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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. Easily a +1 for me. Enticing new RP experiences and opportunities allow for diverse and unique situations to be created and new characters to be built on, these senators look fun to roleplay and its always nice to have new things for the server.
  2. MasonA

    another main event

    Fantastic event, really nice build and good pacing. Felt like a mini deployment. Loved the stages of attack, try not to spawn on top of people, but it was great overall. 9/10
  3. 8/10 Hella fun being a Jedi on this event, the droids were just right in my opinion in terms of health and accuracy. I also liked how every now and then a B2 would rocket us and punish us, so we ended up trying to adapt our approach until we got cornered lmao. The guys playing the clones were very funny and gave off some good RP amongst the battle player to player. Only thing I would say is just to try and improve some general RP over the event and making sure we all either stick to a one life or have respawns available. The opening scene was great by the way. Keep it up!
  4. RP Name: 212th HVO WO Mason Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 19 Timezone: GMT Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to become an administrator so that I can focus on helping the server during downtime and make good entertaining events for everyone. During downtime, there is not as many active staff as there is at 5pm EST+ and I believe having more EU active staff benefits the server massively and allows for more issues and staff tickets to be taken and resolved. I hope to go down the gamemaster route, as I loved making events before and getting the satisfaction of creating a story, by myself and allowing people to have fun and participate in entertaining events more often. Events keep this server going, so the more the merrier. I love helping people wherever possible and becoming staff makes that just so much easier and allows you to train and help newer people so they stay and enjoy their time as much as possible. Training is one of my favourite things to do on the server on my clone and in general and helping people grow and develop into good role-players and general players would mean a great deal to me. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 19, from the UK. I work as a Pharmaceutical Medical Officer (Legal drug dealer) within a local hospital and spend most my time playing games, researching medicine and drugs, making music and boxing. Most of my time at the minute is work, then to Gmod and I hope being a staff can help this and make my time more enjoyable along with others. I also like to cook, and that's about it. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, on synergy I was staff from NA-SA for a few months, I worked my way up to GMO, making some of the best events i have ever made and loved it so much. I am not 'Re-Applying' as I want a fresh start and want to start from the bottom. I also was staff on a DarkRP server but that was just kicking MRDM's so yeah. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 2241:14:04.
  5. 8/10 Loved the Ariel stuff, tearing down vulture droids with a z6 never felt better. Cinematic asf too lol Nice work with the shot'em'up mix.
  6. 7/10 Pretty decent, good amount of shooting and moving around etc. Maybe just a tad more RP for everyone but i thought it was fun!
  7. 100% a +1 Great guy and has been a fantastic BCMD, only see it getting better from here. Good luck mate.
  8. RP Name: Naval CoE CWO Derel | 501st 1SG Trinket Date: 1st May 2021 Reason: I do not play anymore and have no motivation to play, nor do I want to play. I kept trying to come back and enjoy it i just couldn't. Goodbyes: Been fun for the last 3 years, time to go for final. I will still be in discord to talk to people.
  9. This guy. +1 - I believe you have the right attitude, charisma and personality to lead a battalion without a doubt and i think you are a very well liked member of the community showing that you have the good characteristics to ensure the BCMD position is upheld to a good standard and the 501st remains in a good place. I will also shed some light on situations during my term as Cody and other times. The situations with shockpoints attitude and behaviour were always dealt with if needed and sorted out like normal people. A time where shockpoint would play soundboards or do funny shit in TS during DB or meetings etc, at the time were funny and for a laugh but the times where this did happen, shockpoint was told the times to do it and the times not to. He isn't stupid and again, just liked to have fun and laugh which is the reason we are all playing this server anyway, I hope. Transitioning into Gregor, we did ensure shockpoint held a more serious attitude at times and portrayed a decent amount of professionalism because it is a more serious position. He took it well, changed his attitude WHERE NEEDED but still remained the same guy that everyone loves. Again, there was no further issues as it was all sorted out quickly and there was no drama. Shockpoint and Comics would always conflict opinions and disagree, and i believe this was down to you both not getting along, however shockpoint always tried to remain objective in meetings and other situations. This period of time for me personally was tough and cannot deny, my leadership was poor as fuck and i will explain shortly. However, shockpoint did promote people and made some HC decisions that were not discussed with HC. We discussed this together and at the time i believe shockpoint did overstep, but it was completely justified as the 212th had no support from me and i cant speak for Carson or Leche. I was going through health issues with a member in my family and myself and had no time, nor did i care about any LOA or the server at that time. When i returned, i made an effort to fix the issues that were left open by me and talk to shockpoint about what happened. Morale of every fucking problem on this server is COMMUNICATION. Some problems arose with shockpoint as they did with me, and so many other people, however you just need to talk to people, understand their situation, why they do stuff and sort it out. Back to my point: During my term shockpoint was a very good asset within the battalion and after talking with him shortly before he left, i say that shockpoint was deserving of a high command position and his views, assets and character was very highly valued during my term, as shown through some things he changed and improved for the battalion. He already knows this as we spoke in DM's and he has stated in his response to comics. Please: - Make sure you're ready for this, WO>BCMD (You were SO in 212th, but i cannot speak for 501st, but just saying) - Don't change, always make sure you take every opinion and view. Apart from @Bacta if he ever says ANYTHING. (joking fml) Best of luck mate, plans sound good and as long as 501st back you, thats all that matters. Tell me you haven't forgot:
  10. Name: Mason Staff Rank: A SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 16 days (I think) or till the 19th of April Reason: Getting a new PC and going to be playing other games but more importantly I am starting to finish my first part of pharmacy studies and need to crack down on it. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  11. Wasn't here for a lot of it, from what I was there for it was good, the actual mission objective was good and all that. For the future, get some helpers to take Admin tickets like RP or bombs etc. 7.59/10
  12. 100% a +1 Ive known odric for a long time on synergy and I can say he’s definitely ready for this and I believe he will do fantastic. You’re a great guy with admirable ambition and I think you can get CG out of a dark spot. Good luck mate.
  13. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Cyan, Stix, Dono, Warmac Event Name: Bingus Arrives Part 1 Link to Event Document (optional): This was very spontaneous, but it started with a very simple bug shootemup and then Cyan introduced me to a big bug with turbolasers, and it just escalated really. Dono said log it as an event with a shadow lmao, ill put more detail in the form
  14. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Nah Event Name: Bombardment Aurek was attacked and troops fanned out to help. Whilst they did, the base was attacked by bombardment and commandos Quick downtime shootemup.
  15. 7/10 Lil ting lil ting. Nice work, good use of vehicles and yeah smexy.
  16. 7/10 Some things: - Timing, I feel like you need to tell us a set time for the deployment and warn people and give us time to talk and ask questions, the start and intro was very rushed and not a lot of people grasped the idea to begin with, and we weren't able to plan how we would go about the event. - The EJ's at times seemed a little to powerful for a one-life, we did have MED revives, however sometimes our lower ranked people with not all skill points were getting 1-2 shotted and it could've been a bit tedious for them. But: - Nice idea and I loved the payload transport, I think its really innovative and it worked well. - RP was nice, and the pacing was good. Don't be disheartened, ik you didn't like it but it was entertaining and people did enjoy it.
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