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Make Demotions Public (VOID)

Blueberry Juice

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Name: Rancor MEDL 2ndLt Blue

Suggestion: Make Demotions in public not failrp or whatever it is. Just let them do it if it's necessary.

Implementation: By making public Demotions, people are held more accountable for their actions and may improve the seriousness within the server.

Lore: you can demote people if they do a shit job or not following battalion standards

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yes this is controversial but whatever

Edited by Blueberry Juice
I want to void it because it's clear where people stand
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Is it really necessary? It's kinda humiliating to do that in DB, if anything do it to them in Private DB. 



i am literally captain tukk

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So, what usually happens is when someone gets demoted, they go shittalking behind their backs, however if the demotions are public.  Yes it is a dick move, and makes the CO doing it seem like an asshole, but if people know what theyre being demoted for and properly deserves it, it will probably cause less shittalking (or more) depending on either who it may be for what is done as people have different standpoints, but will cause less rumors to be spread and it wont cause much drama.

Im neutral leaning towards +1. It would cause more people to stop being idiots. 

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Be careful you might be deemed toxic and beaned. 

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+1 I heavily support this suggestion.

Now I know people will be like "but its humiliating" we need to get out of that snowflake frenzy right away, this is the grand army of the republic.  If you find it "humiliating" then you my friend should not be playing the games, its the internet... who cares. Maybe those egotistical people may do but other than that who does genuinely care over a demotion. In my eyes it would make people up their game and start to perform well as planned. It can serve as a bit of a kick in the ass to ensure that you're doing everything correctly that your commanding officer tells you to do, now IRL when you're in the army or whatever service you're in and you get a demotion (VERY RARE BUT DOES GENUINELY HAPPEN) do you think you're going to have the time and effort to moan and complain? no... you get right back on your feet, you take that demotion and you prove your worth for a possible reinstatement.  


So lets please end this phase of snowflakes and its not about your feelings its about getting the job done by performing your duties.  If you are being demoted then so be it, you may or may not get it again. 

I say thanks to blueberry for having the audacity to create this thread no matter what outcome comes from it, as you may get negative feed back from speaking your opinion or you may have a positive one... who knows. 



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13 minutes ago, COC4INE said:

+1 I heavily support this suggestion.

Now I know people will be like "but its humiliating" we need to get out of that snowflake frenzy right away, this is the grand army of the republic.  If you find it "humiliating" then you my friend should not be playing the games, its the internet... who cares. Maybe those egotistical people may do but other than that who does genuinely care over a demotion. In my eyes it would make people up their game and start to perform well as planned. It can serve as a bit of a kick in the ass to ensure that you're doing everything correctly that your commanding officer tells you to do, now IRL when you're in the army or whatever service you're in and you get a demotion (VERY RARE BUT DOES GENUINELY HAPPEN) do you think you're going to have the time and effort to moan and complain? no... you get right back on your feet, you take that demotion and you prove your worth for a possible reinstatement.  


So lets please end this phase of snowflakes and its not about your feelings its about getting the job done by performing your duties.  If you are being demoted then so be it, you may or may not get it again. 

I say thanks to blueberry for having the audacity to create this thread no matter what outcome comes from it, as you may get negative feed back from speaking your opinion or you may have a positive one... who knows. 



This lad ^ 


Yeah this is a very strong +1 from me.

(maybe people will take their jobs seriously?)

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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

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-1 This is basically allowing officers to disrespect, demotions should be handled privately, and if a demotion occurs, the person should be talked to about it instead of just going, hey you are demoted. This is very bad, and put troopers on the spot when they shouldn't. It's destructive to the progress of troopers to do this. It's not about snowflakes, but simply not embarrassing people, it's tough love, but the wrong kind of tough love.

Edit: Also, as an Officer, you should care about positively developing your Troopers through talking with them and helping them learn, not throw them into a trial by fire, which will either burn them out or cause them to hate you. You might think it might help people not mess up or whatever, but it won't, the person who messes up usually does it by accident, or through negligence, and if they need to be demoted because of it then it shouldn't be public because they will hate you for it if it were public, I see no good coming from this, it will only create more drama.

Edited by Snow
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Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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I've basically already stated my opinion on this in the "Allow Public Callouts" post. But I've seen demotions on other servers before and they don't look like something that could be abused, actually. However, this server can be like a High School sometimes and the public shame might extend further than it needs to be (bullying). That would be breaking server rules and would probably cause a lot of people to either be arrested or pulled into staff sits. I would say give it a trial week, but demotions don't happen as often and odds are people wouldn't honor that anyway.

Trust me, I really want to support this, but it'll cause a load of issues...

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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I do think it's better to handle demotions in a private setting more than a public one because yes someone may of done something foolish and worthy of them being demoted it doesn't need to be made public because you could easily destroy someone's rep(which is fine but if someone has a negative bias they can make something ten times worse than it is) and then there's the mob mentally that could be created where someone in the community could be really liked but does something worthy of being demoted but then doing that publicly could create issues because of friendships and that could then give the battalion handing out the punishment a negative stigma and create drama like the whole Axar  Boutineer situation that happened not so long back

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u want to be humiliated publicly? fine by me, but leave the rest of the troopers alone so you can be satisfied!

(if the person isn't really liked by someone or many people and demoting him publicly is satisfying the haters since he gets punished)

yes people can be disrespectfull or make mistakes and be an idiot,  and if an officer in command at that moment already dislikes him and doesnt communicate it to hes peers it can be a power play  on making it public because in private this still is a battalion thing. this is and stays a battalion thing not a general thing, trust me i have seen things by officers.

People tend to be upset when they get demoted and making it public wont let them learn from it because they wll deffently feel humiliated and feel untrusted/unwanted.

it's nor good or bad, it would cause more harm then good, because it is not AT ALL rp related people wont rp for this they dont feel good rp'ing a demotion they feel bad and want this to be over quickly,but I do know demotions are rare but for the sake of man kind dont be retarded pls! 


FAT -1

Edited by Rick
adding crucial facts - writing my essay
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Current: GM Pighen | Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi

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5 hours ago, Blueberry Juice said:

Kind of the point. Basically just peer pressure them into good behavior

Peer pressuring won't work, the way you should be keeping troopers disciplined is by regularly talking to them and developing them, rather than threatening them with a demotion. Imagine if they make a mistake, but you think it was intentional and you publicly demote them, how do you think they will react? They will likely either leave or hate you for it, it's just going to create unnecessary drama that wouldn't be created if you just talked to them to help them learn or performed the demotion in private.

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Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore - "Pressure makes diamonds, Ease makes decay"

2 time Rancor BCMD, 3 time Commander Havoc

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Wow when you wake up and there's 30 replies on your thread...


Thank you all for the input. Obviously, all of us feel different on this matter and that's ok. I felt the need to post this because I want to make RP more accountable and more serious then it has been. This was moreso to see where everyone stood on the topic rather than actually get it implemented. I think we all know this is going to get denied but it brought the discussion of catering to the trooper or shaming the trooper, which is often a blurred line.

Again, thank you for the input. And for the love of everything, if you're offended by whatever wack, off-putting reason that this topic caused, I do apologise.

Edited by Blueberry Juice
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+1 (this reason may have been said. to be frank im to lazy to read these long ass messages) The reason I am supporting this is because during my time with synergy I have seen many cases where someone is privately demoted for legitimate and deserved reasons then the said person being demoted spins it off as they are the victim and calls "Favorites" and all that good shit causing drama between battalions because people like to put their noses where it don't belong. With demotions being public(As long as they give the reason for said demotion) I feel it would clear out the air in situations like that and people won't hear second hand why people were demoted.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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2 hours ago, Rick said:

u want to be humiliated publicly? fine by me, but leave the rest of the troopers alone so you can be satisfied!

(if the person isn't really liked by someone or many people and demoting him publicly is satisfying the haters since he gets punished)

yes people can be disrespectfull or make mistakes and be an idiot,  and if an officer in command at that moment already dislikes him and doesnt communicate it to hes peers it can be a power play  on making it public because in private this still is a battalion thing. this is and stays a battalion thing not a general thing, trust me i have seen things by officers.

People tend to be upset when they get demoted and making it public wont let them learn from it because they wll deffently feel humiliated and feel untrusted/unwanted.

it's nor good or bad, it would cause more harm then good, because it is not AT ALL rp related people wont rp for this they dont feel good rp'ing a demotion they feel bad and want this to be over quickly,but I do know demotions are rare but for the sake of man kind dont be retarded pls! 


FAT -1

Exactly I absolutely agree with this. 



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Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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-1 yall gotta understand that if you get demoted in a DB, for example, it would completely kill your reputation and any friendships you had with people, as well as it would start more drama since everyone would be talking about it in OOC or TS. Let's say there are mingey CTs in the DB and you get demoted, what are those CTs thinking "Oh I can blackmail him because of this" then they will  harass you about it until you or they log off

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Current: Just Some Guy
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2 minutes ago, Darkk said:

-1 yall gotta understand that if you get demoted in a DB, for example, it would completely kill your reputation and any friendships you had with people, as well as it would start more drama since everyone would be talking about it in OOC or TS. Let's say there are mingey CTs in the DB and you get demoted, what are those CTs thinking "Oh I can blackmail him because of this" then they will  harass you about it until you or they log off

I’d kinda go against that. I think it would boost your Confidence to go harder, and if CT’s do that they would get punished. Not everyone is out to get everyone else. We’re all in this as a community. Sure we’ll have our ups and downs, but we all look out for each other. This would just make it a more learning experience as well as show the people who don’t do shit what happens, and when they learn from there mistake. They can go reach for there goals once more. Like I said just got to get past those hiccups. No one is out to get you, and we are all in this together. Just nut up that’s all

Former: Liaison


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Public demotions are a bad idea. Punishments need to be handled in private. Unless it's something so serious that it needs to be handled right then and there (which will never be the case for a public demotion) then you need to speak to the person privately. 

Is your goal to embarrass someone or to get them to better themselves? 

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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-1, if I demote someone it is for reasons the entire server doesn't need to know. The last thing I want is being forced to host an optional ceremony just to demote some dumb fuck for what they did. My disciplinary is not server wide and people get demoted at different rates of stupid and the server doesn't need that. The goal of the server is to host Star Wars RP and a friendly sort of game-play not humiliating people in front of the entire server because of their mistakes. That shit ruins people and stops them completely from playing on synergy again. 

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-1 there is no absolute need to humiliate people for a demotion, they’re already being demoted, that’s embarrassing enough, but now they have to be demoted in front of their friends and the people they play with, it’s just not needed. It’s just the CO waiving their dick in front of them. It’s just really unneeded, I mean I knew the community loved drama, but not this much. This will just cause more, and when it comes down to it, I’ve seen some people have bad reactions to demotions, not in the sense that they’ve done bad things like delete docs, but been extremely upset by it from the embarrassment of people saying “were you demoted?”, this just makes it 100 times worst. When it comes down to it, we want the game to be fun as well as filler with RP. Can’t we have both?

Edited by IKE
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-1, public demotions are just a way for officers to flex their power and show off how big of a dick they think they have. They're banned for a reason. Imagine being a low rank trooper who's new to the server, you join a bat you think is right for you, you are trying your best but then you make a fuck up. Then comes in Mr. Officer up on the stand, he gives his promotions, all enlisted except you are promoted. You're confused then you hear it, "Trooper, you're demoted" in front of everyone. Your rep is ruined and you're sad now and quit. I rest my case.

Edited by [SR] Clank
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3 hours ago, Darkk said:

-1 yall gotta understand that if you get demoted in a DB, for example, it would completely kill your reputation and any friendships you had with people, as well as it would start more drama since everyone would be talking about it in OOC or TS. Let's say there are mingey CTs in the DB and you get demoted, what are those CTs thinking "Oh I can blackmail him because of this" then they will  harass you about it until you or they log off

Oh Darkk how you have grown, it’s beautiful, 

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3 hours ago, Pythin said:

think it would boost your Confidence to go harder,

It doesn’t, I’ve been demoted before and it just killed me self-confidence, I felt as though I had let everyone down and I wasn’t deserving to be in the battalion anymore, what you said applies to lower ranks such as NCO, but if an officer is demoted it has the complete opposite effect, it completely in motivates them.

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7 hours ago, Scarecrow said:

that could then give the battalion handing out the punishment a negative stigma and create drama like the whole Axar  Boutineer situation that happened not so long back

perrect example. Edit: nvm he voided jt

Edited by IKE
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6 minutes ago, Blueberry Juice said:

Alright boys I'm voiding this suggestion now. Obviously some strong opinions on both sides. Thank you all for the input and this was not meant to cause any drama.

You handled all of this really maturely, and for that I bow

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