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Dubz last won the day on November 4 2020

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  1. Enjoyed Event, took part in a ARC-170 Kamikaze into said drill
  2. When I had two Hunters hunt a Commando Droid for the Mon Calamari Senator, I didn't know it would work this well lol
  3. 4/5 Enjoyed the event, while I did like the Concept it's understandable as to why things kind of went out of hand. I missed a lot of it due to Crashes, and taking so long to actually get in, but I did enjoy what I did see. It felt like there was some Confusion regarding Leadership, as well as general direction, I feel like a Ground Command would've worked well for this but to my Understanding those who could have been it, were unable to it due to Technical issues. I will say a common problem I found was both getting stuck, and just not being able to do anything against the NPCs. I don't just mean due to their health, I think the move for Zombies and Headcrabs just didn't work with this. Personally, I think this event would have benefited with a different structure, and map, as RP_Wastaland is a more Large Scale Conflict map. We ultimately just ended up a Tactical Blob. Thank you for your Deployment, I understand things didn't go as planned, and I'm glad that I took part in it. Hopefully we'll have things handled a bit better on our end next time. Here's a meme I made while I loaded in.
  4. Right before the Event, one of the CT's was drinking and flying, did not have a happy landing
  5. Seems like a missed chance to not pair 501st and 212th up with each other considering they're the golden example of what you seem to want, but hope this goes well.
  6. Enjoyed the Event, Didn't expect the Interrogation over a Crushed Commander Cody to result in a Planet Threat event involving Droids, Drills, and Demolitions. 10/10
  7. I came, I saw, I got melted by a lot of droids, but otherwise had a good event. The Friendly NPCs really helped out, would've likely taken far more time and bodies to clear otherwise. I also enjoyed the Comms RP we had going, thank you.
  8. Dubz


    5/5 Enjoyed Pushing the Mountains with a 501st ARC, RIP to the many TG that died attempting to take down Ventress
  9. Dubz


    I didnt have Breakfast.
  10. Big 07... I never really got to know Korm well personally, but, he's always been a Madlad in my eyes. When I came here, after my first Server got ran into the ground, I had only been Frontline, Particularly 212th. At this point, my only experience with SOBDE, is that they were the Assholes who figured themselves special, because the only SOBDE I had experienced at this point, shouldn't be considered SOBDE. On my First Server, and the Server's that spawned from it, SOBDE had just been a Friend Group of High Staff, for when they wanted to mess about. This Server, showed me how good SOBDE can be, and Korm had a massive hand in that. I started in Rancor, It was strange being in something that wasn't 212th, but, after what I had gone through on my first Server, I needed something fresh. While Rancor isn't SOBDE, It's the closest thing to it, and we got to work with them on Occasion. These Missions were some of my Favorite, because it wasn't about a Pissing Contest, nor did it feel like we needed to be handheld. No Mission, showed this better in my eyes, than an Order 66 Event, that spiraled into an Order 67. It started with some ARCs, asking if they could have their chips out, and ended up turning into, those who wanted their chips out, could defend Kamino. I had briefly returned at this rate, and, being able to work alongside SOBDE, The best ARC's I know, and the best Leaders I know, on an All out Defense of Kamino, where we managed to kick some Salty Ass, causing Order 67. While SOBDE Stole the show in the 67 Part, with most of us Crashing, only to return to find out they already killed Palpy, who could blame them? I wish I knew Korm better, I wish I got to see him in missions more, and I really wish we could all see more of him, but we're going to be seeing the effects of the work he put into this Server till it bites the Dust.
  11. +1 A Big part about Staffing is Adaptability, and being ready to handle the Job you want, and the Job you have. While I think you'll make a Great GM in the future, I have faith that you'll be able to get there in no time. Dedication, Commitment, and overall readiness to do what you need to do, while doing what needs to be done will take you far. This is the same Mindset that helped me on my First Server being Staff, and I have faith that it'll help you as well. Good luck, looking forward to working with you man.
  12. -1 Looking through the Replies, It's starting to look a lot less like you just got bored and resigned. Staff takes a lot of Commitment, which you seem to either have a problem with keeping to, or need to work on it more. Not to mention you don't show any Indication you've been waived, and if you have been, it was likely under the assumption that you'd be 14 before long anyways. As someone who's handled a lot of Apps in my time, I'd suggest you take more time with your Application, and spend the time to consider whether or not you'd like to be Staff for the Right reasons or not. Staff is not for everyone, and while I believe with the right mindset and proper commitment anyone can be a good staff member, a big part of the Staff App process is being able to decipher if you're in the right direction or not. A Lot of the Big issues people seem to have with your App overall, also seem to be based on, or around maturity, which while it comes faster to some than others, is best learned with time as you get Older. Part of what I enjoy so much about SR, Is the community, with people growing up on the Server. Stick with this Mindset, keep working towards progress, and one day you'll be Staff, but I don't think it's today friend.
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