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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. 1 hour ago, Eclipse said:


    I feel both candidates significantly overlap in plans, goals, and experience.  I think this is going to be an interview-dependent one. I'm hype

    Good luck!

    666 forum rep :HUH-flipped:ill save you. 

    +1 though. After reading both apps i agree!

    • Funny 1
    • Friendly 1
  2. I dont see the point?

    Just put them on the WL anyways. Whether its named or not affects nothing. Its what Alpha does with Spar and what they used to do with Fi/Corr

    +1 though i guess. Just don't really expect it to go through


  3. 6 hours ago, Juggernaut said:

    Ok so for me Rp isn't something that can be just pushed it has to be natural and from the heart.  You got feel like you are in that role. In 104th I am in that role cause when I look across the room I don't just see Wolffe my BCMD or Dash-29 WPXO, I see my Brothers Clorox and Taco behind those Visors. So if anything I'm going to encourage that same sense of brotherhood to Nurture RP from my Battalion because I feel that is what builds a healthy Roleplay community. As such I have already slowly started encouraging it among the rest of the MECH Reg in joint training and in daily interactions. I hope to continue to build those bonds even more upon becoming BCMD.

    Solid response yet again. Thank you. 

    Though i do wish your app stated these things prior, it is your first go around in the community as a whole .

    +1 best of luck

  4. 1 hour ago, Juggernaut said:

    As stated with my previous responses I feel Like giving the NCO's a bit of one on one Tank warfare with the BCMD is a good start. It builds a bond with them and shows them, "Hey you aren't just some NCO who works under me, you are my Mechanized Brother and My clone brother and I am here to help you when things get tough." I also believe that Promoting the Idea that pushing out trainings and recruitments is a positive action that makes them look better as an active trooper. Just don't over do it to the point it feels like you are being dragged about in the Cogs of a machine.

    The plan for my Officers is too keep them feeling like this doesn't have to be a second job. Yes I will require their help on things that they are in-charge of and yes I expect them to fulfill their duties. At the end of the day however this is just a game so if you need a break take one.


    Solid response. Thank you. 

    One last question. 

    How do you plan to bring 104ths RP into the server? I notice you like to use the word brothers for clones and whatnot. I've seen you RP quite abit and its refreshing honestly. 

    But on a larger scale how do you plan to push your battalions RP?

  5. +1. Officer whitelist overall on server needs replaced lowkey. 

    The scoutblaster i think is already in 41st Green Company's arsenal. Not sure if that would cause any issues with a balance of unique weapons but i dont really care personally. Scoutblaster is dogshit anyways.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Arizona said:

    Love me the 15LE but I would also like to say that the only lore characters that would have westars AFTER the change would be Fox, Thire and stone no other Lore characters currently have a westar and only 1 lore character would get one if this went through. 

    both the 15LE and the westar are great weapons to have just want to make sure we’re on the same page with what DS lore characters currently have <3

    Only including named jobbed characters ofc 

    i uh im having a stroke. 


    34 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    We would prefer the 15ALE due to the rare occurrences of CG troopers using anything other than standard issue weapons (these look pretty close to regular DC15A's) but at this point man I'm just trying to get something) 

    i understand whole heartedly. best of luck with it!

  7. 1 minute ago, Antt said:

    Did we read the same app?

    Yes. We did. a simple CTRL F of the words Dire Squad will show its mention twice at the bottom of the app. The sentence consists of 

    "Dire Squad has a lot of potential and can become something very intriguing. I want them to be used as a shock squad, a team that hits enemies weak spots. Just like every other 104th, I want them to have their own models, making their kit more CQB based with a shotgun instead of the DP-20 and buff their armor."

    This is a TLDR of "I want them to have models.  I want their kit changed to a shotgun" 

    There is no mention of how he plans to go about turning them into a shock squad or precision insertion team. Therefore its not touched on. 

    • Agree 2
  8. 8 hours ago, Juggernaut said:



    The officers are in a healthy position of activity. From WO to CMD the officers are available, active and doing their jobs. As a BCMD I will continue to encourage this level of activity. I would like however to try and find a proper schedule to host officer meetings every week to brainstorm ways to improve our NCO rate. 



      The NCO core could use some work to revitalize its numbers. We have plenty of NCOs but after the recent addition of extra ranks I’ve noticed that there is a large case of burnout that occurs amongst them so I'd like to have a sit down with them and find a way to improve that. Perhaps some kind of reward for scheduled trainings or hours of activity.



    The enlisted are in good positions at the moment we have a healthy influx of them. I plan to keep that going as BCMD with the recruitment monthly reward.



    Wolfpack is in a great spot; Comet and Dash-29 have done a fantastic job running it. They did have a stale period a while back due to some inactive members being on IRL Deployments. We are at this stage looking for a new Mortar and have 2 decent candidates. All in all Wolfpack is in healthy condition and I feel I can trust Comet to keep it running smoothly. I would like to implement more aggressive tactics with wolfpack, more often than not I see them taking to the high ground and sniping, which is fine I just would like to see them not viewing when jetpacks are banned as a weakness. 


    Dire Squad

    Dire squad is likewise in a great spot however should I be promoted they will be looking for a new Wildfire and we are still missing a new Tracer. I will continue to assist them as much as I can, especially in Finding a new me/Wildfire, and finally getting my boys and Jedi their models. Dire squad may not be as fancy as the jetpack wielding Wolfpack but that doesn't keep us from being Important to the battalion. 


    These bits are incredibly short, How do you plan to revitalize your NCO core? 

    Both Subunit analysis i agree with. I quite often see a mixture of both on at different times. 

    Is there a plan to prevent Burnout within the Officer corps? 

    Otherwise i enjoy the lengthy bits of your application. As it is ill cast my vote once these are answered

    • Dumb 1
  9. 1 minute ago, JustTaco said:


    Intel Revamp

    Sadly, most intel members are actually afraid of touching anything on the roster as they fear they might break something on it. I would like to simplify the logging process and increase redundancy. I would like to introduce adding NCOs to the intel team as another way for them to show commitment to the battalion and bypass certain promotion requirements. Intel work could also factor into getting trooper of the week/month. I also feel that the current documents we use are outdated and one of the first things I will be working on is getting these updated.


    I would like to touch on this bit. If documents are outdated you need to reach out to the proper people and get them updated.  Personally, You've never reached out to me about anything... the Intel Director. 

    Nobody should be afraid of breaking a roster. That's my job to fix and the point of Intel Training. If they're scared they just shouldn't be Intel.  Adding NCOs to the Intel team in what way? If you move NCOs to intel you open up a plethora of possible issues that can be resolved, but require time and preplanning, which again i've never been reached out to about this. 

    As far as your plan to simplify it, it was brought to me by not yourself, but Clorox. The entire roster change was removing the automation and adding merits. Removing automation doesn't make a roster easier to use.  It increases the likely hood of messing up promotion dates, rank updates, and people would need to manually log their changes and manually update the roster. This is asking almost 3x the work it takes to currently do /recruit. /promote is picking a name and a rank abbreviation, whereas changing to manual would require opening the roster, finding the person and manually changing their promotion date and their rank itself then going into Intel chat and posting the promotion. 

    Intel bits aside, Ther rest of this app is fairly lackluster.  You can do bi-weekly meetings yourself as most battalions do this already with their Junior Officers spearheading them. 

    As for NCOs reward you can also already implement this as an Officer. As for the Wolfpack thing, You can easily start doing this too as WPXO. Unless Badger was against this. 

    You also touched on Dire Squad almost 0%.  You mention you want them to have models and you plan to get their kit changed. Fundamentally what do you think needs adjusted to make them succeed on more than just the development side of things? 

    TLDR Adding credit rewards for NCOs, Turning Intel manual and putting up Dire Squad suggestions are things i don't see benefitting the battalion at all. Especially against the application Juggernaut has up. 

    It'll be a -1 for me but if you make it to Inter view good luck.

    • Agree 5
    • Disagree 3
  10. o7. Really unfortunate to see you go. You were a blast to work with in Rancor and a huge asset to the ARC program. I hadn't seen it run as well as you ran it in years. 

    Hope to see you in the future though. times change without us and maybe it'll improve to your taste someday. rest easy old friend.

    • Winner 1
  11.  get this guy outta here god bless!

    On a real note can we not have a stupid staff report? thanks. 

    ATC protocols are void in combat. 

    HA/Fox allows Kaiser to deny an AOS and he then integrated Glupshitto into the upcoming event f or Morale Support. I see nothing wrong with this. Punishment is handled at staffs discretion and he damn well used his discretion

    • Agree 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Marvel said:

    Extensive, Endor, and Onderon are the only contenders.

    Extensive is the peak Venator map. The only other venators that can be brought up our brought up for pure nostalgia. Extensive had it all despite being a little bit of a labyrinth for newer people.

    Endor objectively had everything a ground map should have depending on the version you remember. Personally I preferred the version where the Jedi Temple was on the planet like an outpost compared to the one you teleported to. The perfect sized base that isn’t too big or too small, two decent sized outposts for Clones, Jedi Temple that you could physically go to and not need to teleport to, the village on top of the mountain, the space port tunnel / Sith Temple teleporter, the big lake. It was perfect in terms of content it just looked and felt like a toddler made the terrain.

    Onderon takes the cake on pure visuals and design alone. Onderon was the perfect unique Star Wars planet that we could have ever used and it looked stunning. Personally I think the largest downfall of Onderon were just tiny hiccups here and there that started to buildup like tree and rock hit boxes being a little bogus or the outpost being a big bland box that NPCs could shoot through. The village was an awesome concept even without a BH/Civilian faction because it’s something non militaristic and cool. Also I prefer the second layer being more of the planet I just wish it had a little more variation and wasn’t dense jungle like the first sector. If it was more open fields for GMs to build and what not that would have been a bit better but compared to having “different” planets I much prefer having a different sector of the same planet. Plus we had the seasonal variants which were just so cool.

    Tldr; Remaster Endor with Onderon assets

    Also fuck Anaxes even when we were at 128 players DAILY it was still a shitty barren ghost town. You barely ever saw anyone on that piece of trash. Love the planet hate the base.

    not to mention the mismatch of what looked like two bases shoved together after the amount of reiterations made. I was only on Endor one time so i can't relate to the nostalgia. 

    This is where the downfall started. Excluding some changes like the SIM room lighting and ER Lighting. Onderon V2  was still really good, but it caused the move to V3

    • Agree 1
  13. i definitely didnt see this coming!... (maybe i did)

    Jedi Update claims another life. 

    Truly though, o7 Baron. I'll deeply miss RDMing you for no reason and not worrying about you AOSing me. You were a blast to be around and a very heavily influential part of this community. I'm sure the hours of progress and life that this server sucked out of your life weren't worth it, but nonetheless we all appreciate you from the bottoms of our hearts for it. Take care, and hopefully i see you in TS every now and again. But not too often of course :P 


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