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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. +1. 

    This guy refound his footing under Iron's first term. He likely held off on term 2 due to Iron's reapp or perhaps still contemplating. 

    He has been a backbone for 21st, and while i don't agree with everything he's tried to push for in the past, new ideas are welcomed regardless of what people outside the battalion think. 

    I remember joking about this to you and Centurion when you came back for the first time. Won't forget that 6 hour convo we had with Crimson, Centurion and Snadvich. Hopefully you bring 21st grand ambitions after how well Irons did. 

    Don't mention Devil Dogs. 44th is just DD. Don't ruin something good here.

    • Friendly 1
  2. Bug Type (Server:): WiltOS

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High

    Evidence (if you can): @Edgar

    Description of the bug: I purchased an Unstable Dark Inner Orange from Edgar earlier and got off. My item is no longer there 

    How can we recreate it: Probably by imitating a trade and then logging off/switching jobs

  3. 4/4/3

    Was sliding and losing animations the whole time, 

    not much to say really. Great story. Great focus. Good spawns and a solid objective the whole time. 

    one of the best events as of recent, only real complaint was the over spawning in tight corners but could've been an accident or something idk :) keep it up Gurk dont burn out. GMD is almost in your reach!

  4. what happens if someone normal wants to join HVO and future battalions want to move away from an all HVY focused KU?

    This would also be the only battalion where HVO is locked behind a subunit. Is that really in the best interest for a battalion that has history like 21st? 

    I'm just trying to figure out the long term benefit here, not the short term

    • Pay Respect 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Banagite said:

    1. The reasons for my previous denial were not upholding ARC/Rancor standards and basically not taking arrests serious enough. (I think the arrest very much didnt help)

    2. The reasons for said drama are now gone and taken care of so yes that Drama is over, for any future drama I am well prepared for it. The reason the drama became so much of an issue is because I was gone for 2 weeks while the drama was happening. I now also have people in place who can deal with the drama in my stead.

    3. I keep reapplying because I love the battalion itself and the people in Rancor. I have always been in this battalion since my first 5 minutes of being on the server. I believe with talking to my battalion that they all support me for the position and no one wants to go against me for the position. I also believe with my previous experience as Blitz that I can do very well with the position again and bringing Rancor to the peak of what it can be

    Thanks for asking Mr Mystic!

    Good enough for me. +1

    • Friendly 1
  6. Before i vote, What was the public denial reason for your reapplication?

    There was alot of drama inside Rancor for abit, do you think this has settled? and are you prepared if it were to happen again?

    You mentioned you want BCMD for the Lore Character and Morale, While i do feel this is really the only perks of becoming BCMD aside from the extra channel in Discord, what is truly keeping you reapplying? Why does Rancor need YOU at Blitz? 

    Just want to get some common questions asked prior to voting so other people dont need to ask them :)

  7. if im not mistaken bonuses come from the trainings you host. TECH Bonus currently goes to ARC and RANCOR. 

    501st has an EOD bonus. 

    While i get the idea of wanting to swap it around due to preference its much easier to keep track of battalion wide bonuses just via trainings they can host .

    -1 from me. would cause too much confusion and rearranging something thats already been changed so many times before

    i think @Marvelwould love doing this all over again

  8. On 6/26/2024 at 8:42 PM, KuroBearQ said:

    I think they said that they not gonna reimbursing people if they deleted there character not if its a bug in the server that is still not fix.

    I had this problem to couple of weeks ago and i got reimbursed for it 

    so it would be weird if they don't do it :3


    Yeah youre right. Sorry it was for intentional deletion of character. my fault.

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