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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Neutral. Almost every encounter I have had with you CodeRed has been you generally being a minge. 1 Recent Example: Not that long ago while the Supreme Chancellor was running CIT Sims you were literally out of control, doing stupid shit like holding a knife out on the chancellor trying to steal his lightsaber. You gotta understand that these might be small things you do but they tend to add up and add up. Try to improve your image by being more serious in game then your responses would be different.
  2. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): No EJs or GHs but thx to Fours, Kitty, Tyzen, and Oddball for helping out on their regular jobs Event Name: Acclamator Resupply Summary of the story: A Republic Acclamator arrives at Republic Mining Outpost 0601 on the Forest Moon of Endor to resupply the Main Base and it's two outposts while Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ran a simulation made by Attack Regimental Commander Qal in MHB. While some battalions were participating in the Simulation the rest were busy doing stuff around the Base and the Outposts. What was the result of the event?: Oddball A.K.A Red-2 flew a resupply LAAT from the Acclamator to the base and outposts as well as dropping a fresh batch of shinies off. CT PVTs Sruof, Yttik, and Nezyt will love their new assignment at Reppublic Mining Outpost 0601 CODENAME: "REDWOOD" Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: All Role Play Lots of Comms RP and Box RP
  3. LOL Don't get me wrong it does sound like a good idea, but you didn't take into consideration what would happen to lore characters + you didn't get Fox's permission to make a suggestion.
  4. One question. What are lore characters going to do? They'd basically be changing battalions everytime the map changes and I'm pretty sure Fox, Thorn, etc aren't apart of 5th Fleet and personally I wouldn't want to have to drop my lore character for two weeks while we are on a different map.
  5. Yikes. Imagine complaining about running when majority of the day most of you are running around in circles in courtyard or in the base because you got nothing to do omegalul. This will add some much needed immersion. Also yes I believe that we should then rework a class so that they can give Ammo sorta like the GM Support Trooper can give armor. Maybe Battalion Heavies and/or ENGs should be able to deploy Ammo crates during battle, and in my opinion they should also be able to give extra armor.
  6. Don't know about this one chief. Omegalul. +1 As a jetpack nerd I do agree that jetpacks are pretty whack and the sound wakes me up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night.
  7. +1 Will add some much needed immersion
  8. +1 Imagine being a pinhead omegalul
  9. Yep SOBDE has already made a post about fixing this in our loadout suggestion, hopefully it will be accpeted and they will fix it for all Westars.
  10. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Stance and Richard Event Name: Outpost Diversion Summary of the story: The CIS took Bravo Outpost in an attempt to divert the Republic's attention from the Base so that Comamndo Droids could infiltrate and wreak havoc inside the Base. The Comamndos failed their mission adn the CIS Decided to just assault the Base with their current forces resulting in a defeat. What was the result of the event?: Republic Won the Day Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  11. Server Lore > Actual Lore I wish we could start fixing all these lore errors but eh
  12. I joined in the waning weeks of SLG and those days were pretty fun. Gonna miss em.
  13. Is it really necessary? It's kinda humiliating to do that in DB, if anything do it to them in Private DB. Neutral
  14. Name: Marvel Who helped (If applicable): Koala (GH), Tinovious, Greek, Salxas, BigMan Event Name: The 224th Arrive Summary of the story: The 224th "Mudjumper" Division arrive on the Base to be resupplied to finish the battle on Mimban. The CIS Follow them and in an attempt to stop them from going back to Mimban try to stop them but fail. 224th took heavy losses and will need assistance from other Battalions in the future to take Mimban. What was the result of the event?: The troops roleplay with the 224th and then defend the base from the seppies that want to stop the 224th from being resupplied so they can win the Battle of Mimban. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive then shoot em up
  15. 7 I think it was fun and could be tweaked some more to make it better, but overall it was fun
  16. I agree with this statement. How hard is it really when promoting someone to say what they are being promoted to?
  17. +1 Is currently doing a solid job as Cody and I believe you can do even more with another term. Good luck
  18. +1 One of the best RPers on the server. I believe you would make a good Cody and I support both candidates
  19. There was nothing to warrant muting people for saying bacta at the end of a sentence. It wasn't spam. It was a meme. OOC is literally a big meme so the people who take it seriously need to chill out. You had no reason to mute them in the end, no matter if two people said to stop. About the physgun. Why did you open up with it? Use your voice, talk like an actual human being. Say "hey Smalljeff can you please leave DB so that we can do tryouts?" Instead you grabbed him and from smalljeff's POV held him in front of a sign like he is a reject who cannot read? Overall these were just really bad ways to approach these situations.
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