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VIP - Conrad
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Everything posted by Conrad

  1. Only main complaint I have is that the natural conclusion was when we arrested the slug guy. Was very confused by trying to draw it out a bit longer. Other then that the beginning was a bit hard to tell where to go but that was kinda my fault i just kinda ran. 4/4/4
  2. Yeah that is an opinion. I think the best thing to do with merits is remove them. Thats my opinion.
  3. Bruh everything is opinion based. Thats like how the whole world works.
  4. I like this change. Ranks where too bloated and didn't mean anything. Whats the difference betweeen SGT and CSM?
  5. Remove them. Merits suck and are not fun at all. Promote on standards and skill not points.
  6. Why are the ranks upside down? edit: Xaze fixed it.
  7. Don't do this in courtyard. Keep it in a bunk or sim room please.
  8. Conrad

    F4 Menu Return

    I don’t think it has to be a return of the f4 menu. But I do agree we need some way to see all jobs and job info for everything we have on the server. idk if doing it in the f4 menu is possible with our new job system but I definitely +1 a return of ways to see all jobs on the server some how.
  9. +1 I’ve always loved you my man
  10. So ready to be attacked here, but I just don’t like cloaks. I don’t like them. I don’t think the guild spy job should exsist. I think Jedi shadow makes it too easy to cloak for Jedi. I think omega being the only ones with cloaks is good. The less cloaks we have on the server the better in my opinion. I get why you guys like so and want them back I really do. But I just hate cloaking. The times I’ve seen it ruin something vastly out number the times I’ve seen it lead to good RP. When I was director and SO was kinda peaked out it’s mind cloaking rules where argued every week. The more cloaked people the more problems. -1
  11. @KillJoyseriously see a doctor. Shit like that isn’t a joke.
  12. I asked for @Woenyto make me doom. He promoted me to advisor instead. They won’t even let us try
  13. +1 cronis (and stormzy with him) playing again might be the one of the few thing that makes me feel good right now.
  14. Please don’t fuck my wife. Again.
  15. Hey buddy! Can you go a bit more into detail on this please.
  16. +1, replace it with another squad down the line if server pop improves.
  17. I know the number of people this effects is low, but are the remaining few people just removed from the batt?
  18. Time to get the treadmill out i guess. Also wtf does hard lock mean vs soft lock. You say it, but don't define it. @Marvel
  19. 3/4/5 A bit standard on the play. Some event jobs would have made it a lot more fun. Solid dupe.
  20. @Ccmontyso, just curious, why do you want them added? What would they be used for?
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