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Base Operations App - BigZach


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Steam Name: [SR] BigZach [NA]


RP Name: 104th PVT BigZach | Jedi Elder Knight Bodokas | Sith Acolyte AntiVaxx 


Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:199586816



On Synergy I have experienced a great community. Here I have done many things and participated in the community in many ways. But in the more conventional way I will list my experience from each battalion. (I have tried to keep the fluff out of this section. I have also been a part in many other battalions but this is the most important to me.)


104th Mechanised Assault Battalion

104th was the first battalion I ever joined. I am so glad that it was. At the time 104th was such a great place for new players from the eastern side of the world. In 104th I learned a lot. I learned about the server, how to act on it, all the ins and out of the structures and such. I have meant so many great people from the 104th old and new. 104th is one of the best experience on the server. 


Coruscant Guard (Shock Trooper)

In the CG I learned a lot about discipline, respect, and order. Here I learned how a proper Serious RP experience is meant to be preformed and encouraged. I also learned how the amount of responsibility CG have should be handled.


Republic Medics

The Republic Medics was the first battalion I was given a chance to show my management and leadership skills. I also showed and explored my team work skills by working with the other influential RM to make an attempt at making it a better place. I also gained experience of producing documents and guides that others were going to use, this really gave me the chance to learn how I should teach others and communicate clearly through large fluffed documents. I also participated in the drama a bit too much and made decisions and said stuff that was immature and that I regret. RM also lead me down the path of joining Naval, which I am ever so thankful for. 


The Jedi Order

After I became Padawan I didn't understand properly how to progress through the Jedi system as it was more streamlined than the Grand Army of the Republic systems I had previously experienced. It took a while and some pure effort before I started the progression. The progression wasn't as complicated and as needed as I thought it would be. On the way up to master you barely had to co-operate with others and just hosted trials when appropriate. The grind was a pleasant experience from what I was used to as it was much more introverted. Once I became master I was introduced to the teamwork and decision making part of Jedi. Here I learned how to be a role model to others through RP and such. I also learned about the council system they use and its Pros and cons. I really enjoyed my time as a master due to the people within the council and the RP that being a master opened me up to.



My time in Naval was great for the most part. After the Removal of the Republic Medics I started to focus on my Medical Naval. Before the removal of RM I was given the Medical Rank of Senior Medical Officer by the CMO at that time. After the CMO resigned which was a wee bit after RMs removal I waited a bit and worked in the dead branch that Medical was at that point and worked my way to CMO. I had already had plenty of experience in the Medical Docs and the RP side and had made improvements to the systems with the means RM gave me, so I instead tried to focus on the actual branch due to it's lifeless state at that time. From what happened I've go to say I done a good job with the revival of the medical branch as it became the most active branch in naval in close competition with Quarter Mastery which is usually the best preforming. Within Naval I became a junior officer and the ITD. From my experience and understanding ITD is a pretty easy role to deal with so it wasn't a hindrance, but it did teach me that most join intel but has little understanding of spreadsheets, formula etc. and initially lacked a will to learn it. So I have concluded that a fluffed up intel team isn't beneficial, and you just need people that know how spreadsheets actually operate and have interest in updating rosters and such without messing with formula. My time in naval taught me how important it is to have strong competent officers that understand their job and have a will to perform it.


Why should you become  Base Commander?: 

I think I should become Base Commander because I have the knowledge and the skills to preform such task. I can and will do it consistently and properly without any fuss. I have gained knowledge from Subjects like Business Management that could easily cross over here. When I took up the subject I was surprised at how uncanny the similarities are. I have also taken up an Admin Class that greatly increased my knowledge of spreadsheets and word processing. I can create proper easy to read and understand documents, I understand and can put into practise many management techniques that can greatly improve the experience in BO. I have knowledge and understanding of Motivation which will help me make sure all the cogs are turning and that people are happy and such to make BO less of a chore as it has previously seemed. I understand the importance of the hierarchy and how it should be managed. I will be active in game not only checking the quality of training and RP but also participating in it myself and promoting it. I will also be active outwith the server and keeping the discussion and community going in the discord which will be used to keep everyone up to scratch and be a great place for discussion. I know my activity will be a concern but recently I have decided to participate in the community a lot more.

Do you understand  the purpose of BO on the server?:

Yes I understand their role on the server.

If I was to describe I would say that their main responsibilities are; to maintain Medical RP and train those in the RP aspects and to participate in the RP properly; they also have the role of maintaining  the Pilot and ATC systems, this includes call signs and such; they are also responsible for the Engineer RP and the maintenance of it, and they now can make use of spawning turrets but need to follow RP steps to do so which is tied into the subbranch of Gunnery.

Availability: I am available about 17/7 on all platforms like discord. An will be available in game every day promoting RP and such. Obviously less active during weekdays.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Executive Officer of RM

Naval Junior Officer and ITD

Jedi General and Sentinel Manager

Helping people with many other things out with rank.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes.


Where do you want the Base Ops to be at the end of your term?: 

I want to see Base Ops striving under the changes put in place. I want to see an active recruitment drive. I want to see quality training that can happen for everyone. I want to see RP strive with the comeback of BO. I want to see BO respected amongst the community and to not be pitied or classed as a laughing stalk. I want the training's to be done with motivation. I to see people in Base Ops learn from their experience in it and improve themselves. I want the work of the directors and server leaders to not be in vain.

How do you plan to change the Base Ops under your command?:

I plan to Co-operate with the Officer Picking process the server leaders have decided on. With this the Officer core should be strong and motivated. I plan to make changes to the training and such if they are needed. I have plans to implement motivation systems, this may include member appraisal system which is a meeting between their higher up, this is used to communicate what the member is doing well and outline where they can improve, this is all done in a positive way to keep  a good relationship in check. I also plan to have different ways to learn vital skills like leadership and such which are more than a document read off to you, I plan to have be a group experience with different challenges. I will also train early recruits how to deal with RP situations properly as a Base Ops member as part of their induction training. I want the training to be interesting and actually beneficial to both parties rather than consistent discord announcements saying you need to do more training. If problems arise I want the officers and such to take initiative instead of just sending a discord message in the announcements channel. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I completely understand.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Base Commander rank?: I completely understand.


Thank you for reading! ❤️

Edited by BigZach
Put TGM instead of Sentinel Manager


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I would +1 this my guy. However, I don't see you on the server right now. I don't know anything about your past experiences with Naval / Base ops, so i won't comment on it.  It doesn't matter how much experience you have sadly. Its mainly about your activity and If no one can recall you being on the server then you clearly haven't been on.  So.... yeah.

TLD;DR: Get yo inactive ass outta here

-1 from me Chief, Sorry.

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Forum Admin

Neutral, although you got the experience my friend, you are really inactive and you are staff on MRP aswell so how will you balance it out?

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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12 minutes ago, JBFox said:

-1 When was the last time you seriously played on the server? I like you Bugzuch but I don't think this is it chief. 

I've been participating in RP and such seriously since I upgraded my PC  not long after Christmas. I've been participating in more localised RP and such. I have also taken some time to experience the new Sith system.


Neutral, although you got the experience my friend, you are really inactive and you are staff on MRP aswell so how will you balance it out?

I honestly have been thinking to resign from MRP staff as it has not been the staff experience I expected. Will probably resign though due to me not having the drive or motivation to perform my staff duties on that server. But I'm naively indecisive about it.


Thank you for your questions and feed back.

  • Agree 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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+1 I've been fortunate enough to be in a battalion/TG with you and i can proudly say that i believe you make a great Base Ops commander and for activity i truly believe this is type of job  will boost up for activity a lot like in tg where u stay up late.  

Edited by Kj12344
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Before leaving feedback I suggest speaking to any potential candidates, the BO revival is going to be complex and explaining it all in an application usually falls quite short.

I know both current applicants and I can say speaking to them makes a world of difference then going off a piece of literature 

  • Winner 2
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+1 I don’t want to call out names but multiple people plotted against the commanders and I know they will most likely +1 this but I try not to be bias but with what I saw your activity was lacking a lot and I didn't see you be a leader or anything or show any potential. You weren't an issue or anything so you can still go for an officer position if you feel like it as that would be better for now: UPDATED : Reread what you said and I change my mind now.

Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Neutral, I want to talk to you before deciding as there are concerns about your activity.

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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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He did a fantastic job as a republic medic and I have no doubt that he will do good here.

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13 minutes ago, COC4INE said:

Bigzack, you're the best scotsman i know but im afraid im going to -1 this app.  You are a great person but activity is a nono and when you was in naval, not much was done. 

Please don't it the wrong way buddy, you're an amazing guy. 

When I was in Naval at MayMays time, I didn't really want the rank I was given at an absurd pace and was just testing the water. I was also in the phase of the big break from the server that I had, so my motivation was low and such. I can't really remember that time in Naval as it was so short, before I resigned to leave the server for a bit. Hope this kind of clears up that period I was in naval for. ❤️ The time of Naval I recalled in the app was with Freck and Essit as I forgot about the time, that I believe you are mentioning. 

Thanks for the feedback though! ❤️

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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BigZach I know that you've been here for a LONG time as well I've too been on the server for long time, even on IceFuse, and I have seen the work you have done. I just haven't seen much from you like I have seen before so from me I would have to give it a -1  

I hope you are doing good fam, and I see you 👌

  • Friendly 1

Former: Shadow Company BCMD, Grey Jedi Master, and Wrath of the Sith


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