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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. 9/10 Nice job mate. Always up for a 3 Man Army @Chew @Stormzyyy Keep up the work.
  2. o7, hope everything is well for you. Good luck and stay strong.
  3. o7 bro, good luck with everything to come. :)
  4. no... Brigadierieryier
  5. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Whisper Event Name: Retaking The Venator Link to Event Document: N/A sorry short notice. Had it planned and cuz of BVB it was able to happen really quickly. The 212th were tasked with taking back the venator from CIS forces with dogfights, mass infantry and more assaults. They also have to partake in interrogation which was fun.
  6. 100% would help assassinate gume saam again
  7. +1 - Great guy, great app and you'd be great in the role. Good Luck to both of you.
  8. +1 - I think you're a great guy in general. And although the app is slightly bare, I think you'd do great. Good Luck to both of you.
  9. Steam Name: Mason RP Name: GC Executive Officer Boil RP Rank: Executive Officer Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 212th Commander Cody Experience: 2018 January - 2018 January CG / PVT - CPL During my time here as a CG Trooper I learnt many aspects of the server rules and how to operate as a good trooper. I spent my time guarding important and restricted areas of the venator whilst managing arrests and defending VIP’s during events. Although my time here was short lived, it was a great way to start my synergy experience and couldn't have asked for better teachers when I was an enlisted. 2018 January - 2018 June 212th / PVT - 1SG After achieving the rank of Corporal I decided to transfer to the 212th under the command of BlackMamba as I wanted to experience a different part of synergy in the attack battalions, and I loved it. I started as a PVT, recruited by nade, and worked my way up to the rank of 1SG over a long period of time. My activity was not the best as I was more focused on school but nonetheless I achieved 2ndAC SS and completed my ARC training alongside Orange, Mago and Whisper to get the provisional record in the citadel. 2019 March - 2019 June 501st / PVT - MSG I decided to come back after a long time to synergy as I missed it very much. I thought I would try a different experience and go for 501st under the command of Omalic, who taught be a lot all the way up to his Attack Reg term, and my time here taught me many essential NCO skills and regimental work that I would later transfer into great knowledge. My time here consisted of being an ARC trooper and working to help the Medical regiment in recruiting and training. I met many nice faces and made good friends whilst in the 501st and this contributed to my experience here but could not hide away from missing the 212th. 2019 June - 2020 February 212th / SFC - 2ndLT/1stLT So, after 3-4 months of being 501st, I transferred to the 212th for the final time and came back aiming to be better and aiming as high as I could see. My first major achievement here was getting into Ghost Company and taking Trapper. This is where I learnt my essential professionalism that I uphold today on Teamspeak and in the server and my advanced combat skills that have been with me from then. After joining the ARF regiment under Fyi, I was quickly noticed as a hard working and effective trooper and was made ARFL. Following my time as ARFL I achieved Boil, and GCS within Ghost Company and started to make my name as an exceptional trooper and person. As I progressed, I eventually went for the rank of WO where I did a very strong amount of officer work regarding the NCO’s and what they needed to be doing and how they should conduct themselves. Alongside this I did an exceptional amount of work in the intel team and achieved the rank of 1stLT. However this did end soon as i dropped in activity due to IRL issues and was not able to contact the 212th and as a result i was demoted to CSM for inactivity. I came back in January and received 2ndLT upon my return but soon resigned to focus on college work and IRL. 2020 June - Present 212th / 1SG - XO But boom… COVID-19 hit and my resignation was worth nothing. My college work was soon halted and we didn't have exams so I rejoined. This is when I decided I'm going to go as far and as high or nothing, and set out to achieve all my roles I had before including more. I achieved Boil, GCXO, 1stLT and ARC in just over one month but I had an ambition to aim higher. So I applied for staff again (more on that later) and gained the rank of CPT alongside leading the new Drill Team as Drill Major. I was put in charge of leading all disciplinary activities that are conducted as well as training the troops to remain professional but also to have fun whilst doing so. This term is when I really started to get my name out there with training, my voice, and an overall personality within the battalion and quickly made my ambition noted to many people saying “One day, Boil, Waxer, Cody and Gregor will run this battalion” and here we are. I then was promoted from Captain to Lieutenant Colonel in a SO position and started to shadow many JO’s and SNCO’s in my spare time to help them and learn. I was promoted to XO, and my plan starts. Miscellaneous Naval During my 2019 June time, I was part of Base Operations on Endor and Anaxes for a time where I hopped on and off to manage the base. This taught me essential skills in how to run a large part of the server and I liked my time here. Unfortunately i cannot recall my rank, however i did become a MED so yeah. Jedi G/C/SM Padawan Spending my time as a Guardian, Consular and Sentinel manager through the years does not directly go towards my experience as a clone but as a person it has definitely allowed me to make some friendships and enjoy the server more. Staff My time as a staff member has been very memorable for me. Going from NA - SA was a great challenge but a rewarding one and through my time taking sits, recruiting, hosting events i have always loved helping and improving people's time here on synergy and i aim to continue this. Getting GMO was a great pleasure for me due to my helpful nature and being able to make and improve already existing events. This helped me as a clone and with my Commander Cody application as I believe my attributes and skills reflect my accomplishments in the staff team. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I believe, alongside the blessing and promotions to my position from the previous BCMD. That i would be a great fit for Battalion Commander. My experience, dedication and personality goes a long way and others can see this in everything I do. I work hard and often to keep the battalion at the best it can be and I have gained all of these positions and opportunities as a result of my hard work but also a corresponding and brilliant 212th, they have been brilliant for me and I should pay them back. My developed charisma and empathetic personality allows many members of the 212th regardless of rank to confide in me and come to me for any support whenever it is needed and this can really go further in the BCMD position due to me already being a well liked member of the battalion. I have had many people come to me in the past for guidance, on and off the game, as well as support in their work or in their improvements as a trooper, and I always get a positive response no matter the problem. My leadership skills and professionalism resonates with others and these skills are needed for BCMD Cody and i believe i have the perfect attributes, gained from multiple experiences with different Cody’s, my time as Drill Major and Boil. These positions have really brought a strong character out in me and this is perfect for the BCMD position. In terms of me as a person, I am friendly, kind and always respectable in everything I do. As a trooper, I am always ready for absolutely anything and always get any work or responsibilities done quickly and to high quality so that I can enjoy my time on the server more. When and if issues arise, they are always dealt with promptly and with the utmost clarity so that the issues do not arise again. These skills have been learnt through my time dealing with many Disciplinaries and while i was strict, i was COMPLETELY fair in every circumstance and never argued or made an issue where there needn't be. I have been hand-picked by High Command for the position, already proving I am trustworthy and reliable for this position and I believe I can carry out and finish everything that Comics set out to do, and more. I can take this battalion to another level and bring out the best of every individual trooper under my command. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Completely. Basic Summary: The 212th Attack Battalion was led by Marshal CC-2224 Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-wan Kenobi. Their Affiliation included the 7th Sky Corps and the G.A.R. The 212th was split up into many sub-units including 2ndAC, Ghost Company (With Waxer’s Platoon) and Foxtrot Republic Commando Group. Which consisted of many notable clones such as: Waxer, Boil, Bear, Barlex, Gregor and so on. Many notable battles included: The battle of Teth, Christophsis, Anaxes, Geonosis 1 & 2 and Umbara. Availability: Monday - Thursday // 10am EST - 6pm EST Friday - Sunday // 8am EST - 8pm EST Monday - Sunday 8am EST - 12am EST (Discord) Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I joined the server: January 19th 2018 (20th for forums) Playtime as of right now: | GC Executive Officer Boil has played for 1526:13:33. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: As of right now, the 212th is in a good spot, but, there are always ways to improve and excel in everything. Playability. The work rate for this battalion at the moment is phenomenal, we have many people doing many different jobs and finishing projects of their own for their battalion, but I want to bring back the playability for some people. They may feel that “oh i'll come on and do my work, then go.” No. I want people to come on, do work and stay on because they want to and because it's a game and to have fun. I will be implementing this by adding high quality entertainment structures for senior officers to implement, change and be creative with. At the moment our training is weak and repetitive and this can change with doing a mix of training that will improve you as a soldier and improve your relations with other people in the battalion, training that last 20-30 minutes instead of a 5 minute Breach and clear. This is a system I am keen to get into and make work so that is why I have created many dupes and am using many dupes from the past that people can use in a multi-layered entertainment. This way NCO’s can get that entertainment they need and have fun whilst doing so alongside improving everyone as troopers. Roleplay. (As we progress) This is a roleplay server, so let's do that! We need some comms RP ripped straight from the clone wars. Be immersive! Communication RP can really go a long way into making you feel like a trooper in the clone wars which is why most people join, and why most people go for named clones. When in-game we need to create a persona and a character (if you don't already have one) that you can roleplay as and develop as YOU progress within the battalion. I have somewhat started this with Ghost Company, getting them to create personalities for named clones that may not have as much lore as Waxer and Boil. But I will also be doing this. Cody will come on base and troops will want to roleplay and act as if they are troopers in 212th due to the leadership personality from me and the rest of the battalion. Work rate. As i said, this is already in a great position and there is no room for slack or people going down. But I will be testing the waters with distributing work across SO’s and HC a little more in comparison to NCO’s and JO’s. The reason why i want to do this is because i want to bring back a more relaxed way of getting work and assignments done for NCO’s so that they can enjoy themselves more. I remember back when i was an NCO under BlackMamba etc, that i never felt stressed or that i needed to do work, yes, i recruited and did my job but i came on to have fun and this links with my playability paragraph. However, if the work rate decreases or any stress arises, I will revert back to normal ways or work to try and alter the system or change it with response from the officer team. Officers. Following nicely on from the last point. Me, High command and the whole battalion are one huge team. And always will be. We make decisions together and run this battalion together. Yes the final decision will come down to high command, but not ONE opinion or idea will go unnoticed regardless of rank. The majority of final decisions will be made by a team consisting of HC and some SO’s along with the Warrant Officer. This is something I will implement instantly. Every new idea or proposal will go to a battalion vote / discussion and the team will ultimately decide with the battalion's opinions heavily contributing to the decision. Communication. In some circumstances, the most important thing in a team. This has been, how do i say, misjudged, in recent times at no fault of others. One way this WILL change is the communication of ranks between the battalion. Some ideas or changes the officers come up with or suggest are often missed or unheard of because of the lack of confidence or communication and this is subject to change. Not only this but I want communication to improve on a battalion wide level. And I want the 100% trust factor to come back as a prominent thing for the 212th. Improving relations with 104th and 501st would be a great ordeal too, as the current Attack Reg also has plans similar to this. Touching more on that, I will want to conduct more Attack Regiment wide training and ice-breakers so we know eachother better and can perform better in combat. Responsibilities. Upon my arrival as Cody (Hopefully) i want to set a very clear idea that every officer rank knows exactly what they need to be doing at all times when i haven't assigned work to them. This way, there will be no miscommunication and no officers feeling lost or confused as to what they can do naturally to help the battalion in any way. But, as i said before, this is a game not a job, so i want officers to be able to come on and have fun and play like they used to. Of course, upholding these responsibilities is key to running this battalion, but it will begin to feel more like a chore instead of a game. To ensure this, I will try and push my activity in-game to the maximum and persuade others too. The more leadership that is online, the more others come online too. Miscellaneous. Let's start up weekly things again! Stuff like: Competitions in lore, quizzes, giveaways, anything you want! Bringing in weekly things to participate in will offer structure and a weekly idea of what's happening. Before, I have done killhouses to pass the time and people love them, so they will return. My famous obstacle course and team exercise drill, you all know that very well especially shockpoint and carson (meme) and these things will offer fun and time killing things to participate in other than training and events. I want this battalion to be in an even better place than it already is and I believe these things can contribute to that a large amount. And not only that, but i want all of the fun stuff to remain, yes, cody’s will lead differently but I want to leave an impression that we are the best we can be and always will be. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Completely. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Completely. Notes: I want to shoutout: Comics, Carson, Whisper, Omalic, BlackMamba, Nade, Jagger, Leche, Prophet and Shockpoint for getting me this far and teaching me so many things. Thanks boys. Thank you so much for the opportunity and I would really appreciate anyone who -1’s to put some feedback as to why you feel that way, and will answer as many questions to the best of my ability. Cheers :)
  10. Oh and remember that tower thing? its now under the map in that area I was on about for some reason. Still works but idk why its there.
  11. So I went on and tested a lot of shit. Firstly the the stuff that could be worked around: - The parts where you can fall out of the map or glitch, you can fill with perma props like the large rock stacks etc. - The BH HQ can be one of the outposts POTENTIALLY maybe the one on top of the mountain or the one NE of slate, but that could be worked around. - Jedi Temple POTENTIALLY could be like on Venator Extensive where we have 5th Floor as the temple so maybe there could be areas in the base for that. BUT lacks immersion and is a large compromise for a temple etc. - The village area which is now empty could be built on or put some sort of replacement there. But is a big loss IMO. Questionable shit: - I don't like the space system. I tested multiple ships and speeds and while the space is good, the teleporting back into Anaxes requires you to spin and manoeuvre quite awkwardly to avoid contact with the rocks and floor. If you go VERY slow you have less of a chance. (The open space is great, but something needs to work around the TP) BUT there is a huge part of the map underneath anaxes which is completely open, spacious and quite nice. Just haven't figured out how to get there without noclip. THIS could be used for the flight trainings or what not which can be seen under this I think. It is fully explorable with a barrier and sky box and I think it will be a good alternative for the space flying. If i am wrong or its not possible to have this in the server please let me know. Good shit: - Base is nice - Outposts are decent - Slate and Granite have been extended which is nice - Nice ambient noise - Map has some new parts or extended parts of the map like the river. Overall So, is it better than Titan? Completely. But overall the mix of pros and cons and workarounds seems a bit much considering the last Anaxes base - No Jedi Temple, and the loss of some things I am really not sure. Personally I would like a new map and this post was purely to view the questionable and good parts of the map. As long as Jedi don't mind the compromise and some stuff can be worked around I'm gonna say +1 solely based on because its a new map, I'm sick of Titan, and we might be able to work some shit out.
  12. +1 Proved many things during his term and I think would be a great fit for an ATK Reg. THIS GOES OUT TO HIS FAMILY!
  13. Sorry about the running and the technical issues. Some shit happened my end and flunked parts of the event so yeah. Probs my worst event ngl Will improve next time.
  14. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Whisper ish Event Name: Ancient Legacy: Part One Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bY2baoulazl_cDkBNMTIlkg_MXO80Qb0J3pXVP-TV5o/edit?usp=sharing
  15. +1 Great Application, think you'd be a great addition. Would love to hear about these events down the line! and 10/10? I love the confidence ;)
  16. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Jagger ish Event Name: The Capture: Saving Oddball Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rUocv0LEwKW3GU5eYcckUejyyGmpdv1uLrBHfeYp2wU/edit?usp=sharing
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