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Everything posted by Ccmonty

  1. The google slides is to mimic the stage select screens from megaman games, which is what I’m going for. I also don’t wanna spoil the entire story line in my app
  2. Name: Monty SteamID: Will grab when next in game How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: last i checked around 600ish From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I wanna make events. I don't really have a bigger reason outside of that Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tjaaIzqmZuR_7t0uvOjeppe58WFFWARlnO_3eReqD_I/edit?usp=sharing
  3. -1 you can wait 24 hours to minge
  4. -1 bro actually tried to pull the little brother card lmao sit down and wait your 5 days
  5. 5/5/5 Way more fun than i thought it would be. that map is deseptively big
  6. +1 IDK if im good with my mech reg being a midget tho...
  7. Ccmonty

    Sith revenge

    4/3/3 I had fun but the execution could have been done better
  8. I respect battalion loyalty. +1
  9. Its not often a CT like Boston or Socks shows up. We lost a real one today
  10. Name: Monty RP Rank: SFC Suggestion: Give new players one free grey tier perma weapon. One thing I constantly see is new players feeling frustrated that they can't get kills or frustration with the DC-15a/s in general. Allowing players to get one free grey tier perma weapon would be an easy fix for this as they can either A: take the perma weapon to have a combat advantage or B: refund the perma weapon and use the money to boost their stats, either way they will be able to better keep up with long term players. Players have better weapons/stats = higher player retention. for players who already have grey tier permas maybe have a week or 2 period before the free perma is impilmented where players can refund their grey tier weapons for full price. Implementation: Make all grey tier perma weapons free one time only, have a period where players who already have grey permas can refund them for full price
  11. Only 3 servers world wide, No aim assist on console , no crossplay, switch version has crashed on me 10 times, common bug that prevents you from spawning in. either wait or buy the original
  12. 5/5/5 Ion disruptor go brrrrr. had a great time even without it
  13. -1. nothing against you kaiser, Ive just always belived that a BCMD should be in the battalion their applying for before they apply
  14. the event of all time
  15. 5/5/5 Very clever gimmick, excited to see where this storyline progresses
  16. 4/4/4 was fun. spider droids did epic dance
  17. 10/10/10 W deployment, W afterparty
  18. 1/1/4 enemys were way to beefy, headcrabs took 3 direct hits from rc shotgun to kill. it was basically a mainserver defend the base shoot em up just on a different map, which is also what the EU deployment was
  19. 5/5/5 got to murder a gremlin and save christmas
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