perma weapon for sims.

A comprimise is tell people to not be fucking retards or just get the damage dropped down by like 100 to 200. No clue.

Edited by Jayarr
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8 minutes ago, BigZach said:

Key word ENFORCE. Rules are there for when people break them they are disciplined. There is no point of having a rule that only results in a telling off. When someone runs infront of combat the probably get told off by their peers anyway.

Could be enforced with PT/AOS its been done before with Smoke when he used to do it.

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  • Management

Now I believe that you shouldn’t intentionally use your knife over your gun and get killed cuz you rushed 20 droids and got raped by em but enforcing it is just eh. If anyone runs between me and some droids I’m killing imma cap that retard then cap the clankers.


i am literally captain tukk

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A very strong -1. 

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Joah stated himself that it's okay that the knife is OP for the specific reason because of the janky hitbox on stabbing people whilst running.

You won't get stabbed if you don't want to be stabbed, it's a simple thing.

We keep cutting the rights of the knife and I'm tired of it, just don't get stabbed 4head.


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Some new rules that passed during the Commander Meeting;
1. You are no longer allowed to knife Rakghouls, it doesn't make any sense to knife a creature like that head on
2. NPC are okay to knife, as long as it follows one of the following parameters;
          a. It is a CQC situation
          b. The subject does not know you are there(stealth)
          c. You have a legitimate RP reason to do so
3. You cannot knife Sith unless it they do not know you are there(stealth)
4. Commanding Officer are allowed to decide if Knives are allowed to be used in a Sim or in BvB
5. The Knife will now be treated as a weapon off safety and you can be AOSd if you are found with it out on DEFCON 6, unless it is for a RP reason

Edited by Qal
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Imagine this. You're in a hostage situation. A SO with his cloak sneaks his way into the back and uncloaks. He knifes the person who is holding hostage. Wow! RP Scenario over. Hostage rescued. 104th job done for them.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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  • Retired Founder

Rules for Knives were already stated at the previous commander meeting. ~ You may ask your CO about that.

- Denied due to this being a rule that was already decided by all of BCMD + meeting.

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