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Everything posted by Ccmonty

  2. we could always remove one of the CSRs and move the bunks back to the lobby where it was originally or combine DB and bunks, sector two could be a little downsized, lost contact could be moved to the large space underneath the bunks, the area above the brig/DB lobby could be removed (seriously even if you put npcs shooting each other up there people still dont look up there),
  3. -1. grappling hooks have caused problems in the past and if anything should go back to 104th
  4. How much downsizing are we talking here? because I can think of a bunch of rooms/sections of the map that regularly go unused
  5. RP Name: 104th HVO LT Monty/Jedi Padawan Neophyte Mole VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 19 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to continue helping the server and creating events for the players. I've found that playing without being admin is much less fun as it greatly limits what I can do in terms of rp, and also making events is fun. I don't have a more complex reason beyond that, I just think being staff and making events is fun. I have been removed from staff in the past, mostly resulting from something I did off impulse, but every time I go for staff I try to improve myself more. Overall I want to be staff so I can improve the enjoyment for players on the servers slower days and contribute on the populated days as well. If you have any further questions feel free to ask Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I think most people know who I am at this point but in case you don't, hi I'm Monty. I've been playing on Synergy since 2018 and played on Icefuse before that and have been in 104th pretty much the entire time. I'm slightly autistic and enjoy playing video games and competing in smash bros tournaments. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes I have been staff and a GM several times on Synergy before and I feel like it went well until it didn't. I started out running early morning events for people which eventually got me an offer for GMO, which I denied as I didn't feel I could handle it, and generally behaved myself. Then when we got to Onderon I started slacking on my staff duties a bit and started breaking staff rules occasionally because I thought it was funny and thought others would as well. Turns out that my idea of funny is not shared by everyone and I really should have been controlling myself better which I definitely regret not doing. But aside from that I like to think that over all I was helpful to the staff team. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: Unsure of exact hours but I have been playing Synergy since 2018 so likely 100+
  6. 3,3,5 I mostly just walked around the map but the burger RP before the event started was fun and I had fun bullying the jawa with Luke/Sinker and Woods who also really enjoyed themselves and getting to do RP with the twilek and the jawa. RP focused events dont really work with full server deployments because one or two battalions is going to be doing all the fun stuff while everyone else just sits around bored. Not bad for a first deployment back though
  7. No clue what this "breaking bad" gang was but leaking docs is a big no no and requires things like selections and SOBDE tryouts to be completely reworked which is a pain in the ass reading the other replies it sounds like your group was a fucking menace. Its one thing to just fuck around on a server for an afternoon, its another to do that while harrassing and berating the members trying to enjoy a social roleplay space after a long day of real life -1
  8. god i wish i had been around for that
  9. ill always remember the sinister undertones of every palpy interaction
  10. Ccmonty


    3/2/4 droids kept spawning in areas we took with no explanation. also WAY to high HP on the droids. had fun workin with people tho
  11. Name: Monty Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Decided to start droid in HMC because there was a neat dupe in there. from there we had commandos and temple get attacked Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale
  12. Ccmonty


    cherry yogurt, frozen chicken with pizza sauce dip, and like half a gallon of milk. i drink a lot of milk
  14. Name: Monty Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Simple shoot em up with a few commandos in base Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale
  15. So after the success of putting my shitty OOC Lounge Theater dupe in CY I was thinking it might be fun to have a themed community watch party. The theme would be youtubers with under 100k subs, no videos longer than 30 minutes, and self promotion would be allowed but you would be cringe for doing it. I wanted to gauge the interest in this because everyone was really invested in just sitting around watching YouTube videos in CY together
  16. Name: Monty Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): There were droids. IDK I just wanted to test out the media player really Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale
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