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Egert last won the day on July 15 2023

Egert had the most liked content!


About Egert

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957 profile views

Egert's Achievements

Forum Sheep

Forum Sheep (2/6)



  1. +1 I'm speechless, excited to see what you do with CG :D
  2. RP Name: Egert Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:171624266 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 18 Timezone: GMT+2 / EEST What was your previous staff rank?: SA Are you currently staff on a different server?: No Why did you leave the staff team?: I had left the staff team previously due to not having enough free time previously and not wanting to keep my staff role and GMO role without doing much. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I had gotten a passion again to play the server again so I thought why not also re-applying for staff again. I really had fun making enjoyable events for everyone and making the server even a little bit enjoyable for some if I did. I wanna test making events again on this new map and see what it is like. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I think it went well. My activity and workload with events were good, winning GM and Staff of the week every or every other week for a couple months. I hope I do the same as I had before and make enjoyable scenarios for the server again. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  3. Egert

    Nar Shadda

    5/5/5 Wasn't there but Misfit always does W events
  4. +1 This man is an amazing leader and knows exactly what to do. With Kaiser at the top, the HQ, Officer core. 212th has been looking amazing during Kaisers 2 terms and I don't see any reasons as to why this man shouldn't get a 3rd term
  5. Hey I ain't GM leadership no more so this forum tag needs to go! cheers
  6. +1 If only I had credits to gamble you with
  7. We love honesty here +1 just Bacta events
  8. Yeah I resign, I can't take the templet Anyhow Egert SA STEAM_0:1:171624266 No time no more
  9. +1 Honestly, I never expected another app out of you, but get in!
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