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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. 4 hours ago, Demark said:

    CG will be forced to be more actively engaged when it comes to calling upon witnesses. This also raises the question of why we haven't implemented dmg logs yet.  It would only be beneficial to the server. But yeah, as I said. Witnesses, and if there is clip evidence that can also be of use. If there's a situation where there is no witness or clip the person is not really out of luck cause, chances are if someone RDMs they are going to continue the act or try and get back on the person. 
    At the end of the day, I'd rather stop someone from freely rdming and have them be out of luck, over 1 troll getting online and laying out an entire battalion and 1 guy is punished for defending himself and the rest of his reg.

    Damage logs existed for 2 minutes. 

    The amount of damage happening on server floods the logs and causes performance issues. its not practical.

  2. +1.

    Can roleplay as if they're BX Commando's on base. Maybe this would also bring about a change of heart in CTs who watch us roleplay this off and they want to actually participate. I dunno. ImperialRP always gets a big + for allowing self defense (IE being considered more serious) if that's the route we're trying to go, killing the CT returns them to bunks and makes AOSing easier on CG.

    • Based 1
  3. Bug Type (Server:): OCD inducing

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High 

    Evidence (if you can): C'mon man.

    Description of the bug: Medbay flag logos are uneven

    How can we recreate it: Go to Medbay.
    First the Onderon Debrief Bunk stands and now the flags!!! how could you be so mean D:

    Forums has a bug where images disappear! so please dont hesitate to ask for the images via discord DMs i have em saved.

    • Funny 1
  4. Speed runner huh? 

    Server loses its shine if you go too fast. be sure to take your time and go slow. memories dont just walk up to you, gotta snag the opportunities. Sometimes memories are all that keep people on the server still, so learn to have fun and build your relationships. Some amazing people have graced this server!

  5. I mean. It doesn't really sound like Negative to me? there is clearly an R. 


    Boosted the audio 2x and i clearly here Neg-a but then theres an R. So i'm not really sure where the full assumption of the N word cames from. 

    Ill +1 just be way more careful about the things you say. I have no reason to not believe you as the context would be non-existent, and it seems really uncalled for given the  clip.


  6. +1 this guy actually lets me do fun things with his roster and discord. 

    But seriously, Bana is one of the few reasons i've stuck around in Rancor. He's been a blast to interact with on an almost daily basis, which is something i find hard to say consistently about people nowadays.

    • Friendly 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Zensras said:

    nah that would be the goddamn ARK server.


    rip korm

    oh i was referring to on Gmod. ARK looked like it was balling but i joined the discord after the first talks of bringing it back after Korm passed.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

    Nope, it was inspired by the concept art from Kena: Bridge of spirits. That game might have taken inspiration from Elder Scrolls though, who knows
    Shrines Artwork - Kena: Bridge of Spirits Art Gallery
    Kena: Bridge of Spirits - The Mountain :: Behance
    Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Concept Art - Imgur

    Gotcha. Thank you! its a really pretty map and i saw a few Elder Scrolls esque things so i was curious.

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