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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. Mystic

    Poker Face

    GPoker. Haven't tried the Chess addon. If it could be developed i'd definitely +1 it
  2. Mystic

    Poker Face

    -1 this addon blows balls. If one got made by our devs to be compatible with our addons and wasn't exploitable i'd +1 it
  3. 4/4/3 Great idea. Executed well. Lag just kinda shot it in the ass.
  4. Mystic

    Tup's man bun

    Theres a format for a reason please fix the suggestion. You also need to make sure you have the proper permission to post a server suggestion, even if its small and nitpicky like this. Make sure your CMD clears it
  5. what a funny horrible game
  6. If you were a Former SA and weren't removed, i see no reason for you not to come back. That extra event and 7 tickets a week will help the server greatly!
  7. damn i wouldn't be suprised if this was ChatGPT what a formal application. +1 though.
  8. If this is the case then its an issue on his end
  9. All the way up isnt a resolution. Your resolution is dependent on your monitor and even if your monitor is at its recommended resolution it doesn't mean its the right resolution. Typically 1920x1080 is the standard. It works fine for me and several others ive asked. Go to your desktop, right click and hit display settings in the popup. Scroll slightly and check for a box saying "display resolution" then check whats recommended.
  10. Ngl. Like Marvel said you fucked around and found out. While i sympathize with the accidental MRDM It is still your fault for playing around. Now you'll know not to mess around with the RPS. -1
  11. @FYKO @Deathtiger Its a ban appeal, not an argument board. Just let the appeal go, state what you saw. If anything changes just edit your message, Spamming posts on appeals just causes confusion and chaos and can result in the post being denied and both of you being banned by Mr. Guacamole (speaking from experience)
  12. What resolution do you play on? Also there is a format in the Bug Report section to follow that requests information
  13. +1. You were on prior to the ban, should've been informed of a sit prior to your disconnect, or reached out to by staff prior to banning you for LTAP. One of the killings on a 501st was accidental, and the GM probably should've reached out to you as well if there was an issue with how you were treating his EJs or at the very least, AOS'd by either of the 3 people killed
  14. We're looking for the models to be replaced. As it stands Dire Squad uses normal 104th models.
  15. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  16. Name: Mystic Staff Rank: VA Are you VIP?: Ye Date: 5/13 Reason for leaving: Not doin the stuff a VA should. Plus i wanna move up other places and not be restricted by my staff rank. Farewells: N/A ill still be on server
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