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Turbine / Fi Skirata's Niner Application


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Steam Name:


RP Name:
RC-8015 Omega Squad Fi

Steam ID:

Battalion or Squad you are applying for:
Omega Squad


SR Experience

Republic Medics

When I first earned the fulfilling rank of BCMD Meds, I was in a dead battalion that had no officers, the battalion had very few active players and was just generally unorganised. I used my previous experience with people in the battalion to quickly solve the problems and gather active officers for the battalion and also NCOs that would drive the recruiting force for the Republic Medics.  After this I swiftly saw a rise in the amount of active Republic Medics. This built on a lot of my previous experience but also gave me a tonne of new experience. I had revived a battalion, with the help of my officers. The Republic Medics had little appeal to most of the server. This challenge alone taught me different skills needed to be a BCMD. However the key things I learned in the Republic Medics are in the paragraph below:


During my time as Battalion Commander Meds I learned a Huge amount about how to run a battalion, the first major thing I learned when I was the Battalion Commander of Republic Medics was the importance of picking your officers well and how to pick them. This helped me greatly at my time in Republic Medics as it gave me a large safety net and a support system that helped me run the battalion. This experience and learning helped me run Republic Medics. It taught me that if I pick my officers well they can help you revive a battalion. Well picked officers can  make the lower ranks interested in the battalion and these new recruits will then flourish into active NCOs. The next thing I learned when I was in republic medics is a little more specific to the medical roleplay. Which is how to teach roleplay on a mass scale, this is through the fact I learned how the mass teaching of medical training worked. I feel this can be transferred to any battalion due to the fact you can change it from roleplay to and ability or a skill it works the same way. The last major thing I learned while in the role of the Republic Medic’s Battalion Commander is the importance of your lower ranking officers, these officers in my eyes are the connection between the lower battalion and the senior officers. I learned that I should use my junior officers to interact and make the battalion a place of teamwork and community. This experience will help me support the 104th battalion if they are to become inactive as I will be able to support the battalion in returning their numbers.


Wolfpack Lead Comet

During my time as Comet I worked a large amount in redoing and re-designing the Wolfpack. The first thing I did with Wolfpack is redesign their tryouts and the majority of their documents. The Wolfpack taught me a far bit when I was Comet, the most beneficial thing I have learned from my time as Comet is how the Sub-Unit works here in 104th. This was one of the more important lessons it taught me and it will stick with me if I was to get Niner as I will know how to work with Smaller numbers. The 104th has taught me a lot in general however Wolfpack in general just gave me a large amount of experience in learning 104th tradition and how they work as a group which will help me if I was to get Niner as I have experience with working with a smaller number of people.


104th Battalion Commander Wolffe


Omega Squad Fi Skirata

During my time as Fi Skirata I have had a large amount of fun playing the role, playing with the squad has made me want to stay on the server even after a tough time. SOBDE has helped me fix a large amount of my issues and made me enjoy the server a lot. I have learned a lot about how to pick good members for a squad and a lot about hosting their tryouts. During my time as Fi Skirata I got to enhance my medical skills once again and this has once again helped me get into a role playing scenario. Fi Skirata was yet again another unique role that I got and this has allowed me to learn a lot more about the internal workings of SOBDE and also about how to be a good squad lead. My experience with Omega squad has been a good one and it also has taught me a lot about each individuals squad members role within the squad itself.


During the time that Nade went to regimental as Fi I  found myself Leading Omega, during this time I have done maintenance on the squad making sure they are doing what they are meant to do and talking to them to figure out what they want done with the squad. This time has allowed me to learn a lot about leading a squad and it gave me many ideas about what I would like to have done with omega and how to improve the RC Outreach


Under Korm I become the squad XO and helped Korm crack down on Omega squads behavior and activity and also helped him improve our tryouts. During my time under korm I enjoyed myself and have learned a lot from him about how to lead a squad. This time has also encouraged me to keep looking for ways to improve and also ways to improve the squad. While under Korm I also started to interact with our outreach more and this is something I enjoy and it is also something I would like to continue if I was to achieve the rank of Niner.


IFN Experience


501st Captain Rex

During My time on Icefuse just after the split I achieved Battalion Commander Rex of The 501st Legion. During my time as Rex I enjoyed working with my troopers as it was a battalion full of great people. They helped me learn a large amount about how battalions are run on  large scale Star Wars Roleplay servers. Before I became Rex I had ran battalions on other UK servers but nothing as big as the likes of Icefuse or Synergy. When I took over the 501st the split had decimated their numbers and most of the remaining members were mingy. This is where I learned my first lesson of dealing with minges in an efficient way and how to organise a battalion to do mass recruitment but weeding out the minges as they come in. This lead to the rapid growth of 501st which then caused me to learn my second lesson of how to now balance the quality of my trooper.I did this in the form of trainings and sims to teach them how to behave in combat, and behave with the large quantity of the troopers. This lesson helped me learn a lot about how the balance in battalions should be and this will allow me to apply this to Omega Squad. It will allow me to judge clearly the performance of my troopers over their numbers. The last lesson I learned in 501st was the fact even the low ranking suggestions can be some of your best suggestions. The fact that they are a low rank means very little as they could be the next Rex. This sense of teamwork and family has carried with me to almost every battalion I joined after this and it has taught me to listen to my troopers very carefully.


Anakin Skywalker

When I was Anakin Skywalker the main lesson that I had learned was how the jedi and clones should work together and also how to stop arguments by learning both perspectives. This was a key thing through my journey through high command due to the fact I wanted clones to work well with jedi and this also has taught me how to look at another person or battalions perspectives with an argument. One of the major things I experienced as Anakin was how quickly tensions between clones and jedi could develop quickly, so as Anakin keeping my cool in an argument was one of the things I learned I needed to do. Another thing I also learned was not to overstep my boundary when dealing with issues with other battalions, this will help me due to the fact it will allow me to solve arguments between my battalion and other battalions on the server if these should come up. So to sum up my anakin experience I learned how to go about issues that happen with other battalions due to the fact I had very little power with other battalions


Attack Regimental

During my time as Attack Regimental I got to witness first hand the techniques needed to run multiple battalions at the same time. When I was Attack Regimental I had no Senior Regimental to support me during that time. When Attack Regimental due to the fact I had not senior regimental I had to learn about how the battalions ran due to my own research. This research allowed me to get access to view how many other of the battalion commanders on the server were running their battalion and gave me a large amount of experience with structuring battalions and this also allowed me to view many different ways of laying out documents for battalions to make them look professional. The next thing that I learned when I was attack regimental was what battalions needed to flourish and survive and become large battalions due to the fact that the battalions underneath me were large and I learned how they ran their battalions. Both of these points have helped me in the past manage both small and large battalions for example it helped me manage the Republic Medics from when they were dead to when they were thriving due to the fact it made me think clearly and carefully about their ranking structure. However the main thing that I discovered when I was attack regimental was how to keep the battalions logging systems well organized and looking professional and neat. The final thing I learned when being in the Attack Regimental Role was the fact that I needed to have all the battalions do simulations together, this is in order to get them ready to work together.  Without these training simulations the battalions tend to break apart and go solo in combat. This experience has helped me greatly in the past as it has transferred into more than one of my roles as it has helped me well in The Republic Medics and also 104th.


Senior Commander

During my senior regimental term I was in charge of all attack and defense battalions, during this term a lot of the stuff that I learned was covered in my attack regimental paragraph however a lot of what I learned was how to deal with a large amount of pressure due to the fact that more battalions were pressuring me to get what they needed. The role of Senior Commander also allowed me to learn more about how battalions worked due to the fact I had access to more battalions documents, these battalions also gave me a large amount of ideas on what types of trainings to do and helped me improve my management skills and leadership qualities. So to sum up my senior commander experience it does not differ too much from my attack regimental due to the fact that I was working with the same people and also new people. Being a senior regimental was enjoyable and was satisfying to have achieved this rank.

Other Experiences


91st Battalion Commander (Medical Commander)

So, as 91st battalion commander on this server I had transferred into the 91st due to the fact it was being given it’s last chance as it was already dead. This battalion was a heavy RP battalion just the CTE that I had just transferred from. The battalion was a battalion that was hard to advertise for mainly due to that and also due to the fact they had weapons that did no damage whatsoever. This was the first battalion that I had ever been the lead of and was probably one of the most fun. When I started off as battalion commander the first thing I did was fix the command structure and get myself some good and competent officer. In this battalion I learned a lot about how to structure battalions and this was the first lesson that I had learned in this battalion and it also allowed me to know how to set up chain of command. The structure that this battalion let me setup allowed me to learn how to maintain battalion new members and also helped me get experience in reviving battalions and a lot of the information about that has remained with me due to this one battalion and also a lot about battalion maintenance has stuck with me as well. This battalion may have been my first battalion however it was the battalion that has taught me the most and probably one of the most fun battalions I have experienced due to it’s heavy roleplay


CTE Executive Officer - Clone Trooper Engineers

Once again I transferred into a battalion this time from 41st, I was a SGT in the 41st when I transferred to the Clone Trooper engineers. When I was in the clone trooper engineers I once again learned a lot of my role playing from this battalion. I worked my way up from SGT to Executive Officer, once I reached this rank I spent most of time learning about how to lead and reflecting on how to get better and also on how to make the battalion better in general. This is where I mainly learned how to reflect myself and how to lead a large amount of specialties due to the fact they were split into multiple regiments inside themselves. This battalion was one of the battalions that helped me learn how to do in depth roleplay and due to the people above me in it my roleplay has been made a lot better. The battalion was a family to me and they helped me learn that a battalion should be like that for everyone and they also taught me how to conduct missions with good levels of teamwork and that everyone in the battalions voice should be heard either in teamspeak or through meetings.


Other Experiences

Baranusu No Kage

Republic Melee Trooper SGT


Why should you become Battalion Commander:


The first reason I should become Squad Lead is the fact that I have a large amount of experience, this experience will help me lead my squad well and will help me link with other battalions. Also the experience I have gained within SOBDE will allow me to continue to develop Omega squad within the regiment


The second reason that I should be Squad Lead is that I am stiff but sweet with discipline, this meaning I will punish people within my squad fairly and will not allow for anyone to do mingey things, however I also know when things or accidents or mistakes that do not deserve removal.


The third reason I should become Squad Lead is that I know my boundaries, this meaning I know my boundaries when it comes to interacting with other SOBDE squads and also our Outreach. This will allow me to develop Omega without causing problems within SOBDE and it will also allow me to work well with our outreach.


The fourth reason I should become Squad Lead is that I have unique ideas on how to improve Omega through trainings, these trainings will range from ambushes to RP and will mainly focus on improving the teamwork between the squad and also on their RP and the specialties of each member.


The Fifth Reason I should become Squad Lead is that I am active on the server. This will allow me to notice any problems that arise during my time while also actively working with Omega. This will also allow me to work with the out-reaches of the Omega and also SOBDE as a whole.


The Sixth Reason I should become Squad Lead is that I work efficiently and also with quality. This meaning that I work fast to do what I want to do with the squad trying to improve them each day and I will do this with a high standard and quality


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad:
Yes I do understand the lore of Omega Squad.



All these times are in EST


Monday - 12 Noon - 19:00


Tuesday - 12 Noon - 19:00


Wednesday - 12 Noon - 19:00


Thursday -  12 Noon - 19:00


Friday - 12 Noon - 21:00


Saturday - 08:00 - 21:00


Sunday - 08:00 - 20:00


Estimate of how long you’ve played synergy roleplay:

RC-8015 Omega Squad Fi Skirata has played for 1528:43:20.


Do you have a microphone:

Yes I have a microphone and I use it actively


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term:


The first thing I want for my squad at the end of my term is for them to be active. By active I do not mean just be on the server, I want my squad to be doing things on the server for example trainings and other things to help other battalions. I also want my squad to be improving themselves by doing simulations.


The second thing I want for my squad at the end of my term is for them to be good at combat, this is so that the squad will live up to SOBDEs name and for them to be able to assist the troops in combat without getting in their way.


The third thing that I want for my squad at the end of my term is for it to be a full squad at the end of my term. I want my squad to be full of active and good people that will help the next Niner and let him springboard what they want to do in their term.


The fourth thing I want for my squad at the end of my term is for them to be serious and not be mingey. I want my squad to act in a serious way when in game and set an example for the other troopers


The fifth thing I want for my squad at the end of my term is for them to be actively interacting with our outreach, this will mean I want them to be helping them out with mainly training. However if any of the BCMDs want any help with anything else I would wish for my squad to do that as well


The sixth thing I want for my squad at the end of my term is for them to hosting public trainings for anyone to attend, this is to increase our relationship with the community while giving them something todo. An example of the trainings I want them to be hosting would be for example a breach n clear simulation where they focus on working on the battalions battle comms


The seventh thing I want for my squad at the end of my term is for them to have strong relations with the rest of SOBDE, I want this so that my squad can work well with the rest of SOBDE and also so that they do not isolate themselves from them in both teamspeak and ingame. This does not happen at the minute however I do not want to have it happening at the end of my term.


The eighth thing I want from my squad at the end of my term is I want them to have a better relationship with people on the server in general, I want Omega to be interacting with other battalions more so that we can work with our outreach and also allow us to connect more with the rest of the community.


The ninth thing I want from Omega squad is I want each of the members to be good at their specialty, this meaning I want them to be good at the RP that they are meant to specialize in. On Top of this I want Omega to be doing more RP in general.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position:
Yes, I do understand this


Do you understand your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank:
Yes, I fully understand this.


Edited by Turbine
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inb4  "tHiS aPp Is OvErLy FlUfFeD " 😂

This man is the only one qualified for the position. +1

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*Gets denied for app being too long*
*Gets denied for being drunk on Teamspeak* 
*Gets denied for having "anger" issues*

There is no reason as to why this man was denied previously for this position. Turbine has proved everyone that he can be calm and collective when needed and can write a BETTER app then anybody else on he fucking forums yet the man can't even spell lol. That shows true dedication to his fucking work. And who gives a flying fuck if he's drunk on teamspeak. Its OOC and a place where we can chat a load of bollocks and just mess around. 

There is not one reason as to why Turbine should not get this position. He is the most loyal and dedicated Omega Squad member and has deserved this for a long time (since he put up his first application).


Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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-1 bad at pvp 






jk +1 don’t assault me 

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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From what I can tell it was the fact that I left 104th Wolffe so early, I don't think that should really effect this app due to the fact that I have been in SOBDE for 3 months at this point and stayed after my first denial. If you have any more questions feel free to message me in Teamspeak.

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+1, an absolute mad lad.


3rd times the charm.


just don’t be fucking drunk if you get offered an interview

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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