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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. Bug Type (Server:): WiltOS

    Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High

    Evidence (if you can): N/A atm. I have to find something aside from my past sale posts in the Jedi discord

    Description of the bug: My Permanent Twin Hilt disappeared from my Storage Device. I keep track of my sales and haven't sold it. Also missing a few burn on use hilts that i had in my device that i don't really care about.  I also refused to sell this hilt due to the uniqueness.

    How can we recreate it: No idea. It went poof.

  2. 4 hours ago, Super_ said:

    When it comes to the two weeks when I dropped in my activity, it was heavily due to the fact I was starting a new job that I have now had for close to a month. I have now quit my second job, so in the past week, I have more than doubled my hours. So yes, I now have much more free time to dedicate to the server.

    Regarding your second question, yes, I plan to put in my best efforts while role-playing as Palpatine. As for Yoda, it was a lot more difficult because I had to reverse sentences like Yoda does. Instead, I get to play the role of a cryptic old man whom I can enjoy playing with plenty of different ways to play it 


    4 hours ago, Banagite said:

    I hope this comes true, +1

    it wont.


  3. Name: Mystc

    Bug: images in Forums signatures keep disappearing

    Location of Bug: Signatures

    Date/Time Bug Started Occurring: around January

    What is this affecting: Signatures

    Severity (1-3): 1 its just really annoying


    Tons of people have had their signatures images wiped to just end up like this

    Double clicking on it in the signature editor responds with this

  4. 51 minutes ago, Bacta said:

    I think this is was mainly cause of @blazinassistance with setting up their jedi program

    they got BOTM when clutch joined.

    Clutch resigned from VA
    Clutch is SOBDE
    Clutch has henchman.

    Coincidence? i think not. Clutch has ties to the higher ups. Big Synergy may actually be Big Clutch

    • Informative 1
    • Confused 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Egg said:

    Not warmed up, I ate them on my morning break, but then again I also prefer them just room temperature anyway.

    However, this morning, I will be having some oatmeal and waffles for breakfast, and I am very excited.

    VALID. They're better room temp imo. 

    Today i had some leftover chinese food and some milk.

  6. 8 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    -1 the Westar is a great ARC weapon, realistically you don't need a buffed minigun. The Heavy's minigun needs to have some sort of advantage, like every kit needs to have something going for it. 

    HVO has a 3 person limit per battalion....thats a server rule, to limit accidental MRDM incidents. 

    This isn't buffing the minigun. This is a request to return it to its unbugged state. The reason this isn't in bug reports is because the addon is broken and requires development. The damage remains the same and the fire rate in the clip is the same firerate it currently has, just with a different sound. This is more a request for the viewmodel to be fixed so its not half way off the screen, and the sound to be changed so its not a carbon copy of the Z6

    There will be no statistical changes in this. Simply cosmetic and audio changes. When i called it a "worse shoulder mounted Z6" i was referring to the fact the gun kicks backwards and offscreen unlike any other gun on server when it never did this prior. It's simply difficult to control the recoil on the gun in its bugged state

    • Informative 1
  7. Name: Mystc

    RP Rank: Chief Instructor l CPT

    Suggestion: Fix the Clone Minigun... PLEASE! This used to be one of the sole weapons people got ARC trained for. Now they just get a watered down worse shoulder Z6. Like actually. The sounds and bullets are the same when they used to be different. I was told the Addon was broken by the author, but if we have full permission to change it we should

    Implementation: The addon we use gives full permission for re-edits and uploads. If we can make exclusives i assume we can fix the Clone Minigun.

    Lore: Idk. It was a good gun prior to our Onderon swap. 

    Workshop content if applicable:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2766090377&searchtext=Clone+Chaingun


    With the last 10 seconds of this clip you can see the 41st ARC holding the original sounding and shooting chaingun.


  8. 9 hours ago, Brooklyn said:



    By doing what?





    -1 for now. I know youre capable of most of these things without the title of Admiral. 

    I saw your responses to Brooklyn but i'd really like to see a slightly revised app with a few more aspects of why you NEED Admiral to do things in Naval. 

    19 hours ago, -Xander said:

    That for sure shouldn't be happening and it is indeed something i will look into. Documents should only be updated we dont need anymore new docs lol

    This is huge btw. My -1 is on edge if you make an edit please ping me! id love to reread and revaluate! Youre spoken of highly in Naval

  9. 2/3/4

    Was lost for the last 30 minutes no real story development just alot of shooting and spawning.

    I saw the vision it was just failed to be executed. Otherwise it was solid.

    Server performance tanked occasionally but it wasn't consistent.

    Overall solid event. But not the best event i've ever been to like these drones that 5/5/5 everything. Keep it up Moose!

  10. 6 minutes ago, Egg said:

    This morning, I had some delicious smores pop tarts and some fruit snacks

    warmed up or not?

     this morning i had a cup of coffee and some reheated spaghetti

  11. 59 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    Yeah you had me until that last bit. Your subunit's don't need specific kits to compete with each other, and if they do then they aren't really unique enough imo. From my personal experience, 212th has Ghost Company and 2ndAC. Ghost Company is 100% screwed with their kit vs 2ndAC, but the units have different specializations and have different things that make them cool. What is KU's cool thing right now? Weapons? If so, SO is always going to be more sought after than KU due to cloaks. 

    This. KU has long been the quality over quantity whereas SO was the filled subunit. KU was always supposed to be leaders hence the "Elite" status and ARC loadouts. There really should be no competition for numbers tbh. 

    I dont really see the need for pistols people wont use. My suggestion would be a rework of KU kits. Removal of the ARC requirement this way its easier to get into and people don't feel like they need to pass ARC just to join a subunit with just a westar instead of normal ARC or any ARC subunit on server.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Funnyman said:

    @Mystic KU already has Aerial, unless by unique you mean a job only found in KU.

    im not referring to jobs im referring to loadouts. If i wanted to better my subunit i would be asking for a unique weapon thats worth going through the tryout for. not something someone can get anywhere else.

  13. 3/4/4

    Was a big hitch with the map swap and the short prison part. but those were generally unavoidable. 

    Could definitely tell you guys tried your best. Great deployment. 

    Server was a little laggy and the performance due to the CS:S map was a little unfortunate but nothing that was breaking the stride of the deployment

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