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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. uhh I was a little late (had to go get bReAd) but... 10/10 from the point I was there with my outreach.
  2. 8/10 was a fun shootemup and I havent seen the rp b2s so that was neat
  3. Now it sounds like more of a hassle imo.
  4. It will end up being abused by random enlisted like the current bodygrouprs already are. Imma be neutral leaning to a -1 for other reasons
  5. I can provide no evidence but it is true. We do races all the time on GTA V and they make fun of me for getting last place everytime. Please wipe the SOBTards and only have HOPE Squad!
  6. Marvel


    +1 but you need to make your mind up gamer lol
  7. +1 do this for everyone though imo
  8. @Heart You actually did it. You built a wall you mad man.
  9. -1 for reasons stated above +1
  10. Ahhhhh it's Philly willy +1 Great guy and will make a good staff memeber
  11. +1 looks cool actually but like Faded said performace might look like an issue.
  12. Fat +1 Cronis is a great guy and would be a great addition to the staff team. Best of luck!
  13. +1 seen you around and I have nothing but good experiences from you. Best of luck!
  14. Yooo I remember when you first joined and you bought VIP and RP'd as a Sith Hopeful and it was amazing. +1 this guy is good.
  15. 3) Take your PC to prom. Synergy will be your date gamer.
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