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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. 1 minute ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    "ChatGPT write me 10 names for a village in star wars garys mod roleplay" which was the one that got cut?



    Just now, Mystic said:




    This one is closer

    • Pay Respect 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Zensras said:

    The SCP server was a joah thing that died.    They did a lot of work on it but focused more on the CWRP server instead. 

    He ended up releasing the map and some shit from it.


    TTT server never really caught on if I recall

    afaik the most successful spin-off for Synergy was Military RP

  3. -1. 

    AV-7 was garbage and loud. It didn't actually do damage  ( i dont know if this was Dev choice or a conflict/bug with stuff we had on server) and it was just useless when it was spawned in. 

    Not to mention who would we give it to?

    +1 for J-1 though. Artillery is a cool concept to fight against. Especially when we already pack TX130s/427s ATTEs ATRTs BARCs etc. The white noise would be cool and since its GMs using it there wouldn't need to be a sense of accomplishment (I.E the weapon doing damage)

  4. Gonna glaze for a minute.
    Brooklyn is one of the few people i'd get on my knees for on this server,

    Having been under Brooklyn (and above in Jedi) he's been a constant in this server. From what i've heard from several close friends his time as Wolffe was top 3 all time, I experienced his time as XO Zey under Void in SOBDE, I was a Commander under him when he was MCMD and i was being ARC trained while he was 17.  The amount of positive interactions i've had with this dude is crazy. Easily in my top 5 favorite people on the server. His work ethic is generally unmatched and his reputation on server (even to someone whos never met him and just reading this app for the first time) is held in a pristine light.  

    His knowledge of SOBDE Jedi is solid. Having seen him be Bardan twice, Iri Camas (peak Brooklyn Jedi right there) and Zey, He knows what he did wrong and knows how to avoid/change those mistakes because of it. 
    As Yularen and Palpatine you pushed heavy for Naval and set it up to be put into great hands with Gohn. 

    He will 100% help the situation in SOBDE. 

    Huge +1



    • Friendly 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Egg said:

    Personally, I am a coke enjoyer, but also, semi flat soda is absolutely delicious

    i respect it. ex coke enjoyer but i just love the taste of diet zero sugar cherry pepsi. i feel pepsi is less sweet. 

    Every other flavor Coke is better though. EG Vanilla Cherry Vanilla Lime, etc 

    • Friendly 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Egg said:

    Hello once again friends! This morning at work, my coworker brings us donuts at our office before we all head out to work for the day, so  for breakfast, I had a plain glazed donut. What did you all have?

    half a flat pepsi and a boston creme donut

    • Informative 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, Mavelle said:

    I'd love to run some stuff with you! But I am working full time now so I can't no-life like I used to

    Also I don't think we have an event server any more?

    Edit: We do? I think? I don't know- it's kind of hard to find info easily on it

    They do use Event Server  when we're above 100+ but i think they'd let you guys have an exception...

    • Informative 1
  8. For anyone not aware Ghost of Tsushima is on PC now! 

    A Former Playstation exclusive and considered one of the best modern games. 

    "For the very first time on PC, play through Jin Sakai’s journey and discover the complete Ghost of Tsushima experience in this Director’s Cut.

    In the late 13th century, the Mongol empire has laid waste to entire nations along their campaign to conquer the East. Tsushima Island is all that stands between mainland Japan and a massive Mongol invasion fleet led by the ruthless and cunning general, Khotun Khan.

    As the island burns in the wake of the first wave of the Mongol assault, courageous samurai warrior Jin Sakai stands resolute. As one of the last surviving members of his clan, Jin is resolved to do whatever it takes, at any cost, to protect his people and reclaim his home. He must set aside the traditions that have shaped him as a warrior to forge a new path, the path of the Ghost, and wage an unconventional war for the freedom of Tsushima.

    • Experience Ghost of Tsushima with unlocked framerates and a variety of graphics options tailored to a wide range of hardware, ranging from high-end PCs to portable PC gaming devices.*
    • Get a view of even more of the action with support for Ultrawide (21:9), Super Ultrawide (32:9) and even 48:9 Triple Monitor support.*
    • Boost performance with upscaling and frame generation technologies like NVIDIA DLSS 3, AMD FSR 3 and Intel XeSS. NVIDIA Reflex and image quality-enhancing NVIDIA DLAA are also supported.**
    • Japanese lip sync – enjoy a more authentic experience with lip sync for Japanese voiceover, made possible by cinematics being rendered in real time by your PC.
    • Choose how you control the action: experience haptic feedback and adaptive triggers through a wired DualSense™ controller…***
    • …or go with mouse and keyboard, with fully customizable controls.
    • Haptic feedback – master your blade through the DualSense™ controller’s immersive haptic feedback.***
    • Adaptive triggers – enhance your accuracy with a bow using adaptive trigger resistance.***

    * Compatible PC and display device required.
    ** Compatible PC and graphics card required.
    *** Wired connection required to experience the full range of in-game controller features.

    Give it a look and perhaps look into playing if you need a good singleplayer game. Highly recommend it.


  9. Depends on the Gamemaster and scale like Kaiser mentioned.

    Deployments? Generally not. They're not thought out and people are generally given a few minutes to set them up to have "surprise" deployments now, so they're nowhere on par with the old Regimental Deployments.

    Small events pertaining to a couple of people like IR can bring some small RP but nothing the bat an eye at. It's generally bare minimum and subpar. Even below IR training standards. 

    Events that have been preplanned like @Zeros campaigns generally had a tied together story which revolved around a few key people. Leading to some solid interaction and RP between the community as a whole. 

    Otherwise? no. Most events are filler shoot em ups with IR or an EJ at some point to negotiate or flee to log as an Event for quota. If its not that its a shoot em up encounter in Courtyard. Or your classic 20k HP BX with a shotgun breaking into the base to steal data from BCC. It is SUPER plain right now. I do believe High Staff is attempting to address the quality (and lack thereof) of RP on server by enforcing rules that have become lax over time. (See Mazen's post) and it seems surprise deployments have slown a bit. Jedi has been attempting to bring back some small things like TG clearing Temple and Jedi having interactions with Clones via comms, and comms RP is still fairly present and decent to this day, but that is bare minimum RP and is generally expected of even the newest players on the platform. 

    Its about 90% No 10% Yes. 

    It lies in the hands of the lazy GMs to fix their standards and events, then it falls into the players hands to mold those events themselves. 

    It starts from the top down. Once the top starts players will start picking it up i believe. Too many people are focusing on playing the number game for High Staff and quota rather than player enjoyment. No GM nowadays compares to your average deployment GM from 2022.
    (also i'm honored for the ping <3)

  10. 36 minutes ago, Matra said:

    Matra (Previous Bacara x4, previous Keller x4)

    weird flex.

    +1. I said it on his first app. Nothing has changed. 21st is only on the improving side of things, and taking away the person that still has plans in effect is a dumb idea. 

    Mystic - (BCMD Bacara, CMD x3, Jet  x2 and the best Devil Dogs XO Deadeye from start to finish) (i kept the subunit dead because i hated it)

    See? @Matraits weird

    • Bruh 1
  11. On 5/15/2024 at 10:05 PM, Jayarr said:

    What is an ideal village in the eyes of the community? Obviously not everyone will agree, but a general consensus wouldn’t go amiss. I thought I did right by onderons, but it seems not. The feedback would be welcome for any future projects.

    A mix between Anaxes and Corellia. 

    Corellia has a sweet ass design for the buildings making it seem like they have no help from the GAR. Which puts a great emphasis on the Civillian part. The Anaxes one had everything this one is missing. Space, a compact bar/village (the bar is above the village) 

    Village is like 9 houses which is FINE but there is nothing else to do there. I think the Guild attempted to even RENT them out. The Cantina is the only wow factor for the village. This may largely be due to our perma prop restrictions and native lack of roleplay on the server overall. 

    Civvie is also just a lowkey garbage faction. They should be EJs imo. 
    The RP quality on server is not enough to make playing a Civ even worth it. It's "shoot on sight" or "do you have a basepass" RP. Not really a middle ground. They just have no purpose other than being a thorn in our side. 

    Hunters are a cool concept but they are just all wannabe Mando's. There is no real bounty hunting on server and the quests/bounties put up generally just consist of killing someone which has no appeal since most people are AFK or just turn it into a firefight. 

    A sort of victim protection roleplay would be sweet for those kinds of bounties. Air out Bounties being on people's heads so Clones can be aware. 

    There is alot that needs done with Civ faction. The village isn't the biggest issue.

  12. 9 hours ago, Rohan said:

    Most of these can be handled here: https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/forum/13-cw-server-suggestions/

    I do have a few questions for you tho, just want some clarification.

    For bullet point 3, are you essentially looking to make it a DarkRP type faction where they have a job and can do various activities?
    For point 4 & 5, assuming they go hand in hand, what would the local government function like in your eyes with the PDF?
    And finally for 7, do you think adding another group while we already have 5 playable ones is genuinely a good idea? And if so, why? (Senate, Hunters, Clone, Jedi, Naval)

    That'd be nice if these suggestions didn't outlive the people who post them, then nobody knows what the hell to do with something they didn't request. 


    10 hours ago, Bane said:

    While taking a look at the recent poll for whether or not we should return to Onderon, I was heavily surprised that people did not realize that Anaxes V3, Onderon, and Corellia all suffer from the same core issue. As someone who's been around long enough to have experienced all three, I distinctly remember the waves of disappointment, boredom, and discontentment with our maps as they finally settled in on the player base. Now don't get me wrong, they each have their unique charms and downsides. In essence though, they all suffer from two major design flaws. 1. They are not built for purpose or the direction the server is inching towards, 2. They certainly aren't built around "Nodes". 

    1. Built for purpose

    This server is essentially "Occupation RP Lite". We have civilians, an occupying military force, but that's it. The villages we've had so far have been outright terrible, with Corellia genuinely being the worst for missing the mark so hard. Civilian is constantly in this cycle of life and death because there's nothing to do as a civilian, outside of antagonize the republic. The Republic genuinely has no utility for hunters as it stands, and Hunters make up the majority of civilians. This all starts with the core issue of the village. There are no true defining landmarks or important buildings in the village. If we want people to roleplay as genuine civilians we need to put the structures in place to at least give them the space to do so. A functioning village needs some sort of Governmental building, A bar or gathering place, Shops, a bank even, and places for people to live. 

    This is real. Our best Village to date imo is Anaxes. The utilization was pretty decent and the proximity to base and the side hangar made break ins a legitimate worry and the positioning of it was perfect in that little ravine area. It was enroute to a "node" (the outpost and the crystal caves) which had quite abit more out of base interaction. Alot of this though has to do with player interaction and RP as well though. 

    Overall i like the post. It's got quite a few valid things. Hopefully its taken fully into account. 

    • Agree 2
  13. People are also missing the fact you gotta pay 25 bucks to be a glorified clone who doesn't see frontline combat or get nearly as many RP scenarios. 

    Why main Naval when Clone, Jedi and even BH are arguably more fun? Most people don't commit to more than 2 lives. and thats not including Staff or other OOC obligations. 

    Everyone else hit it on the head otherwise. No draw to it. No reason for them to exist as they have very little in terms of uniqueness. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Finn said:

    This discussion isn't exactly a new thing. We've had a new map every other year since Synergy started. After awhile things get stale, and the player base wants a change. Server Leadership might be more inactive than I am, but they aren't asleep at the wheel. They know that the community wants change after the same map for an extended period, and this is a healthy way of addressing it. This cycle is a lot faster because Corellia just doesn't meet the needs of a large chunk of the community. 

    As for server performance, based on my (admittedly limited) experience with hammer, Onderon was an incredibly optimized map, it just has far more detail and space that can be accessed.

    the quality of Onderon is its downfall in terms of performance. And much like Jayarr said optimization was not the strong suit at the time of the map making so im sure it could even be increase as of the time of this post.

    • Informative 1
  15. On 4/7/2024 at 2:30 AM, Wosy said:

    Ummmm.. Naaahhhh


    I am aware of this. Thanks!

    does this have to do with discord images? noticing alot of the links on the forums break, but if i open image in a new tab then paste it into discord via the CDN link it embeds in discord.

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