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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. i am 104th intel director and i hate fixing leaked docs! -1. Otherwise I don't really care about the advertising part. people make that mistake all the time
  2. Mystic

    The Intro

    @Alienand i flipped our AT-RTs 4/3/5
  3. im coming up on 4 myself. not concurrent though
  4. FUCK. Dude what the hell is this shit lmfao
  5. Note that your res will look funny if you do the NVIDIA profile. but honestly Gmod just isn't built to support anything thats not 1080p
  6. bro you should be perma banned at this point -1 and be lucky your jail glitching wasnt a perm ban for map exploiting
  7. Update. The New 21st is doing 100x better than whatever this was. keep it up guys!
  8. he server resigned. The issue is the monitor not the layout. youre good to mark off as resolved. spoken to him about it before
  9. Like Brooklyn said... Skill issue? I mean.... Things are hard. Just learn and do em again. Then help them. Master+ can help any branch they want. it;s not just Yoda's job. Branch Overseer didn't do their thing. Got removed. Hasn't even been a few days don't expect instant improvements. It is going through testing. Right now. There has been several changes made to it and several suggestions pending. The Order is a playground with changes. It's so hard to kill Jedi that you can make all the changes you want and refine shit to a T before the Order is harmed at all. Anyways. +1. Super has made some of the best decisions lately, Though i don't like the rank changes i really don't think theyll impact the Order at all. They just need refined, which is what i plan to see in your 2nd term I get alot of you are new. The Order has been through worse. There is dedication and love here its better off than it was before. Take the time and realize that because a change you didn't like happened, doesn't make the Order horrible.
  10. well shit. Apply for BCMD when your blacklist is up. o7 Ghost
  11. bro what the fuck. +1 hella potential just on your app @Patrick This guy blew your fuckin Yoda app outta the water
  12. changed my mind (Though granted i attempted to change this one to a -1 based off future context but it was already accepted by the time i had thought on it)
  13. I would like to elaborate and explain a few things since alot of people are new here! (Guac dont delete me please) 21st has always been killed by big sudden changes. The battalion has shown multiple times it flourishes under long term adjustments, not quick ones. It needs dedication and its a fragile battalion that will snap at the wrong turn. Its really hard to go into 21st BCMD with a plan other than stability and maintaining the current momentum. Some of the best BCMDs in 21st have had little planning and have turned out to be some of the most successful. Think of it like this. The battalion is a game. This game has had 25 different developers. Each developer codes differently. Over the years different code has gone unoptimized or reverted thus causing a tangle or spaghetti code. This makes it difficult as people get confused and lose interest. The best way to fix this is to gather like minded individuals and take your time untangling it. After that's all said and done you can proceed with the forward motions. Since the last wipe myself, gadget, luther, cucumber, and countless other people over the last year or so have slowly helped untangle this by standardizing things and removing outdated items. (docs standards etc). In order for this to continue on someone with that mindset needs to take the place, Even if the changes are gradual and not immense or plentiful, they are there and are benefitting the battalion. Outside in, its hard to know this. So from the inside i wanted to give that perspective. Cucumber's plans are short and time consuming and not something that can be fully explained by words or actions in game, Another reason the interview exists. So please know there's alot more to it than just what is readable
  14. 5/5/5 literally the best event ive ever taken apart of
  15. Alright. +1. Best of luck. Don't let me down. Ill still be around!
  16. Oh gotcha. So the listing is the future responsibilities not current. Thank you. I was just confused. What's in the current works to progress the 21st Jedi team? Before voting i noticed its your first mention of something horrible in the battalion, but no way you plan to fix it,
  17. I see you listing the responsibilities of your ranks but not what you want to change of them. The question is Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of the term. Can you clarify this for me? 21st is my home i just wanna make sure that its answered as clearly for all as possible. Is there a reason to listing their responsibilities other than stating that? or are you wanting to change them?
  18. they're already fat as fuck. should be an L on its own
  19. Bug Type (Server:): Model Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Medium Evidence (if you can): DM me for the clip dont wanna post it here Description of the bug: The left side of every Null model has an extended hitbox. This was tested on Kal, Aden and Ordo. How can we recreate it: Model yourself and shoot to the right of them. (their left)
  20. o7 man. One of the best Niner's ive worked with on server. You're always welcome back, and i hope you do come back soon. I'm always here if you need me or wanna play something <3
  21. +1... I would love to see more application, but the reapp process is definitely a much shorter application than a first app. Naval has grown with a day/night difference. Really haven't seen Naval do this well since Freck was Yularen. Hopefully you stick to your guns and keep Naval going strong. It's refreshing to see that blue name in the chatbox granting my PTL's rather than a CPT+
  22. +1 You make it alot longer ChatGPT ChatGPT Certainly! Here's a more detailed endorsement for Commander Rex: "In the turbulent galaxy, where chaos reigns and the forces of darkness threaten our very existence, we find solace in the presence of true heroes. Commander Rex stands as a beacon of hope and a paragon of leadership in the midst of the galactic conflict. His journey from the front lines of the Clone Wars to the heart of our struggle against tyranny has been marked by resilience, courage, and an unyielding commitment to the principles that define the Republic. Rex's storied career has been a testament to his exceptional leadership qualities. Through the crucible of countless battles, he has demonstrated an uncanny ability to navigate the chaos of war with strategic brilliance. His tactical acumen, forged in the crucible of combat, has earned him the respect of his peers and the unwavering loyalty of the soldiers under his command. Rex has not merely risen through the ranks; he has earned his place as a symbol of inspiration and steadfast dedication. What sets Commander Rex apart is not just his skill on the battlefield but also his genuine concern for the welfare of his troops. He has forged bonds that extend beyond the duties of a military leader; he is a brother-in-arms, a mentor, and a guardian to those who serve alongside him. In the face of adversity, Rex's leadership style has proven to be a source of strength, fostering a sense of camaraderie that transcends the trials of war. A +1 for BOOM is not just a vote for a capable commander; it is a resounding endorsement of a leader who exemplifies the values that define the Republic. Rex's leadership is characterized by a rare blend of wisdom, empathy, and a relentless pursuit of justice. As Commander, Rex will undoubtedly bring these qualities to bear, ensuring that our forces are not only well-led but also inspired to rise above the challenges that confront us. In times of uncertainty, the galaxy requires leaders who lead not just with authority but with a profound understanding of the sacrifices and struggles faced by those on the front lines. Commander Rex embodies this understanding. He is not just a soldier; he is a symbol of hope, an architect of victories, and a guardian of the Republic's ideals. In casting your +1 for BOOM, you are casting a vote for a leader whose legacy is etched in the annals of valor. Commander Rex is not just the right choice; he is the embodiment of the leadership we need in these trying times. May his experience, his resilience, and his unwavering commitment guide us to victory and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the Republic." (Seriously though Huge +1. BOOM is active and has good plans. Best of luck to you and Reborn.)
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