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Everything posted by Thexan

  1. That mess of a post can't beat this. Here's a letter that dares not let Pythin off the hook. It's all here: the compromises, the backstabbings, the attempts to spread ruin widely through the land. Whoa! Don't stampede for the exits! I promise I'll get to the main topic of this letter, Pythin's loquacious précis, in just a few sentences. I simply feel it's important first to provide some additional context by mentioning that you may be wondering why the most simple-minded barbarians you'll ever see latch onto Pythin's cock-and-bull stories. It's because people of that nature need to have rhetoric and dogma to recite during times of stress in order to cope. That's also why any rational argument must acknowledge this. Pythin's baleful op-ed pieces, naturally, do not. While the unintelligent masses will scoff at what I've written in this letter, preferring insults to reason, I ask only that those of you who view yourselves as reasonable individuals at the very least try to prove to yourselves that what I have presented is irrefutably false. If you cannot, then you must cede me my point that Pythin is becoming ever more audacious in his unappeasable hatred of us.
  2. If you want drama, let's talk about the fact that I'm already Putin.
  3. No, I already came back. You have to wait.
  4. Some big gay right here. Yeet
  5. A public demotion happened. We can finally do another public execution! Dues vult!
  6. Best Neyo? He can have third place. +1
  7. Tacos are only good if they are soft tacos. I'm sensitive and if you have a different opinion on tacos than I don't want to see it in this low iq sub forum.
  8. Yeah, same here. I just didn't want to bring my memes to this wholesome thread
  9. Be easy, I got paid yesterday. I got you.
  10. I disown you for allowing or even thinking about eating a ghost pepper without me.
  11. Kissing isn't part of the bind. Short and simple, ERP is sexual in nature, licking something randomly is failrp. Dick isn't a bad name, any other form of the male genitalia should be considered ERP from what I can tell. Context is all and this was mishandled ban wise. (Staff members enforce rules, not their will. If the name is fine, he doesn't have to listen.) +1
  12. -1 Where to begin with this. Well for a start, you are drama itself. The way you present yourself is completely unbearable to a good many people in this community, myself included. I get fair chance and everything, but the grudges you hold and the complete lack of leadership that I have witnessed from you takes the cake on that one. I myself have been in a good many positions, and while I know for a fact that I haven't done the best I could, even at most peoples worst, they would top what you can do at the top of a battalion. You could be the funniest guy in the world, but you lack what a leader needs, and that is being able to make people follow you. You were quick to downplay the 41st however long ago it was that you stated, but at the same time, you were part of the problem that you talked about. People have stated excessive soundboards despite being told by the BCMD not to use it, and whatever else. Nobody gets to the top without listening and being able to work together to make things happen. From what I can see, you blame your lack of action on being told not to do things the way that you want to by Egg, but I would say that you should have been doing what he told you to do, whatever that might have been. You had a rank to assist Egg, not just throw ideas into the fold. You don't have to be happy about how something is going if it is working. Some might argue that Egg and his leadership is inactive, and it might well be true, but in all my two years in this community I haven't seen a battalion as stable as the 41st in numbers and in leadership. People come to stay when the join the battalion. (For the most part.) Lastly, I'll talk about my own issues with you. Your grudges over some of the simplest shit I have ever witnessed is a big one. Another is that you have the common sense of an infant. You post shit that doesn't need to be anywhere on the internet because you somehow think that the community needs it, drama posts included. Hold a grudge if you want, respond however you want, but I won't be changing my vote on it. A battalion like the 41st needs competence, not an immature person who lacks the basics of leadership.
  13. Who invited the EOD trooper to the ship.
  14. Thexan

    +1 on CMD app

    You aren't because the forum mods didn't say anything you cluster fuck of uncultured pork
  15. Thexan

    +1 on CMD app

    It was moved to spam center you uncultured swine
  16. Thexan

    +1 on CMD app

    I wasn't trying to roast you, just not really memeing atm. This being in general discussion threw me off to whether you were serious or not though.
  17. Thexan

    +1 on CMD app

    Sometimes they might just have that angle without prior experience to use on criticism. Banning this would have to include -1's for being a bad guy.
  18. +1 Memes go to far, but he could grow into something better.
  19. Sometimes the truth stings.
  20. Fuck, I do everything you stated in your post.
  21. -1 bad sense of humor :Weeb: +1
  22. Thexan

    Not epic

    Any meme with epic gaming died today. Rest in peace and god rest this valiant meme that only wanted to be used at the correct times and not all the time for the attention of star wars RP players.
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