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Everything posted by Guac

  1. The model itself just doesn't have a texture anymore, only the newer ones do which can be seen as "wicker baskets"-ish. A new model / texture can be made for it, would just require a suggestion.
  2. I don't think this will solve your issue regarding a PvP balance. -1
  3. I’d totally support a buff to the healing speed / to medics in general, if death actually felt like a setback and not just a minor inconvenience. You could do this by actually enforcing some tac insert rules, and also not allowing medics / everyone else with a MED “training” to bind /me revives and try to pass that off as proper RP. It’s a shame that medics have to suffer because of this, but I don’t see any other way to control pacing otherwise. I totally understand the frustration, and it’s always hard to avoid a feeling of discontent when dealing with any sort of “punishment” for gameplay. but there has to be a foot set down somewhere.
  4. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  5. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  6. Better to have this as a 1 off event / encounter that happens semi-regularly; rather than 24/7. People already don't take the "Civilian" faction seriously, and I firmly believe this won't help. I see no way in which this resolves any issues, besides a few individuals desires to PVP.
  7. Guac

    More sith models!

    I firmly believe this is a plot from the deep state, to bring us one step closer to adding Sith. -1.
  8. Reading this leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I have absolutely no doubt that you wish to come back, but nothing you have said within this appeal nor outside of it shows you have the capacity to recognize the gravity of your actions. You spent the first half of this appeal blaming your actions on others and "burnout". Plenty of people burnout, but not everyone encourages others to post suicide gifs and harassing other members of the community . Every time I spoke to you post-ban, you showed little to no remorse, and a clear obsession with this community. It's hard to accept one can simply just "move on" from actions like this, and for the community to just take it on good grace that an outburst like this won't just happen again because you are "sorry". -1
  9. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  10. If you’d like a kit change, please post a suggestion.
  11. Such a great personality and even better leader. Make sure your passion doesn’t get confused with anger tho! +1
  12. I don’t believe that people who harass members of this community simply just “change”. Especially without a SIGNIFICANT amount of time since last banned. I don’t see anything stopping you from committing these same acts, being that it wasn’t fueled by some anger or shortsighted feud, just your own will to be malicious. -1
  13. And yet that death and running back will still result in the desired effect, a slower pace at which players go through events. I don’t know why you are throwing around the term “objectively” either? This FPS mindset is what has plagued our player base, and puts a strain our GM and staff team constantly.
  14. I’m not sure what the restrictions on setting spawn points are regarding Helix, but I’m sure it would require quite a bit of development. There is no guarantee either of these new spawn points interacting poorly with old ones. Not to mention, there is always a concern for misuse, whether intentional or not, if it were given to all SA+’s. TL;DR - Not a simple addition, unrealistic to add as a command but may work other ways
  15. -1 Not much can be done to slow the pace of players during events. I like this change, that it forces a more tactical playstyle and doesn’t encourage the “run-and-gun” mindset which can ruin the experience for others. The buff of syringes still allows someone to get right back into the fight with a larger heal.
  16. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  17. Traditionally, friend has been given to individuals who no longer play, and make a recognizable and lasting impression on others. Not sure how it is used now.
  18. Guac

    Buff the DC17m

    The DC-17m and Westar already outperform in PVP vs DC15a/s, what is your point? To increase that gap would be to literally do nothing lmao. All that changes is a number on the HUD, not your actual gameplay experience. Not to mention, DPS isn't even a stat you can view. You would only be changing your damage on the rifle itself, about 2 points. If you search for the term "buff" or "weapon buff" anywhere on this forum, you'll see why "technical information" is now being used, instead of rash and uninformed decision making which fueled the weekly "buff westar", "buff pistols", and "buff dc-17m" posts. We have right now a fully functioning system in which weapons are balanced and serve their purpose among all classes, I don't want to fuck with it just cause someone people wanna feel special.
  19. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  20. Guac

    Buff the DC17m

    -1, Maybe I made a mistake of referencing DPS on your post Bane, but it truly isn't your standard DPS most think about when playing other shooters. When balancing weapons in GMOD, DPS isn't always the best metric. Other variables such as tick rate, RPM, lag, hit boxes, recoil, spread etc.; all have a large effect on the viability of a weapon. Therefore, the balancing of these weapons gets harder and harder to satisfy as the comparisons between themselves are brought up. I don't see the utility of making only a single change in this case. I'd rather someone lobby for a re-look at base loadout stats in general, and take it from there. If you feel as though its impacting your game play this much anyways, I'd speak to GM's about lowering the health of their NPCs. TL;DR - Seems like you misunderstand the weight of DPS in weapon balancing. Without any clear balancing issues currently, I see no need to tamper with your weapons stats. If that is something to be done, I'd rather it done while looking at ALL base loadout weapons.
  21. DP-24 has 256 DPS, DC-17m has 233.8 DPS. DC-15s has 212 DPS. DC-15a has 204 DPS. -1, unless something gets re-balanced.
  22. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel as though sub-units are over saturated enough, and don’t really need more incentive. Could you give some info as to the stats of the DP24 and DC-15(a/s)?
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