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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Commander Blitz! Your term will end on 11/28/2019 //moved to accepted
  2. This Application has been DENIED. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //moved to denied
  3. You have been ACCEPTED for a second term as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine! Your term will end on 10/30/2019 //locked //moved to accepted
  4. @Shake Schedule is currently being worked on as we speak. Will be out ASAP. Thank you for your concern.
  5. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/4/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  6. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/4/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  7. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/4/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  8. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/34/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  9. The applicant has voided his app. This is your only void in 30 days. Another void will result in a 30-day cooldown. //locked //moved to denied
  10. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/3/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  11. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/3/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  12. Neutral. I like watching the autism
  13. DENIED Literally zero effort. You also did not wait 30 days since being denied for a Commander position. You will now have a 60 day cooldown before you can apply for a Commander position. //locked //moved to denied
  14. Me and my pal @Tinovious have known each other for a little over three years now? I think sorry Tino lol it’s been too long. We met on Xbox through Halo and found out we have a lot of similarities with the things we like, one of them being Star Wars but more specifically the Clone Wars era. We were too poor for PCs so we stuck with Xbox for a long time just watching videos of Star Wars ops on Arma III which amazed us as we would RP on Halo of all games lmaooooo. Finally I took the leap of faith and bought myself a nice early 18th birthday present and ended up inn GMOD instead of Arma because I’m an actual idiot and Tino shortly followed. I gotta be honest my first half of my stay here was because of my love for the Clone Wars but it has since changed into the people. but now look at me. I’m trying to kms with this game.
  15. Excuse me no? This is denied come back right now... o7 man and good luck with non GMOD stuffs
  16. Dang man. You were one of the boys. Come back when you can man
  17. Ban Appeal Accepted Don't fuck it up or ya yeet
  18. So I just wanted to start off and say one thing. You've been pranked this ain't nothing important lmao my ass off This video will be an accurate representation of what my run as Director will be though LOL https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407242009141837835/610481473300201482/HONK_HONK.mp4
  19. You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Commander Bacara! Your term will end on 11/11/2019 //moved to accepted
  20. Yikes see ya on the flip side man
  21. Welcome to the Staff Team! //moved to accepted
  22. Are you serious? No, not at all. You had a rocky start but you have turned things around since then.
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