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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/19/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  2. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/19/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  3. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/19/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  4. Steam Name: [SR] Marvel [D] RP Name: SO BDE Regimental Commander Kaiden Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:445805193 Regiment you are applying for: Special Operations Brigade How many terms have you held the position?: 1 How do you feel your previous term went?: Pretty good. Actually (about) finished it so there’s that, but I feel like I could have done more. I had originally set out to do more but 2 months really flew by and with a full time job, settling into my role as Director, and trying to enjoy life, I feel like my goal as Regimental wasn’t complete. Why do you wish to remain a Regimental Commander?: I wish to remain as SO BDE’s Regimental in order to do some more good for SO BDE. 02/17/2019. That was when SO BDE was wiped, and then unwiped but to me it was a real slap in the face. I knew from that day on that I would work my ass off for the betterment of SO BDE so that future generations don’t have to worry about something like that ever happening. I changed my attitude towards the server from just that memer that joked about everything to a memer who takes things seriously now. I want to continue to improve SO BDE’s relationships with the rest of the server and their overall reputation as the server’s special forces. I have done a good amount of updates on docs, Discord, and TS for SO BDE and I still have a few things set up that need to be finished like a complete overhaul of interrogation and how we go about it on the server. I just wish to continue to be that one role model for SO BDE so that they can continue to improve themselves as they all have those little things that they need to work on. I feel one more term could benefit the Regiment as I would continue to set a precedent for my boys. Current availability: I work full time so I try to squeeze in a few hours a day after work. You will be able to get ahold of me everyday. What have you achieved within your regiment during your past term?: Casual updates to SO BDE’s docs, Discord, TS, etc Continued to improve SO BDE’s public relations with the rest of the server, speaking with people about any questions or concerns, inviting BCMD+, Alpha-ARCs, and Foxtrot Group to our Discord which enables them to bring up any questions or concerns much easier, and just watching over the Regiment as a whole. Quite frankly there was never much that needed to be done upon getting the position so all I did was babysit to be honest. What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your regiment?: I’d use this second term as an execution phase. I’d crack down on the super mingery that happens and continue to work on ways to improve the mentality of SO BDE, whether it be from a Squad Lead or just a Squad Member. I’d finalize what I have for interrogation, although it will probably be done beforehand but I’d use this term to get the ball rolling with retraining SO BDE and allowing them to retrain the server. There is also a few little things I have to the side that I would like to finish as well. Public relations, communication, activity, professionalism, and the mentality of SO BDE is what I sought out to improve/change for a long time and I feel I have utilized Regimental to do so. I feel like I could continue to keep that ball rolling so that when I ultimately do leave SO BDE they have everything they need to keep those standards at an all time high and are prepared for whatever the future may hold for them. All that could really be improved is already improving as you read this and it has been for a while now. Nothing is perfect and SO BDE will never have a perfect relationship with everyone on the server but I can at least continue to be a good role model for the regiment so that they are truly living up to their names. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Of course. Any questions or concerns please let me know and I will get to you as soon as possible. (also reapps are weak)
  5. This Application has been DENIED due to not meeting the requirements to apply. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //locked //moved to denied
  6. @Dennis We don’t have much say in the GM Program as Directors that goes to the HoD and GMC. If you have concerns about either the GM or TR branches please ask the HoD, GMC, or TRD or Managers of either branch. As for High Command not being on the same page I am not sure what you mean as we are constantly communicating with one another in proper channels wether it be TS or Discord. and what exactly do you want us to communicate more about? We try our best to notify everyone about anything relevant the server. Yeah there’s a few things that we have decided just need to go in motion for certain reasons but we usually, in my opinion, keep most people updated on certain stuff. Of course we can’t keep everyone in the loop, even if we wanted to as there is quite a lot of players on Synergy. For your concerns about staff. Yes I will acknowledge that staff has been on a downhill slide for a little while now. We are trying our best to find new ways to get people to do more as the server has been very stagnant as of late but that is something that cannot be fixed overnight. It takes some time and we are cracking down on the staff members who continually do no work. It doesn’t always take staff to create some fun on the server! Create some passive RP within your battalions and others will follow suit. We’re trying our best to get things rolling and I too hate using school as an excuse but sadly that’s really just the case. A large majority of our player base is between the ages of 13-18 and they have much more important things than a role play server on GMOD of all games. (i wrote this on the toilet there are probably a few grammatical mistakes so my bad)
  7. @Bananaberry they dare challenge a god?!
  8. You have been accepted as our newest Clone Force 99 Hunter! Your term ends on 1/8/2020 //moved to accepted
  9. This Application has been DENIED due to not waiting 30 days since being denied for a CMD position. You may apply for a Commander position in 60 days. //locked //moved to denied
  10. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/14/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  11. I mean what could we be spending our time with anyways? Actually doing important stuff?!? HA!
  12. Going off the chart I'd give it a 6/10. Really good dupes set up which moved the shoot em up part along real nice bit was confused about the set up and story of the event. Keep it up Neptune!
  13. You have been accepted as our newest Commander Neyo! Your term ends on 1/3/2020 //moved to accepted
  14. Uhh excuse me bro? But you like the fucking cubs and that is a fat fucking HELL NOOO DUDE! (Ps check my Director channel description. I own that video bitch)
  15. Ohhhhh another public demotion?
  16. This report was VOIDED by its poster and the issue has been resolved. //locked //moved to Completed Reports
  17. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/9/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  18. This Application has been DENIED due to poor community feedback. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //locked //moved to denied
  19. I read this title and got scared for a second...
  20. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/6/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  21. This Application has been DENIED due to the other applicant getting the position. You may apply for a Commander position in 30 days. //moved to denied
  22. You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Marshal Commander! Your term will end on 11/27/2019 //moved to accepted
  23. I only enjoyed hunting them down and killing them
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