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Everything posted by Feds

  1. I don't know why you've had to pour so much money into the server for a measly 10$ a week, Zim should be able to give out 10$ store credit for this without affecting the server. #SaveMax'sWallet!
  2. Feds

    SOBDE Headquarters

    -1 Why give one division of the clone army which is also barely even able to be called a battalion, their own building dedicated to just them while all other battalions share one hall way. Also if we were to talk about lore the CG should have their own prison on the map or any other battalion would have a military outpost dedicated to themselves.
  3. Meh, time to start power play Part 5
  4. This is the only good good bye.
  5. -1 Event Jobs were overgeared and health was exeptionally high for the Commando Droids.
  6. Feds

    The Bad Batch

    Who would be a Bad Batch though SOBDE gets dibs? Kinda dumb if they do.
  7. You can abuse NA powers as well and you need to apply for that, should we make you it to where you have to become a TR to become staff now?
  8. How is it a shit idea everything you've said leads to VIP Gamemaster. Applying for NA you get powers and your just applying it's all the same.
  9. Bitching is what got this server started and is what got people to start a new. And this is not bitching people wanting the GM team to change but all we're met with and what we are told is stop your "Bitching" how about you stop and think why and how this could work out and how other servers make this work. If we have a high quality staff team why can't we handle a separate GM team do we not have enough strong minded individuals to make it work? "If you want super over the top quality events, the amount of events will drop heavily. Killing the server on down times instead of entertaining them with a quick event out of the blue." So your reasoning behind this is because Quality events would kill the server? Recruiting more GM's would make it possible for one GM to do a quality event then another can do one after them this can be a repetitive thing GM's take the time to plan their event while another GM is executing their planned event then the next person who planned theirs does theirs and this can keep going if we had a bigger Game Master Team. "Game masters have insane ideas that they cannot fulfill because of the servers "serious" persona. The creative events would break most "lore friendly" aspects and being serious rp that's the only kind of events we can do. " Red Lightsabers, Dark innerblades, all lore jedi on the ship at one time, all Null and RC squads on the same ship, and many things that aren't lore friendly. Stop making these false excuses to stop change that players want.
  10. Not really sure what your going for on this it sounds like your against the idea but your for it. "When you play in an event. Take one moment, thats all. One moment and thank the person who is taking time out of their day, time out of their finite life to give you some sort of entertainment, and then after that if you must bitch. then and only then. bitch." You insult people because their angry someone made an event that took them a few seconds to come up with and then grabbed random people to play event characters and then sent them on their way to shoot up the ship for the 300th time wow! Congratulation they did exactly what any person on the server could do. This is a horrible excuse for the GM's team lack of quality, events of the quality we get don't take long to make and many of these events last 30 minutes tops. We want the GM team to change we aren't insulting the GM's as people we want the Higher Ups to realize the error of their ways and to change the GM team for the betterment of the server.
  11. The only people that side with the Game Master team staying how it is are the people that are High in staff and have already done the time and think that the GM team should be held back and stay in it's state because they can't bare the thought of recruiting more that didn't have to go through what they did. This is a disgusting way to think and a selfish way to think. The excuses used by them are atrocious and are only backed up by SA+ the Public wants something to change isn't the server founded on "What the People want" or are we just what the Staff Want? Disclaimer Icefuze is the only server that has a large population that has GM setup they way we do and look what happened to them.
  12. -1 Doesn't understand the core concepts of leadership and is full of himself. He would lead the battalion into disarray with his own agenda. He'd tell you his great vision for the battalion and that he has the full support of the 104th but he's holding them at gunpoint and making them +1 don't be lied to this man will doom 104th for generations and possibly the whole server. Yeah you thought I'd change my mind Ha you thought again Just kidding +1 Turbine will possibly be a new Role Model for future and present BCMD's. He won't let the position go to his head and will make sure that 104th is kept up to date and in tip top shape.
  13. -1 A member of the 501st did Brazzer.com which didn't even Hyper Link so you had to hand search it and he was banned for 3 days and denied a ban appeal why should Scribbles be allowed to be unbanned because he has friends on the server and a bigger reputation be allowed to have an accepted appeal for a link worse than that and it not getting passed. Their also are kids under the age of 13 on the server and could have easily clicked on the link and because it was a mistake he should be scott free? There's a reason their are rules if someone because they are a good person on the server and have friends are able to surpass these rules but new players or players with fewer friends/connections can not then why do we have rules at all?
  14. This would go back and forth is what I mean.
  15. But you have to rush out into a crowd of droids when trying that and bullets push you back. Also this doesn't matter stop starting shit over stuff like this.
  16. Because they piss people off and it's just blinds people against npc's it's ineffective.
  17. +1 they just piss people off and are ineffective.
  18. Well most troopers already go out in space without repercussions. 😕
  19. They used them before the Sith Returned and Adi Gallia was the only one on record that used a Red Lightsaber before but she switched since the Sith Returned and no Jedi during the Clone Wars used Red Lightsabers. Also Dark Inner blades were never used by Jedi and were used by the Force Users in Anakin's "Dream/Glimpse at his future" Episode.
  20. DOMINO Squad also we have jedi with Red Lightsabers this server has zero talk on Lore.
  21. -1 The event for the Attack Battalions felt poorly put together and we didn't get fully briefed we didn't fully understand what was going on and when we got to the Event Server it took 30 Minutes to get TPED to where we should have been. The Event server Briefing was non-existant and we were told to line up in Regimental lines but we waited and waited and waited just for an Advert and sent us off to our deaths to fight Droids that were under the ground in trees and then when we had the chance to survive who ever was in charge of spawning thought that spawning them ontop of us was a great idea! Very few of us survived the start and even with our losses plummeting at a constant rate someone thought a sniper head glitching on a giant rock far away from us sniping with an op sniper would be a great idea to spice things up. Once the Event started getting to a close the last of us had a great chance to finish the event but the Trando Players that we killed before were respawned ontop of us with 250 dmg snipers and killed us off one by one. /me escapes was the final thing we saw before we took our final breath.
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