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Everything posted by Square

  1. This community consistently manages to decrease my estimated lifespan at an accelerating pace one forums post at a time.
  2. Instead of removing an entire server protection feature why don't you just click your noclip bind instead and not stand inside of it
  3. I don't even know why you still have to apply at this point.
  4. Let me get my donuts in peace bro.
  5. This question will be one of the main discussion points during the next community meeting for the upcoming update. Most likely taking place beginning - mid April.
  6. Although I don't have exact specifics currently on what's going to be added due to not wanting to set expectations before everything is fully developed, there will be new sources of income coming within the next update/April one if an update is applicable for that month. Things to expect will consist of more in-depth gambling/lottery systems, and potential NPC random event pop ups on the map.
  7. Ammo box sitting is not coming back unfortunately. I understand that it's something you guys want to meme around with but it serves absolutely 0 purpose on the server and I firmly stand with Maxwell's decision to remove it. In game, Ammo boxes are counted as entities when spawned and any sort of player interaction including sitting on an entity creates new physics in which the server needs to calculate even if its such a miniscule calculation, its still present. It's time for everyone to drop the conversation on it. I honestly cannot fathom how you guys are so fixed to this concept.
  8. One thing that I'll note, there definitely won't be a x3 increase to job pay, however, like Jad highlighted we are currently working on solutions to fix the issues you are bringing up. Trust me we more than anyone know that there is an outstanding issue with the current economy on the server. I'd like a hard reset on the entire economy, however I know that's not ideal for the typical player who's been saving up a ton of money. I think one thing we've been shooting for is to get perma weapon pricing back to where it used to be ie the range of weapons being from a few hundred thousand credits all the way to like 50 mil being the highest (possibly excluding outliers) if you remember that old system we had back on the venators a few years ago. This will obviously require a lot of changes to everything about the servers economy such as current deflation of existing wallets, re-defining a new fair standard price for x amount of credits on the store, paycheck tinkering etc. To put it shortly, already working on it.
  9. just give me your steam id and I'll assign it to you
  10. @Brian-LimmonThe fast DL process is being reworked and will be incorporated within the next server update coming this month. This should solve the issue in which you are referencing. For now, I suggest subscribing to the event server pack as it will make load in faster.
  11. Michael Cera is the hero we don't deserve.
  12. Is this something you've noticed happen in the past, or are you saying it's merely a big issue judging off of what he has said? Did you make any alterations to your gmod files? First thing I would try would be to validate your game files. You may be missing something important that communicates directly with the server/DB. Let me know if this doesn't work.
  13. Fast DL is the best form of letting content download from the sever. Coming out with a pack subbing fix here sometime this week.
  14. Best idea to ever hit the suggestion section
  15. Village will get built into the map on the next Anaxes map update.
  16. Damn he was just about to get director too...
  17. As Jayarr pointed out, We are going to investigate and work on some of the lag issues. Ideally I'd like to set the server cap around 118 and shoot for pretty decent performance while nothing is necessarily happening.
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