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Everything posted by MasonA

  1. Completely agree with this. I think looking at the grand scheme of things. It's the communities idea of RP and culture that needs to change. It is an endless cycle of the community blaming the GM team and vice versa. If someone spends ages on an RP heavy event, for it to fail miserably due to no one wanting to RP seriously, why would they bother? So thus, they blame the community and etc etc. I also agree with lovestruck and think the server was at its best when the rules were clear cut and it was designated as 'Serious RP' - This way the community guidelines on RP and rules are clear and battalions can chose whether they want to follow the server guidelines of seriousness or push it to be more serious and have them strict rules. Now granted, the server back then had more people on gmod as a whole, and a larger community, but part of me thinks, you join a SWRP server to RP. So let's start doing so.
  2. From my point of view, i think the first week to two weeks of a new update will be an incredible surge of players, new and old coming back to see what it was and to play, and now that people have gotten used to it, it seems to drop back a bit. I think for me, i come back for the people, the community, and having that interaction with people that you get on with and want to play with day in day out. The times when ive been most active, my friends have been there too and i think generally you can have a better experience when you do it with other people and for the majority, a lot of people are leaving because they're growing up, going to college or work, or just the fact that it's Gmod. And in no way am i knowledgeable in development, but it seems that the server host/box thing is restricting you guys into reaching a full potential in content on the server. For me in downtime with 11 people on in this morning, i was on 190 ping. Granted, i am EU and that applies, but when it gets to like 5/6/7 pm est, with 50+ people on and things happening, it's really hard to play and enjoy it like i used to. You guys in development have absolutely smashed it, and i think that it is your tools restricting you, not the team. Which, is out of your hands. Idk it is fixed on the server search because i do it through favourites, but that did impact it before too. The time of the year plays factors too, i know that in the UK, there are still uni courses on and people just leaving school for summer break, but people are on holiday and that. But sometimes we just really go through bad dry patches. But it comes down to the community, if we built a stronger connection between everyone and had that sort of inclement to get on, it would help. That's what we're trying in 212th anyway, to build a community of friends that can play together, and get more motivated to play. I say we see how it flows as summer carries on and see in the near future. But nothing down to the development team in my eyes.
  3. How good is the game? I was thinking of copping but unsure atm
  4. Thank you for your questions my padawan. GC: - I will be enforcing activity and RP standards for those that hold lore characters and those who are in GC. RP and gameplay standards have dipped and it is something i can fix due to being in GC when a very successful GC existed back in the day. More specialised missions, focusses on their specialities like EOD, nego's in 212th and stealth recon, alongside ensuring that the current active GC members are creating a microcosm of friendship to play in. GC is a tight-knit community and i intend to keep it this way and enforce it, to reflect positive change and high standards when playing. However i will be doing anything within the discretion of the GCC and will never force the entirety of GC to move into a position where they dont want to be. Keeping the GCC to make his own decisions with advice is my ultimate goal. 2ndAC: - They're in a good spot, always have been during my time here and will continue to be. I will be promoting more connectivity with boarding ships and paradropping, hoping to work with GM in our new REG, so that they can learn things and become the Shadow Hand's ultimate frigate force. Doing so will strengthen 2ndAC as a whole and continue their longstanding community they have created too. The CO and XO know what they are doing and i will continue to support their decisions, but again, not forcing things. I haven't put any plans down, as they are not significant changes but i will be working closely with the leads to improve things and keep it awesome. Jedi: - Working with squishy, we will be working on clone-jedi interactions and trying to improve our activity. Our main goal is that people have fun, so we will continue to host things and have incentive for our sub unit jedi to interact with the clones and learn about their tactics so they can incorporate that into their play style. But again, no major plans, im working closely with the legend himself and we'll take it as it comes. Hope it clears anything up.
  5. Steam Name: Mason RP Name: 212th XO Mason RP Rank: Executive Officer Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Battalion you are applying for: 212th Commander Cody Experience: 2018 January - 2018 January CG PVT - CPL 2018 January - 2018 June 212th PVT - 1SG 2019 March - 2019 June 501st PVT - MSG 2019 June - 2020 February 212th Boil - GCXO SFC - 1stLT 2020 June - 2020 October 212th Boil - GCXO 1SG - XO 2020 October - 2021 January 212th 212th BCMD Cody 2021 November - Present 212th WO - XO REGL Obi-Wan Kenobi Naval Recruit - CPO CoE Jedi Padawan - Knight - Master Council Member Saesee Tiin + Obi-Wan Kenobi Staff NA - SA GMO My experience is a tad tedious and i have explained it before, if you want me to detail any specific impact i had let me know and i'd be more than happy to, but here's an overview. I have learnt a lot of things across every place i have been on the server and strenuously believe that it all contributes to how i am today when interacting with people and when i make decisions. The biggest thing to cover is my time as BCMD in the past. I have learnt to not over play the server, keep IRL as the priority and use your team to your advantage that you have. I have learnt from mistakes made in the past and i have many people to thank for teaching me it. My time in 212th as a whole consists of a shit tonne of fun experiences alongside serious ones, and both have taught me how to create and deal with them as they rise. My main thing is that, this is a game, we're here to have fun and build friendships, so lets do that. Again, i'll cover specifics if anyone wants me to. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I should become BCMD because I believe that i’d be a great fit as the definitive leader for the battalion. My experience, alongside new things i have learnt during this period of time would ensure that the battalion is run well, and would continue to thrive as it has for the past few months. My charisma and empathetic personality allows many members of the 212th regardless of rank to confide in me and come to me for any support whenever it is needed. I have had many people come to me in the past for guidance, on and off the game, as well as support in their work or in their improvements as a trooper, and I always get a positive response no matter the problem. In terms of me as a person, I am friendly, kind and always respectable in everything I do. When and if issues arise, they are always dealt with promptly and with the utmost clarity so that the issues do not arise again. As XO i have had the pleasure of interacting with many members about how they want this battalion to be, and have had many compliments on how well i listen and adapt to situations. My amazing NCO corps right now are very expressive about their thoughts, and we continue to listen and adapt, daily, to adhere to a better experience for everyone. I have been trusted enough and put into the XO spot by the previous BCMD to advise and in the future lead the battalion, and have the support of a lot of people in the 212th. One thing i pride myself on is my ability to listen to others and communicate effectively and doing that as a BCMD is arguably the most important thing. I strongly believe that everyone's opinion matters and that everyone should have input where necessary and i make this very clear with talks and meetings in the near past. I have been Cody before, but this does not interfere with the current battalion as things are run differently, and have been adapted to the current climate of the server. Getting past how things are dealt with and run, compared to previous times was a challenge, but one that was overcome. Do you understand the lore of your battalion?: Basic Summary: The 212th Attack Battalion was led by Marshal CC-2224 Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-wan Kenobi. Their Affiliation included the 7th Sky Corps and the G.A.R. The 212th was split up into many sub-units including 2ndAC, Ghost Company (With Waxer’s Platoon) and Foxtrot Republic Commando Group, Which consisted of many notable clones such as: Waxer, Boil, Bear, Barlex, Gregor and so on. Many notable battles included: The battle of Teth, Christophsis, Anaxes, Geonosis 1 & 2 and Umbara. Availability: I have a flexible and varied shift pattern at work. I work 4 10 hr shifts on a basic week so i will be completely available on 3 days. The 4 working days will consist of 2-3 hours on gmod and complete availability on discord. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: As of now, I have played for 2981:54:20 Do you have a microphone?: I do. Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: Community: The 212th are and have always been a tight-knit community of people that get along and I intend to promote this further and keep it the way it is. Yes, we do branch out and work with others but we still have that connection with each other that I want to keep on going. It makes the battalion feel like a microcosm of comfortability where people can chill, RP and play games. That is the whole purpose of the server. How will I do this? Game nights, quiz nights etc etc, hosting in game fun activities like my training course i made ages ago. Simple ideas, effective results. Leaning into this, i base my decisions in the battalion based on votings, and other opinions that can be respected a lot. Everyone has a valid opinion whether its agreeable or not, so gathering as much as you can helps to build a strong community, whilst listening to the needs and wants of the people playing. Again, the 212th is a safe and comfortable place where people can share thoughts and ideas freely, and i intend to exaggerate this into my term. Role play: At times of recent, the 212th have lacked the sense of trooper RP. Yes times have changed, but the RP stays the same and I want to continue to promote it as I have been. As Cody I will have a bigger influence over this, and will be able to instigate many more opportunities that people can learn from. We are already pushing an incentive for people to exercise and our more lore heavy sub-units are creating more and more roleplay opportunities as we progress. Roleplay comes with experience and time, so there is no hope for a change overnight, but a gradual and positive change over the next few months. Officer promotions: At the moment, in order to get into an officer position in the battalion you have to go through a length process in order to do so. This has already been changing under my directive as XO to make it more accessible for CSM's to progress, and allow SNCO's to get accustomed to more leadership orientated roles as they are promoted. Alongside this i will want to play around with officer promotions and the standards that are held for them in game. I believe that your officer rank should correspond with how you are in game as well as out of it, and we will be assessing promotions with a heavy in game consideration, contrary to how it is now. Member retention: Before the update, 212th was in a awful recruitment time and we had little to no recruits so we worked on members already in the battalion to lay foundations for a hopeful update. As a result of it, we gained a lot more recruits and our numbers are continuing to rise, so now working on retention of those players is a big deal. A few things can be covered here. There will be a new incentive to host entertainments and training for both NCO's and Officers, in the way of a change in the merit system and a recommendation based system that contributes to your promotions. Alongside this, we have recently made a small training part of the tryout mandatory, to teach new recruits about how we work in events and missions, so they feel more comfortable and it is easier for them to settle into our fights much better. On the other hand, retention takes time and no doubt this will last way through and past myself as XO onto the next BCMD. These a few things that i have started with my HC team and battalion already as XO, and plan to fulfil them as Cody. Obviously i will think of things to do and others will to, but this is the start. The 212th has always been a big team of players enjoying their time here, and i plan to bring that into full force more than anything. Any questions on these, feel free to ask. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes. Shoutout to the COMMONWEALTH
  6. 4 - Fun, active and engaging. 3 - Looked easy enough to set up and you managed well on your own. 5 - Server ran perfectly. Fuck you Memesoon yank.
  7. Been waiting for this day for a while. Go get it padawan! BIG +1
  8. Name: Mason Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): LOA - 12th July - 18th July Reason: I am going on holiday. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  9. Who helped (If applicable): No Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): No Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Two stage attack, supply ship, advanced ship, ending with some cinematic duels Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: 1-5 Care and Effort: 1-5 Server Performance: 1-5
  10. Fun shoot em up that was simple and had stages to it. I enjoyed it a lot. Gameplay - 4 - Fun and enjoyable Effort - 3 - Looks like a low effort simple event that payed off (not a bad score) Performace - 5 - Low pop, good dupe nice spawning.
  11. Hands down one of the best RCMD's there has been. Siege is just awesome right now, and you have been a key factor in all of that. You're active, welcoming and have a great character overall. +1
  12. RP Name: Mason Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 20 Timezone: GMT What was your previous staff rank?: SA Are you currently staff on a different server?: No. Why did you leave the staff team?: I left due to a lacking desire to make more and more events, due to many reasons I wont go into. It was a mix of IRL free time and lack of server activity. Why do you want to re-join the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): However, my free time is a lot better now and I'm playing the server a lot more. I have a good amount of experience with events and being a staff member, I'd love to spread my knowledge and help out wherever necessary. I feel the desire to make events and help out a lot more, so that's what I'm here to do. I also just miss being a staff member on down time. There is a lot of instances where things cannot get sorted and I feel useless just waiting for an admin for other people. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): It was okay. I made my quota'd events, ensuring I jam packed them with RP and action, to keep the server entertained, and I took A LOT of tickets, I was a very active staff member, ensuring thigs ran smoothly and problems were resolved when they would pop up. I wish I did more deployments, so that is what I'm back to do. I was a responsible, and mature member of the staff team that upheld the community well in my opinion. Do you understand by reapplying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes I do. If you are reapplying for the rank of SA, are you aware that applying will opt you in to becoming a Game Master? (Failure to opt in to GM will drop you to the rank of Admin): Yes I do. Link us to a document for a deployment (Event Server) that you will execute as a gamemaster: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-fHEeDFXxTo0PdkhOv7VM-ZyIU5N2OR4w7CS4m9kE0o/edit - Something to continue working on. - I tend to make a document for an event like 3 days before I start to make it, so this is an example ill provide but finish when I do deploy. Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (optional): Here is 4 completely different styled events I did. If you need to see anymore, I am more than happy to post some in the comments.
  13. @Shockpoint I miss our RP so much man. You as maul was overpowered. That being said shoutout to all my old GC homies. @Carson@Whisper@Prophet@Punisher@Cabrera@Valkyrie@Kurama@Sarius@Guttler@Eagle@Comics <3
  14. MasonA

    Population event

    4 - It was fun, i love these things when its downtime, and theres NO harm in having shoot em ups. 3 - Not that there wasnt care, but it was easy to do and easy to execute! 5 - Server ran fine. GG
  15. So, Some of the first times i interacted with Bane, I painted a bad image of him, when talking to others and having minimal interaction with you when i came back. However i got to know you, and respect you a lot. I think the grand majority of 212th know you well enough now and can see that you do take advice, and guidance when needed and can give it out pretty good too. I have told you this and i have also told you how much respect i have for you, and said how i am looking forward to see how you take the battalion. Especially with Jedi, and we have some fantastic plans set up for it. I genuinely can't wait. 212th is and always will be a close knit group of people that know each other well. Over the past few months i have watched you develop into a player that has a perfect mix, in my opinion, of seriousness and "its a fucking game". You get shit done efficiently and have a lot of drive and aspiration to push the battalion to its full potential. I like what you have planned, and believe that you are currently and will be a great fit for the lead of this battalion. Awesome guy +1
  16. 3 - Fun, idea wasn't boring, health of the bugs were crazy so dumb it down next time. 3 - I mean NOT A BAD THING but it was just spawning and a mini repair so there wasn't much need for loads of effort. GJ 5 - The server ran perfectly.
  17. 4 - Gameplay was fun, we had some good roleplay at times and the combat was decent. 3 - Effort seemed there, the attack was well planned with the umbarans, seemed like a good event that didn't require a LOT of effort (not a bad thing) 4 - Performance was good, no issues really, the attack had some drop but not a big issue.
  18. MasonA

    The Schematics

    5 - gameplay was awesome, nice dupe and good amount of droids. I felt like an actual Jedi General leading clones into a battle! 4 - Effort was put into the dupe and the overall layout of the event, so here's a 4! 2 - Sorry, performance was atrocious but that's out of your hands. The only way to improve performance would be to hinder the event and fuck that so yeah. Keep it up brother.
  19. +1 Absolutely awesome palpy and has a great mixture of getting shit serious and done, as well as having a lot of fun.
  20. Name: Mason Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:121089110 Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 02/04/22 Reason for leaving: Not motivated for staff anymore, don't find it fun to make events etc. Farewells: Nah
  21. 9/10 Man Wow, what an event, seriously the pinnacle of simple idea, executed by a master GM. Thank you for hosting and letting us have so much free choice.
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