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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. @XGears LOA is ending today - 22nd :)
  2. Name: Mason Staff Rank: Senior Administrator SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 8/14/20 - 8/22/20 Reason: Going on holiday, no access to computer, full access to discord.
  3. Yeah, definitely will have more in the future. Thank you
  4. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint Event Name: Grievous' Flank Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ajGZwibjqZAEXn4aPqW551a9zRfeFPOgdIfKSf0ZeQY/edit?usp=sharing Link is minimal as i planned it before and forgot to save it, and then i really didn't want to re-write it all. Sorry for the big big fuck up in the event AI ships wouldn't work and some other stuff went wrong. - Will 100% improve and make the next one so much better.
  5. Weird thing, in-game my e key is constantly being used for example i spawn an ammo box and it picks it up instantly or i try and use my lightsaber and it just changes stance or brings up the stance menu. Any ideas? VOID THIS I FIXED IT SMH
  6. 10/10 Absolutely brilliant, great assault and good RP. Only Improvement: (Which is nothing) - Incorporate lots of different EJ's and maybe some Lore Sith Keep up the work!
  7. 7/10 Very good shoot em up, little RP but very good nonetheless. Good luck for the future.
  8. Name: Mason / Boil Who helped (If applicable): N/A Summary of encounter: Ventress launched an attack on the base in attempt to get information and take anyone hostage, she launched droids and after that she attacked herself. After multiple deaths, they captured ventress but she escaped with the help of a commando droid that later died. Nothing was happening so it was to fill the boring gap.
  9. AAR Template Name: Mason / Boil Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Maul's Plan - Part One THIS WAS A DEPLOYMENT FOR 212th ONLY. Doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JxrExBhQLxb-CjBvb6faeBQuUJ8h11kkAudpUJCTmAQ/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Big +1, good guy, should've been GM for a while :) Good Luck.
  11. MasonA

    In Memoriam board

    I get where you're coming from. You don't come across that way don't worry. Appreciate the feedback. I do agree with you about naming loads of stuff, i personally was not close to the people that had passed away, it was just people were talking about it on the server and i thought i would just suggest a more public way or a way more people can see it. Also to anyone thinking, i never intended to offend or disrespect anyone who has passed away, or those who were close to these people.
  12. MasonA

    In Memoriam board

    Yeah, i just thought it'd be nice for it to be more visible to people outside the battalions due to them being in bunks, I wasn't trying to honor anyone's death this way, i just thought it would be nice for more people to see, but i respect your replies nonetheless. There are memorials in bunks
  13. Really good event, quite fun and nice RP. Couple of things :) - Try to refrain from spawning on people, but because of the map it was understandable and funny at times (Boil now has a broken leg) - Make sure to get more admin helpers to spawn and follow groups, at times some people were left wandering but its easily fixable. Brilliant job, well done! 8/10
  14. Name: Mason / Boil RP Rank: WO Suggestion: Having a public In Memoriam board for all those who have passed Implementation: I think a board or something in MHB maybe under hangar controls on the wall publicly for all the people who have passed and in memories. I know there is memorials in bunks and stuff, just thought it'd be nice to have a public memory board or something. Lore: N/A Workshop content if applicable: N/A
  15. Last night, deployment for 212th and some members of SOBDE
  16. Name: Mason Who helped (If applicable): Nade Event Name: 'The Infected' Finale Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UM5rOCMofadVVCa34-39zawr6RzoUYG1g0TRrkpNBgs/edit?usp=sharing Would just like to say the event ended quite bad as IRL issues meant i was unable to be online and immediately had to go, if those in the event would like a follow up to make up for it i will make one, if not, i will host a debrief explaining what was meant to happen. Event happened 07/30 but couldn't log because of IRL stuff.
  17. +1 I don't see any problem, yes they're supposed to be different to SOBDE because they are, but i see no problem with adding unique roles and specialised weapons for them classes, it adds a new sense of speciality to join foxtrot because at the minute it is just 'Commando' with just a rifle. Adding the classes will give a new incentive to join foxtrot because of the specialised roles and will give foxtrot roles to do. Its not exactly buffing them as there's only one class and one job limit. At the minute, the only thing differentiating them from 212th and normal troopers is looking like RC and having a rifle. They will also have more things to do in an event instead of just shooting their DC-17m.
  18. Gonna give you a +1, app is good and i know you're a good lad. Good Luck mate.
  19. MasonA

    BadDog's re-app

    Yes, yes, yes. Good luck +1
  20. Regardless of if you just come back or not, you were SA and seemed good. - When i re-applied recently i had only been back like 4 days and no one said anything, as long as you know your stuff i see no issue. Good luck, sure you'll do great. +1
  21. Name: Mason SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Current Staff Rank: Admin Are you Currently a GH?: Yes How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 1099:58:51. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8 / 10 Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to join the team as i believe i have very creative and well thought out plans for events and i think me being on the team would be very beneficial as it is another GM but also because i have many good ideas and could help those who are struggling or are new to the program. Alongside this i feel as if i am very restricted as a GH, as i have to rely on SA+ and GM to oversee or spawn my dupes, props in for me. This can make some of my events not have as much as i wanted in them but i have found my way around this and produced missions and events that are good quality. I will also utilise event server deployments so much more, and being GMT or Eastern time, i can host more events on downtime or when EST GM are not available to keep the server entertained. Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: Not really for the team, but i think more props or things to work with because some events can be lacklustre or repetitive due to the same things being seen or used. Link us to a document for an event that you will execute as a gamemaster: - I am very sorry for cutting things out or blacking words out, but it is because i do not want the event to be spoiled due to it being the last one of a story that the 212th have enjoyed so, apologies. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UM5rOCMofadVVCa34-39zawr6RzoUYG1g0TRrkpNBgs/edit?usp=sharing Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional) - - These were not events, but are a few of the docs for the other story line missions i did: - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TyfDHcQMFReL3PyyuGM7qqMOzxQtYZj69LpyymieZ9Q/edit - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1REMFRq0C98H9OzH3Xs7kM0Cl53QDZnty0WW8CXjPhQI/edit
  22. 10/10 Fucking great, thanks for letting me help.
  23. 8/10 Really good and well put together, i think next time just get more admin helpers to deal with tp's and other related issues. Good Job.
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