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Everything posted by Feds

  1. Respect, taking the steps to better yourself and your battalion even though you hold a high rank on both sides.
  2. RP Name:Assassin Apprnetice Salik Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103805629 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 16 Timezone: CST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I’ve participated as a clone for as long as I can remember on Synergy and I already been a staff and learning of the reform of the staff team have felt a surge of motivation. Joining the staff team will allow me to connect with the community in a new way, through the ability of helping with minges, to the mere spawning of a dupe, setting health, and creating events/encounters. I do understand that if I become staff I will not be able to do everything I’ve set out to do but with hardwork and patience I will be able to achieve a position that will allow me the possibility to do so. I’m not going to lie, my interests are not mainly dedicated to staffing my interests lay with gamemaster but I’m willing to do what’s necessary to reach that position. In my experience I’ve slowly lost interest in participating in events from the lack of passive rp and the repetitive nature of each event, I believe I’d be able to offer my own ideas to help grow the complexity of events. Staffing is an opportunity to do something that connects you to the core of the community and if you try your hardest you can meet some of the best people imaginable. Im very interested in working my way uip to admin/SA so that I can work with Joah/Jack on picking up Bvb where it left off. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): To start off, I’m a person that is not afraid to share my own opinion I’d like to think of myself the opposite of a push over. Ever since I took my first steps on a G-Mod server I found myself heading for a leadership position with a never ending urge to do so, I find myself on the opposite side of the majority when partaking in activities or discussions. I’m open minded, if someone attempts to help me grow my own knowledge and or make myself more efficient in something I do, I will take their help without arguments of who’s right or wrong. Lastly, I always access my situation to better understand what the possible outcomes are from my actions with the help of my experience in certain situations. Do you have any previous staff experience? Imperial Class Gaming - Administrator Black Wolf Gaming - Administrator Cyprus Gaming CWRP/Imperial Super Admin x2 (Equivalent to Staff Coordinator) Lyhme CWRP - Game Master / Senior Moderator GGC Gaming - Super Administrator Wicked SWTOR Jedi VS Sith - Admin Anarchy Factions - Head Admin Ascendant Servers - Senior Admin Renegade - Game Master How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? 145 Hours Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) No "In response to the -1's by SOBDE I had a banter conversation in private DM's with Quill a friend of mine over PvP with SOBDE and had zero meaning/interest in insulting SOBDE, I hope that any SOBDE who mistook the post in Discord rethink their opinions."
  3. He’s doing a good job garbage game Fortnite is where it’s at
  4. Live on the temp profile
  5. Black Desert Online 🤔
  6. Feds

    Ryders Palpy App

    -1 You’ve been in a position of power that allows you to make massive changes to the server but you’ve not taken actions towards the benefit of the server.
  7. Yeah I’m going pro in fortnite no biggy
  8. Over half of our events have been called out for being shootem ups and the GM team was purged for doing this... Also what's wrong with adverting whats going on instead of not understanding whats going on during an event? I'm talking about quality of events and the quality of our events are not as good as what I've seen. Icefuse is a poor example.
  9. The quality of events are one step behind all the other servers. (Not sure why we can't give GM for the public a try if we've already hit rock bottom.)
  10. But with only three transformers for the majority of the movie and zero cityscape to render.
  11. Because if they had to animate the full thing it would have costed way more money the way they did it was to save time and money.
  12. The movie was terrible, the movie was more about a feminist lead than Bumblebee and wtf are you talking about close up fight scenes for the pst movies? It was 2008 tf do you think they were working with and the transformers looked more realistic instead of the Toy Bumblebee sitting in a garage for half the movie. Only good scene was the first one.
  13. fucking smell Neutral till we play and get a victory royale.
  14. I recommend A pod a day takes the depression away
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