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About Mod'Rata

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  1. 10/10 Love the effort and time you put in to hold this event. Thank you very much.
  2. Wow that was pretty hard to read, thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share some of the experiences you've had while playing with us. I hope to see you on both the TS and Server again Cloud. Its been a blast playing with you on and off these last 3 years. Your leadership of the 41st, despite how others view it, has been extremely fun and competent. Thank you for being yet another great commander of the battalion! Love, Mod'rata
  3. Wow this mission was soo cool. What a fuckin, amazing fucking event. 8/10.
  4. Nice job bro! I enjoyed the Vehicle repair roleplay! 8/10
  5. Mod'Rata

    Dono Boogaloo Pt1

    The event was very well done. I like that there was genuine explanation behind what we were doing. The objective was straight forward, and it felt like there were multiple parts of the area we were able to interact with if we so chose to. 8/10
  6. 9 I like the Recon droid storyline you have going, can't wait to see where your campaign takes us ;P.
  7. I +1 this, its a very nice to allow a recon Battalion do what they're meant to do, icly it'll be interesting to see how the playerbase interacts with said base items and what not. One of the better ideas I've seen suggested lately, however I think that it definitely needs to be expanded upon, so that people understand exactly what restraints you can have on going outside of the base. Because the counter argument seems to be that you can't just go out of the base willy nilly. Which I understand, but logically there would be patrols consistently throughout the day around the base. So, would this maybe work better as a patrol system rather than some type of recon system? Allowing up to a certain amount of patrols to be out at a time like 3-4? Thats really all I gots to say
  8. My forum name is my rp name, my ooc name is Wellington.
  9. What....yeah you have the wrong person Josh, on the other side of your legit criticism, what do you think I could add to my application? Thanks for that part, anything helps.
  10. Yes, of course, however; At what point was I Erotic roleplaying, I'll admit fully I'm a joker. But I've never gone to the extent of harming the community via a supposed "Minging" Nor have I ever Erotically roleplayed...lol
  11. Erotic Role playing? I seriously think you may have the wrong person here?
  12. RP Name: Mod’Rata Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24224675 Age:19 Gender: I'm a Male, you fools. Timezone: (PST) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I honestly think I want to be an administrator because of the learning process. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and something I just honestly haven’t been able to do. Whether it be time restraints or whatever, I think this is the best time to sign on for administration. I as well think my ability to roleplay, along with do events quite well and realistically; will help me get to Gamemaster if I’m accepted. Honestly the last part is just for doing something new, as I said before I’ve got the maturity and the ability to do whatever really needs to be done for the server. However I really do believe that if I’m able to be accepted I’m going to need help at first, because I know near to nothing, even if I have previous experience. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I’m 19, just leaving High School, and moving on to the big bad world. I play sports, video games, and I also have weight training for football. I’m a relatively active both within the gaming community and obviously, real life. I’ve also got a pretty cool car, its black and stuff. I mean come on, you guys gotta tell me you want a black car too, right? Do you have any previous staff experience? Yeah, quite a bit of servers have allowed me to join the staff team, purely to learn about how it works. I know whats up, but adjusting to this server is gonna take a while.
  13. Alright, so, yes, I did follow what you're doing. You're disliking other peoples posts without having the ability to input any genuine criticism. (Something I really need.) As to why you've done such a thing, I honestly cant answer that. Why dislike in the first place if you don't have a logical argument to put in place to defend yourself?
  14. I don’t see how you can jump to the conclusion that I’m childish, if you obviously have never spoke to me before, jumping to conclusions shows childish actions as well, but I guess that’s fine because you’re not the one making the application. Lol
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