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Everything posted by Finn

  1. Tbh I loved Sith as an idea, but at the time people (both Sith and non Sith) were trash at RP. But it brings more to the server than CIS does (It's not even a real faction, you're only on during Ops, and Ops are bad, unoriginal, and take less thought than an Among Us entertainment). Big +1
  2. Signatures are for memes.
  3. The only issue with the editors is that they don't actually change light levels on the map. It's nice to see a night sky, but it doesn't look so hot when the ground is still just as bright as before. Honestly the most immersive thing would be to integrate the map lighting into a mod like stormfox. It's not too hard to set up in hammer, and the results are really cool. As cool as a night version of a map is, or even just a day/night cycle, it doesn't compare to having lights and shadows accurately react to the time of day or weather. It'd be cool for events too. Probably won't happen, cause pretty much every outside light source would need to be changed, but a man can dream.
  4. day night cycle +1+1+1+1+1
  5. 8/10 I had fun, and it was nice to have an infected event with more thought put into it besides "turn color then quarantine them" High Command really fucked you over though
  6. Finn

    Bro's Palpy App

    +1 ez but if you try and kill any 212th you will never escape my pamphlets.
  7. Yo ima be honest, I've always thought DU was kinda smelly, but they seem to be much less smelly lately. And my Battalion enjoys hanging out with you guys, so you have to be doing something right. +1 Just please for the love of god help your people to grow up a little. Words push them more than a light breeze would.
  8. leche is NOT the cutest in 212th js
  9. Someone should make sure the models actually support the acts before going forward (It sounds stupid, but there are a fair few models that don't use the base HL2 animations, which would make this a moot suggestion).
  10. Don't worry I made the vaccine! /rolls a 1 shit.
  11. IRL Religions = FailRP Not that hard to understand.
  12. Finn

    Re: Parjai Models

    Should we just write fanfiction to justify it like everyone else does?
  13. Those are just the CIA spying on you, but they forgot to mute the mic. Who ate my sandwich?
  14. Republicans cut taxes, so the government can't afford to keep the sun on all the time. Who shot JFK?
  15. +1 I'll save you a seat in the 2ndAC meeting ;)
  16. gonna be a -1 from me dawg. In the 2 years I've been here, you've continuted to have a toxic attitude, a fact that hasn't changed even as recently as December. This shows you have no intent to change for the better. Speaking from experience, toxic leaders with the attitude you exhibit cause more harm than good for a battalion.
  17. 5165 @Fyi it's 10 off from my Lifepunch numbers!
  18. 9/10 nicely planned, well executed. more GHs would have made it a 10
  19. Can't kill me if I never join the server.
  20. lol all these legacies are salty heads up headasses: you guys are the reason the rule got changed. The mass downvoting is only justifiying the reasoning of not giving you idiots the ranks you had before. As for the application, +1. 41st was kinda cringe but I've seen it get a lot better since you took over. I'm confident you can continue to make the battalion grow.
  21. -1 anyone who wants this is cringe
  22. free my homie regional he was just partaking in aggressive negotiations.
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