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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. I'll give it a go. I do quite like those goofy esque shows with hints of romance or slice of life/comedy while still being in fantasy worlds. So i'm sure ill enjoy it. Rewatching Toradora as it is right now. Forgot how good of a show it was. Also just finished Fate/Grand Order Demonic Babylonia Front. 9/10 show. MC is a rizzler
  2. i dislike the slight lack of confidence in some of your statements, as a BCMD make sure youre straight forward and never hesitate to do whats right by your battalion. Which i know youre prepared to do. If you get the position remember you are the face and need to say "I will and I want" instead of "I hope and i feel" This would be your first time around in this position though so i hope the absolute best! +1 Good luck man.
  3. Mystic

    CIS Data Heist

    2/1/1 Gameplay was nothing special. Hardly any story. Felt like there was no attempt to reprimand cloaking EJs or to keep the story consistent or even attempt to fix the server lag I was at 400 ping for a shoot em up
  4. +1 Jean D'Arc may not trump Artoria but she's S tier.
  5. Adi Gallia has a purpose in the current state of Jedi. Saesse Tiin hasn't since i joined in 2021. Not to mention this could be fixed by giving her a semi decent lightsaber. Nobody wants to be Freelance, Shit saber and ugly ass model with no RP. This can be adjusted with Gallia's model being slightly nicer, Her Lightsaber can just be not basic and she has quite a synergy with people on server such as Obi Wan and Anakin, compared to Tiin who we see once in the Clone Wars prior to his death in Ep Plus you said it yourself. If its gonna go "unfilled and unloved" it may as well not be fucking Saesse Tiin lmfao.
  6. Sounds good. I generally try to avoid those kinds of conversations with you when you're chillin though. I gotcha next time
  7. I agree with Bacta. Fuck whoever got rid of her. +1
  8. +1. Squishy hosted great events.
  9. Holy shit. -1 no. If it was for NITRP i would support it but this is wild
  10. not really no reason to. If you want to come back casually this is the perfect time.
  11. Did you not? Thought MRDM was tacked onto it somewhere as i heard you were RDMing people. If it was for NITRP then +1 a reduction, but i do think there should be the base ban in place.
  12. Bans handled by HA+ are at discretion of the HA to be extended based on PO and severity. You MRDM is a 5 and a 7 for racism. Likely was just combined and slightly extended due to your PO and the fact that someone whos been around since 2017 should be much more aware of these rules than your average minge. -1 from me. You RDM'd the wrong person and got AOS'd. Revenge AOS'd and Dodged arrest and got removed from SOBDE, instead of getting off and cooling down decided to go on an RDM fest and then proceeded to call Kaiser... what you did. While i think youre a funny dude and i know you may still have the drive to play, i can't +1 in faith until i see the attitude change. iF the unban appeal goes through i hope you come back in a serious manner. Would love to have you back on server
  13. +1. Would be a big help during SOBDE tryouts
  14. I can't wait for the Pink Crustal nominations
  15. I don't get this bug myself try removing addons or anything like that. Has this happened multiple times or just this once?
  16. Please follow the format or risk your bug report getting ignored for longer!
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