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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. +1 Really really great guy and i think the first term went as good as it could of. Yes the Jedi order has problems, but i feel that no matter what it is, jedi, battalions etc etc, everything will always improve but problems will always rise but i feel that you dealt and will continue to deal with these problems great. I think you were great in the role to begin with and feel as if you will continue to be a great yoda. Good luck my friend. and as Dennis said, may the best interview win.
  2. Gotta give a +1, think your ideas are great and i think you would be very decent in the role. GL
  3. 8/10 Very fun shoot em up, good RP and yeah good job!
  4. 7/10 Good RP, fun to run around looking for you, and liked how you switched armour. Shame we didn't get to shoot more because the DC Shotgun thing is overpowered as fuck. Good job.
  5. In my opinion i think you're right with the fact that you wouldn't see Jedi take breathers or need to stop because it of the lore but looking at it from a server perspective, it wouldn't really work because of the spam, agile spam is already bad enough lol. However maybe reducing stamina cost could be an alternative as i do agree like, Jedi wouldn't stop mid-fight. If you can't remove it i think reducing cost is an option but if you do remove it, spars will have to upkeep the rules behind them like no diddle, heavy spam etc etc so So i'm gonna -1 based on the spam issue and skill required in sparring around using and preserving your stamina.
  6. MasonA


    +1 Would be decent
  7. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Nade Event Name: The Infected Part 5 Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TyfDHcQMFReL3PyyuGM7qqMOzxQtYZj69LpyymieZ9Q/edit?usp=sharing
  8. From my point of view helping, it was great for RP during the negotiation and the combat was good and intense. Player choice was very dumb and that messed with parts of the event lol but its all good. 9/10 my guy.
  9. Name: Mason / Boil SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Who helped: Nade, Jagger Story: A LAAT was hijacked leaving felucia base by commando droids, that had a plan to attack, and steal data from the republic. The LAAT crashed as a distraction whilst cloaked commandos moved in to help with the attack. One commando squad got to BCC and was able to extract but it failed in the end. Just a small encounter, and my first - The start failed as droids were meant to disperse from the LAAT but it crashed and exploded, so more droids were meant to be there but hey ho.
  10. Really good, nicely executed, the mass scale was very nice too. Also thanks for using part of my dupe! xD 8/10 For my 10: - Maybe a bit more RP, but not an issue. - Maybe some air assaults? but yeah Good job!
  11. +1 Decent guy, feel like he has some good ideas. good luck mate.
  12. 9/10 Seriously good mate, brilliant planning and all around great. Really good job. Not putting 10 cuz matt destroyed us in the pilot phase. Thank you for letting me help.
  13. 7/10 Tiny bit of RP but it was meant as a shoot em up. Nice shoot em up to keep us busy and entertaining that i got to see Keller demolished by an Antlion.
  14. Seems decent, but do you have a different account because 130 hours seems low for 5 years? Just curious but good application.
  15. +1 Great guy, and can see him doing a lot for the staff team.
  16. 100% a +1 Dedicated guy, very active and is very persistent when it comes to the server and how he is. And is overall a great guy.
  17. Sad times, good luck with everything. o7
  18. 7/10 I think it was very good for RP and a small shoot em up, although at times it was quite confusing. Other than that, really solid, good job.
  19. 8/10 Pretty good, nice shoot em up and the RP was good, good choice in event jobs. Looking forward to the next one, GJ.
  20. +1 would be a great addition to the team, and good events would be produced.
  21. Question: How come Waxer and Boil have a different paygrade? Comments/Concerns: Just curious to be honest. Staff Member you're asking: Anyone who knows but maybe @Joah Additional info: N/A Nevermind, all cleared up, thanks.
  22. 8/10, Nice and simple encounter, worked well and gave everyone something to do.
  23. +1 Always had positive interactions with you, Good Luck.
  24. Great idea, and it was executed well, shame the slave camp wasn't noticed when they reached it but oh well. 7/10 - Mainly Because the ending was shortened but it was out of your hand. Good job and cant wait for the next one.
  25. 6/10 Good RP, and a nice story, i think some fighting or resistance may have kept more people interested but it is in parts so its understandable. Good Job. (thanks for missing me on the helper list :P)
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