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Everything posted by Thexan

  1. Thexan


    -1 Nothing but drama and a crater in a battalion came from you playing here. You signed up for your ban, and unfortunately the ban is permanent and should stay.
  2. We had many arguments, like the time you had to get off brcause of mac and cheese, but this is a rough one. Welcome to the nursing home.
  3. Don't forget to call me. I want my grandkids to visit me!
  4. -1 This entire application is vague and a majority of it is lip service using the basic idea of working as a group. Nothing in this application shows direction, and it seems more likely that the battalion is going to continue to function as if it had no leader.
  5. Thexan

    Tech's Time?

    -1 So first off, why you linked a deadspace weapon as lore is pretty memey. Secondly, all you need to do to RP as tech is type the /me's that you've always done as a TECH trooper.
  6. Thexan

    Main Discord

    -1 The same thing could be said about discord... If the discord is down, the forums probably won't be. That and considering the fact that there are discords for every group on the server, so if you need to get in touch, you can with what we use currently.
  7. Thexan


    rough times out here
  8. +1 Started drama, toxic, and clearly intent on harassment.
  9. -1 Where to begin... This application is bland and generic, and any original points made aren't where I think any battalion should be headed. In the application, for the "Why should you become a Battalion Commander?" section, all you've done is state the job of the battalion commander and some givens in terms of what someone who might want to become a battalion commander might be doing. What sets you apart from the rest? That you wrote an application? Honestly, the haste in typing this up shows, and ultimately makes it hard to support you in getting this position. For my more concerned thoughts, you're essentially gutting the battalion in favor for some sort of council from what I can tell. I'm all for taking opinions and listening to leadership below the top, but giving officers who have everything to gain from ousting someone in a position isn't something that I can see working. You might ensure it is upheld for a time, but more than likely you won't stay on top of it or one of your successors will let it go unmanaged. Next, you've put down "Insert Regimental leads" From what I can tell, you mean to replace people, which is probably the case. Then again, this isn't something you should state on the application, if only because, again, it's a given for a BCMD to maintain this. This mentorship program is pointless if only because officers should always be looking out for NCO's, preparing them for getting into leadership in the battalion. If officers in the battalion aren't already doing this on their own, they shouldn't be officers. Honestly, I'd keep breaking down these parts of the application, but to put it in a brief but blunt way, these points are fluff. There seems to be little real direction under your leadership, which in my opinion would lead to stagnation and a lack of movement in the battalion.
  10. Giving this attention seeking meme any negative rep goes against getting the fool back for pinging me in the middle of a very long winded minus one. God damnit Sanchez.
  11. +1 Clearly a man that can bring this copy paste battalion to heel and give it a sense of originality and purpose among a server that lacks roleplay in most aspects. The actions of Grum locking him at SGT and refusing to allow even the BCMD to promote him was a shame. There is no man who can be more even handed then him, and not giving him the shot to fix tbe battalion is a mistake.
  12. -1 So as stated by Fizzik, there needs to be some lure to Base Commander, and while I agree that is true, his rank equivalency shouldn't be it. He already has the final say on everything in the base, (correct me if I am wrong, but that was how it was put to me.) The server as a whole doesn't seem to agree with him being over BCMD's because, he doesn't do much. Sure, he oversees the facilities and some trainings, but in terms of how these things are run, battalions tend to do more of the work in the regiments he has staff in, such as medical and engineering. All of these things could and more than likely should be run by the battalions, and that is so that they don't have to rely on four to five people that they don't share a group with, nor common playtime or easy access to communications with them. In short, BO CMD shouldn't hold REG equivalency because the group as a whole shouldn't be included in the server, if not for the lack of need functionality wise, even more so because of the lack of lore that came along with adding this group. From what I can tell, clones themselves ran their own bases, with no single group in charge of the base. With that in mind, I can't justify them holding much pull in the hierarchy.
  13. +1 With recent events, Scarecrow is the obvious choice. Originally intending to wait a bit, he's now having to make this application. With that being said, there is no more deserving master than himself in the council to get Yoda and I have the confidence to say he will do the order proud.
  14. -1 Sadly, the app leaves much to be desired on top of the fact that your only position of leadership, Neyo, left the 91st in rough times whether it be in numbers or in terms of organization. I don't think you have what it takes to be BO Commander.
  15. There's a huge problem here, and that is that you are acting as if Maverick is an HA or has been one in the past. He has not, and even then his stream was promoting minging and rule breaking. Forget for a second the adverting, but if someone randomly went and did this, making problems for as long as Maverick did, they'd of been perma'd. How many times did he evade arrest? This all coming from a guy who should and does know better than to minge and break server rules in the way he has done so. Letting him off because there are people who have gotten away with perm ban offenses, or because he was staff less than a week ago is idiotic in my opinion. He shows little to nothing in the way of being apologetic, and clearly only put this up because he thinks he hardly did anything. Letting him off with a lighter punishment creates a precedent for anyone to resign, minge, and get away with it. Anything less than 3 months would make this a joke in and of itself.
  16. -1 Unless you want to find and pay a modeler, I can't see this happening.
  17. +1 Honestly, what made the map unbearable was the forced rp with sith/converted jedi. With them gone, the giant cave where the crystal cave can be used for the main trials, Knight/Youngling while the branches can either use the sparring rooms and or the cave itself. (Dupes as well if it is allowed, directors weren't happy with the giant dupes spawned.) Performance wise, I can see the arguement, but I had no issues with performance and I can at least assume that with the population maxing out regularly when the map was used, it wasn't crippling drops in performance.
  18. -1 You had every intent to be inflammatory and no intent to play on the server normally. Plain and simple, any other minge would get this treatment, and you are no different from them.
  19. Thexan

    Captured Cody

    0/10 Frankly, it seems like your events kind of run themselves and they don't really work within a roleplay aspect. I'd like to point out that you first came to me about my character being the hostage without any sort of roleplay being involved. When I brought this up, your solution was to strip my weapons and comms while cloaked in admin mode. I hate to come down harsh on you like this, but that is absolutely fucking retarded. Gone are the days when events and event chains built up into something palpable. This event was lazy, and is a good example of where events are as a whole for the most part.
  20. -1 All the reasons above. (At work, can't spend long typing.) @Chop I can get behind a debate, but arguing on the app constantly only deflates your opinions and makes you seem petty. Please stop replying.
  21. -1 Breaking server rules and going for a BCMD position right after that doesn't sit well with me.
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